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c3:secrets:notes [2019/04/20 13:58] Cinderc3:secrets:notes [2019/06/10 13:59] Cinder
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-Your Voyage: +Sages are made from correctly admisnistered infectionwhen done wrong it turns people into infected monsters.
-You are setting sale to the new world, weather to meet up with family, take on the adventure, as +
-security, running from the lawSpreading your faith wishing to learn new science/ magic, for the +
-high pay day or you woke up in one of the barrels after a heavy night drinking you are now on your +
-voyage. +
-your captain and red headed young woman Tabaxi by the name of Delta. A tall proud strong +
-draconian by the name of Bemin as her first mate. Maria the elf navigator, Zyllis the stores man, +
-Robert the cook and Sai the watching eye. Oh an a very large owl named Remington perched on the +
-back of the ship. The rest simple crew members dressed in vests and perhaps a few new faces that +
-have joined you on your journey. +
-3 days in and in the dead of night your ship is set upon by unkown assailants. Pirates? They are after+
-something on board. You get up to fend them off as you sword your way through the lower decks. 
-As you reach the main deck with the rest of your crew you are caught with a sight of an unspeakable 
-creature you see as bodies of your crew and the pirates that have boared as stuck in this things goey 
-flesh, screaming for help, Delta, Maria, Bemin, Zyllis, Robert and Sai are no where to be seen, you 
-fight with everything you have but one by one your friends are mangled and tossed overboard by 
-this creature as the boat begins to sink nto the dark waters. You hear a roar as the beast comes 
-down upon you and then nothing. 
-you wake up to the click clank of the familiar sound of a train going over tracks. You and come too 
-with no physical injuy and all your equipment you brought with you on your voyage. The last thing 
-you remember is being set upon in the night, you can’t recal why you where on the boat or where 
-you where going, you only remember your name and the names of your captain and the first mates 
-Bemin, Sai and Maria, Robert, Zyllis. You are slightly damp. 
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 Upon infection the target has 1 D12 days +3 to get rid of it or become part of the garden \\ Upon infection the target has 1 D12 days +3 to get rid of it or become part of the garden \\
 in the first few days you are unable to eat and when you do you throw it back up in a black spew that wriggles and writhes on its own, you will starve but still be unable to eat. disadvantage on Con saves. \\ Futher days later you are unable to contrl your body at times. before your turn roll a D20, on an Odd number the DM decides your turn. \\ in your last days your skin will start to fall off reviling a red fleshy exoskeleton as you slowly start to morph into a livion hornet.  in the first few days you are unable to eat and when you do you throw it back up in a black spew that wriggles and writhes on its own, you will starve but still be unable to eat. disadvantage on Con saves. \\ Futher days later you are unable to contrl your body at times. before your turn roll a D20, on an Odd number the DM decides your turn. \\ in your last days your skin will start to fall off reviling a red fleshy exoskeleton as you slowly start to morph into a livion hornet. 
 +Zonotar: 5 Days
 +Lekoglo: 7 Days
 Only a few places can cure the virus, proffessor Stem, Tier 2 sages, and some beholders. Only a few places can cure the virus, proffessor Stem, Tier 2 sages, and some beholders.
