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Name Boots
Race Half-Elf
Gender Male
Nationality Meshelan

Character Information

Born 2nd Monday of Firewane 12307
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Languages Common
Affiliations Blackfyre
Profession “Professional gatherer of information”

Physical Description

Height 180cm (177cm w/o boots)
Weight 70kg
Skin Light tan
Eyes Brown
Hair Short grey

Boots is most recognised by.. you guessed it, his boots. They're a very well made and looked after pair of adventuring boots made of black leather.

In his youth and early days in the Blackfyre corporation, before they made their way to Mor-Thir. Boots gained his nickname from an embarrassing event which he has buried from public knowledge. These days he just points to his fancy boots and claims they're the reason behind the name. Rumours are if you're good friends and with enough drink he may let slip the real reason behind his name.

After many years of service he was one of four scouts sent to each capital of Mor-Thir in 12337, assigned to Sunwood in Covania, the first stop for the corporation during its expansion from Ostrov.

Boots is mostly working as an informant and intel gatherer for Blackfyre, while also running the tavern front to the shady business.


  • character/boots.1686034842.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 12 months ago
  • by Kyle