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 **Insight Mechanics** \\ **Insight Mechanics** \\
 Characters have thier total inteligence equal thier Insight score, if proficent in Insight they get a permanent bonus to this score equal too the normal bonus. \\ Characters have thier total inteligence equal thier Insight score, if proficent in Insight they get a permanent bonus to this score equal too the normal bonus. \\
--1: Level 0 Your character instantly gets infected with the livion virus+-1: Level 0 Your character instantly gets infected with the livion virus \\
 -7 or less: Level 1 Your character cannot comprehend any celestial being but they will still interact with you they are completely invisible to you.. you are very subsetible to the livion virus but immuned to any pcy damage from celestial beings. \\ -7 or less: Level 1 Your character cannot comprehend any celestial being but they will still interact with you they are completely invisible to you.. you are very subsetible to the livion virus but immuned to any pcy damage from celestial beings. \\
 -11 or less: Level 2 your charcater has difficulty wrapping thier heed around the celestial beings. you gain resistance to pcy damage from celestial beings but weakness to Virus and dessies take an extra damage from attackes from Livion creatures\\ -11 or less: Level 2 your charcater has difficulty wrapping thier heed around the celestial beings. you gain resistance to pcy damage from celestial beings but weakness to Virus and dessies take an extra damage from attackes from Livion creatures\\
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 30: Level infinity you become an Orphan 30: Level infinity you become an Orphan
-John: 10+1 11 Level 2: Resistance to pcy damage. disadvantage on sickness saves, extra 2,3,4,5,6 Necrotic damage from Livion creatures \\ +**John:** 10+4 15 Level 4: Weakness to pcy dmg, disadvantage against fright, advantage on medicine saves, Entities appear transparent and other items can be seen or seen for there true purpose \\
-Lekelgo: 11  Level 2: Resistance to pcy damage. disadvantage on sickness saves, extra 2,3,4,5,6 Necrotic damage from Livion creatures \\ +
-Vicnemem: 14+3 17 Level 4: Weakness to pcy dmg from Orphans, disadvantage against fright, advantage on sickness saves, Entities appear transparent and other items. \\ +
-Robert: 10+4+1 15 Level 4: Weakness to pcy dmg from Orphans, disadvantage against fright, advantage on sickness saves, Entities appear transparent and other items. **Proficiency Bonus** \\ +
-Tao: 9+3+1 13 Level 3: no effect, **Proficiency Bonus** \\ +
-Zonatar: 8-1 7 Level 1: Auto sickness if hit by it, Immunity to pcy damage, +
-Temporary Insight bonus Points\\ Certain events can add temporary insight pointsthese points go away after a few hours. \\ Seeing a lots get converted +2 \\ Slaying a lost or drowned creature +1 \\ Seeing a drowned Beholder +4 \\ Seeing an Orphan +\\+**Lekelgo:** 11  Level 2: Resistance to pcy damage. disadvantage on medicine savesextra (Player level+3) Necrotic damage from Livion creatures \\
-Permanent Insight bonus\\ Certiant events can permanent increase your intelligence score. \\ Slaying an orphan +1 \\ Seeing an outer entity +2 \\ Entering the town of Paract +3 \\ Entering the city of Seiko +1 \\ Slaying one of the turned crew members +1 \\ first entering the land of exilis.+**Vicnemem:** 14+3 17 Level 4: Weakness to pcy dmg from Orphans, disadvantage against fright, advantage on sickness saves, Entities appear transparent and other items can be seen or seen for there true purpose. \\
-Decrease Insight bonus\\ Orphans and Drowned beholders have the ability to drain your int score with special attacks.+**Robert:** 10+4+5-5 14 Level 3: you are normal, you can see the celistial beings when they want to be seen and are normally resistant to the virus\\
 +**Zonatar:** 8-1 7 Level 1: Auto sickness if hit by it, Immunity to pcy damage, 
 +Temporary Insight bonus Points: \\ Certain events can add temporary insight points, these points go away after a few hours. \\ Seeing a lots get converted +2 \\ Slaying a lost or drowned creature +1 \\ Seeing a drowned Beholder +4 \\ Seeing an Orphan +4 \\
 +Permanent Insight bonus: \\ Certiant events can permanent increase your intelligence score. \\ Slaying an orphan +1 \\ Seeing an outer entity +2 \\ Entering the town of Paract +3 \\ Entering the city of Seiko +1 \\ Slaying one of the turned crew members +1 \\ first entering the land of exilis.
-Foes: +Decrease Insight bonus: \\ Orphans and Drowned beholders have the ability to drain your int score with special attacks.
- +
-Humanoids that have lost their light and have somehow become stronger because of it, be wary as they are unpredictable, they could be drowned in +
-isolation or desperate to reclaim what can never be +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-====Bossess==== +
- +
-^ Skidir, Kraken Dragon of the abyss  ^   ^ ^ +
-^ AC| 22 Natual armour  | Languages Understands Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, And Primordial But Can't Speak, Telepathy 120 Ft. | +
-^ HP|546 + 546 |Damage Immunities Lightning; Bludgeoning, Piercing, And Slashing From Nonmagical Weapons | +
-^ Speed|40ft Swim 60ft | | +
-^ Stats|Str +10 Dex +0 Con +9 Int +10 Wis +4 Cha +6 | | +
-^Attack| | | +
-^ Passive|Senses Truesight 120 Ft. 14 |Saving Throws Str +17, Dex +7, Con +14, Int +13, Wis +11 | +
-^Abilities^ +
-|Condition Immunities  |Frightened, Paralyzed| +
-|Multiattack |The kraken makes three tentacle attacks, each of which it can replace with one use of Fling| +
-|Bite |Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (3d8 + 10) piercing damage. If the target is a Large or smaller creature grappled by the kraken, that creature is swallowed, and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the kraken, and it takes 42 (12d6) acid damage at the start of each of the kraken's turns. If the kraken takes 50 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the kraken must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 10 feet of the kraken. If the kraken dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse using 15 feet of movement, exiting prone | +
-| Tentacle|  Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 30 ft., one target. Hit: (3d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage. The target is grappled (escape dc 18) Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained. The kraken has ten tentacles, each of which can grapple one target| +
-|Fling | One Large or smaller object held or creature grappled by the kraken is thrown up to 60 feet in a random direction and knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes a solid surface, the target takes 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and be knocked prone.| +
-|Lightning Storm. | The kraken magically creates three bolts of lightning, each of which can strike a target the kraken can see within 120 feet of it. A target must make a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. | +
-|Frightful Presence |  Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.| +
-|Legendary Actions |Kraken can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Kraken regains spent legendary actions at the start of their turn. Tentacle Attack or Fling.The kraken makes one tentacle attack or uses its Fling. Lightning Storm (Costs 2 Actions).The kraken uses Lightning Storm. Ink Cloud (Costs 3 Actions).While underwater, the kraken expels an ink cloud in a 60-foot radius. The cloud spreads around corners, and that area is heavily obscured to creatures other than the kraken. Each creature other than the kraken that ends its turn there must succeed on a DC 23 Constitution saving throw, taking 16 (3d10) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A strong current disperses the cloud, which otherwise disappears at the end of the kraken's next turn. | +
- +
- +
-Challenge 23 (50,000 XP) +
-Amphibious. The kraken can breathe air and water. +
-Freedom of Movement. The kraken ignores difficult terrain, and magical effects can't reduce its speed or cause it to be restrained. It can spend 5 feet of movement to escape from nonmagical restraints or being grappled. +
-Siege Monster. The kraken deals double damage to objects and structures. +
-Actions +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-^ The Sky Crawler Uru (ooo-roo)  ^   ^ ^ +
-^ AC| 00    Natural Armour | +
-^ HP|00 | | +
-^ Speed| | | +
-^ Stats| | | +
-^Attack| | | +
-^ Passive| | | +
-^Abilities^ +
-| | +
-| | +
-| | +
- +
-an Outer entity from a plain of pure suffering and endless sky. its the only thing the resides in this plain anything else that enters is merely an unwelcome guest. +
- +
-^ The Sleeper Syn-Sigalian (See-e-an Sig-alien)  ^   ^ ^ +
-^ AC| 00    Natural Armour | +
-^ HP| 00 | | +
-^ Speed| | | +
-^ Stats| | | +
-^Attack| | | +
-^ Passive| | | +
-^Abilities^ +
-| | +
-| | +
-| | +
- +
-An outer Entity from a plain of true silence. the sleeper is always asleep so it can see all in its nightmare realm, it can drag other creatures into this realm it sees may provide further insight to its every expanding knowledge. +
- +
- +
-^ The Sea's Eye Norgrous (Norg-o-rus) ^  ^ ^ +
-^ AC| 16    Natual Amrour | +
-^ HP|52 + 52 | | +
-^ Speed| | | +
-^ Stats| | | +
-^Attack| | | +
-^ Passive| | | +
-^Abilities^ +
-| | +
-| | +
-| | +
- +
-^ The Havester Nyala (Nah-ah-la)  ^   ^ ^ +
-^ AC| 00    Natual Amrour | +
-^ HP| 00 | | +
-^ Speed| | | +
-^ Stats| | | +
-^Attack| | | +
-^ Passive| | | +
-^Abilities^ +
-| | +
-| | +
-| | +
- +
- +
-^ The Havester Nyala (Nah-ah-la)  ^   ^ ^ +
-^ AC| 00    Natual Amrour | +
-^ HP| 00 | | +
-^ Speed| | | +
-^ Stats| | | +
-^Attack| | | +
-^ Passive| | | +
-^Abilities^ +
-| | +
-| | +
-| | +
- +
-Daughter of Stem +
- +
-^ The Havester Nyala (Nah-ah-la)  ^   ^ ^ +
-^ AC| 00    Natual Amrour | +
-^ HP| 00 | | +
-^ Speed| | | +
-^ Stats| | | +
-^Attack| | | +
-^ Passive| | | +
-^Abilities^ +
-| | +
-| | +
-| | +
- +
-Lumen Monk +
- +
-^ Orphaned Bemin  ^   ^ ^ +
-^ AC| 00    Natual Amrour | +
-^ HP| 130 + 130 | | +
-^ Speed| | | +
-^ Stats|Str +5 \\ Dex +5 \\ Con +3 \\ Int +7 \\ Wis -2 \\ Cha -2 | | +
-^Attack|Claw: 2 D6 +5 , +7 to hit | Bite:  2 D4 +5 , +7 to hit , Must succeed a DC 15 dex save or be eaten, take 1 d4 phycic damage every turn, if hit with a bludgeoning attack spew the target back up.| +
-^ Passive| | | +
-^Abilities^ +
-|Multi Attack | As a bonus action Bemin can attempt a bite if it hit with his claw attack.| +
-|Souless Roar: |Creatures make a Con DC16 save against being deafend and take and extra 1 D8 Force damage on a fail.| +
-|Birth |Bemin spews up 1 d4 giant eggs, the eggs hatch into Infertile beings, Players must make a DC 12 Wis save or be frightened, Spawn have 10HP| +
-|Spawn Grappel|the spawn will attempt a grappel of DC 12, on a fail they latch on to the target creature and perform a bite dealing 1 D4 pcycic. +
- +
- +
-Judging Jorgan +
-Kraken Maws: \\ +
-A creature that has had its name forcibly forgotten by many sailors, for saying its name may present its rage upon your ship. a creature of waterlogged skin and covered in hideous gaping mouths filled with human teeth. it holds no morals and no quarter, it will sink any ship that it is commanded to sink. +
- +
-Unspekable maws \\ +
-HP 150 + 100 \\ +
- +
-Str 17 +3 \\ +
-Dex 16 +2 \\ +
-Con 16 +2 \\ +
-Int 20 +5 \\ +
-wis 9 -1 \\ +
-Cha 7 -2 \\ +
- +
-Claw swipe \\ +
-+6 hit \\ +
-3 D10 +3 \\ +
-10ft range \\ +
-Bluginoning \\ +
- +
-Bite \\ +
-+6 hit \\ +
-2 D10 \\ +
-Piercing \\ +
- +
-Souless scream \\ +
-Creatures make a wis DC18 save against being frightened.+
-Sai the Smiling 
-The Mind, Body and soul Livion 
-Orphan Princess 
-Overseer Worm. 
-====Personal Lantern's==== 
-**John's Lantern** \\ 
-Your lantern starts with a bonus 100 Lumens \\ 
-while you have your lantern on you you can read Abyssal but cannot speak or write it \\ 
-While you have your lantern Equipped your flight speed cannot be hindered by magical or non magical means for you and your mount. 
-**Zonatar's Lantern** \\ 
-While your lantern is equipped you can add 1D4 to any strength check or save you make once every hour. 
-**Robert's Lantern** \\ 
-Your lanterns starts with a bonus 100 Lumens \\ 
-while your lantern is equipped you can cast one spell per a short rest for free and if it uses an action it can now use a bonus action. 
-**Lekegolo's Lantern** \\ 
-Your lantern starts with a bonus 100 Lumens \\ 
-While your lantern is equipped you can add 1D4 to any strength check or save you make once every hour. 
-**Vennum's Lantern** 
-Your lanterns starts with a bonus 100 Lumens \\ 
-while your lantern is equipped you can cast one spell per a short rest for free and if it uses an action it can now use a bonus action. 
-Your personal lantern, guard it with your life. \\ 
-Only the owner can open the lantern. \\ 
-**once per long rest** if you succeed deaths saves you revive to full health. on failed saves you revive to half health and loose 30 lumens. \\ 
-If you fall in battle you will loose 50 lumens and be automatically stabilized. \\ 
-Provides 20ft of dim light \\ 
-If your lumen count reaches 0 the lantern goes out and cannot be re lit, you character will suffer the lightness status. 
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  • Last modified: 5 years ago
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