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character:calamity:class_details [2019/01/06 20:17] Cindercharacter:calamity:class_details [2019/05/02 16:08] (current) – removed Kyle
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-As a Blood Mage you gain the following class features. 
-Hit Points \\ 
-Hit Dice: 1d8 per Blood Mage level \\ 
-Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier \\ 
-Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Blood Mage level after 1st \\ 
-Proficiencies \\ 
-Armor: light \\ 
-Weapons: Simple weapons, melee martial weapons, and light crossbows \\ 
-Tools: None \\ 
-Saving Throws: Charisma, Constitution \\ 
-Skills: Choose two skills from Investigation, Persuasion, \\ 
-Equipment \\ 
-You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: \\ 
-(a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts \\ 
-(a) an explorer's pack \\ 
-(a) Leather armor \\ 
-(a) an arcane focus \\ 
-^Level^Spell Slots^Cantrips Known^Spells Known^Infusions Known^ 
-|1 |1|3|2|-| 
-|2 |1|3|3|2| 
-|3 |2|3|4|2| 
-|4 |2|3|5|2| 
-|5 |2|3|6|3| 
-|6 |2|3|7|3| 
-|7 |2|4|8|4| 
-|8 |2|4|9|4| 
-|9 |2|4|10|5| 
-__**Blood Mage Abilities**__ \\ 
-[[npc:decota:Calamity]] is naturally talented with magic and studied the paths of Blood Magic. 
-Spellcasting Ability: \\ 
-Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your blood mage spells, so you use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a blood mage spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one. 
-Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier 
-Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier 
-Spellcasting Focus: \\ 
-You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your blood mage spells. 
-**1st Level: Blood Spell-casting** \\ 
-As a Blood Mage Calamity can learn 3 cantrips from the warlock spell list. \\ 
-Cantrips Learned: \\ 
-Chill Touch 1 D8 Necrotic another D8 added at 5th, 11th and 17th levels 
-Eldritch Blast 1 D10 Force 
-Extra beams at 5th, 11th and 17th levels that can be focused or spread to multiple targets. 
-Mage Hand  
-**2nd Level: Blood Infusions** \\ 
-As A bloos mage Calamity can infuse her flesh with spells known as blood infusions, she can choose 2 and on each level up she can choose to swap one out for a diffrent one. \\ 
-Slow Fall: Calamity gains the ability to cast Feather fall at will without needing spell slots or items. 
-Swift Swing: Calamity can attack twice each time she uses the attack action. 
-**3rd Level: Blood Deal: Resolute Mage Alt** \\ 
-Blood Mages can make what is known as a blood deal to study in a specific school of blood magic. 
-Blood Cleanse: Calamity can use her action to end one effect on herself that is causing her to be blinded or poisoned. Calamity also has advantage on effects that petrify her. 
-**4th Level: Ability score increase or feat** \\ 
-Feat: Alert \\ Always on the lookout for danger, you gain the following benefits \\ 
-You can't be surprised while you are conscious. \\ 
-You gain a +5 bonus to initiative. \\ 
-Other creatures don't gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being unseen by you. 
-***6th Level: Sacred Sacrifice** \\ 
-Surrendering the ability to learn 2nd or 3rd level spells (loosing any she has already gained) she can choose two more blood infusions. This cannot be undone and these infusions cannot be switched out. 
-Bloody Rebuff: when Calamity is targeted by an attack, spell or effect she can use her reaction command to do necrotic damage to them equal to Charisma modifier + Constitution Modifier.  
-Leach: Calamity can extend her power through her Demonic eyes as a bonus action, allowing her to heal herself by harming foes around her. For 1 minute, whenever she deals damage she regains hit points equal to her proficiency bonus. This brand may only be used once every turn, and calamity can regain use of this brand after she finishes a long rest. 
-**8th Level: Ability score increase or feat** \\ 
-Ability Score: Constitution +2 
-**10th Level: Primal Juggernaut** \\ 
-When Calamity is reduced to 0 hp her primal blood is unleased as a desperation move. \\ 
-She may expend all hit dice she has currently, provided she has at least one left and gain half that amount in hp (rounded up), and temporary hp equal to the remaining amount. \\ 
-She is forced into a feral state forcing her to defeat the foe who reduced her HP to 0 before changing targets. \\ 
-When changing targets Calamity must succeed a DC 10 Wisdom Saving throw, if she fails her next target is picked at random from friend or foe and she must attack them. \\ 
-If Calamity’s HP is dropped to 0 while she is in this state her body disapates and she will vanish for 7 days before reappearing in flames. Calamity must finish a short or long rest before she can use this ability again. 
-**11th Level: Blood Learning** \\ 
-Calamity’s knowledge of spells and their effects has expanded greatly since she started spellcasting. \\ Calamity may learn two 4th level or lower spells from the wizard spell list which do not count against her number of spells known. 
-Spells Learned: \\ 
-Cause Fear: \\ The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you. The frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs. \\ 
-At Higher Levels: You can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them. 
-Jump: The Targets Jump distance is trippeled until the spell ends. 
-**12th Level: Ability score increase or feat** \\ 
-Ability score: Charisma +2 
-**13th Level: Battle Ready** \\ 
-when Calamity enters combat her body instantly responds to her battle urges releasing a heavy dose of adrenaline into her system. After rolling your Initiative roll, Calamity will gain temporary hit points equal to her blood mage level + 5, these temporary hit points vanish after combat, this can happen twice before Calamity must finish a short or long rest to reuse this ability. 
-**14th Level: Restore Vitality** \\ 
-when Calamity finishes a short rest, she may regain spent hit dice equal to her Constitution modifier (minimum 1). She may use this feature once, and she regains use of this feature after she finishes a long rest. 
-**15th Level: Pain is Power** \\ 
-when Calamity takes damage, she can use her reaction to deal half the damage dealt to her to another creature within 60 feet of her. \\ Calamity can regain use of this feature after she finishes a short or long rest. 
-**16th Level: Ability score increase or feat** \\ 
-Feat: Tavern Brawler \\ 
-Constitution +1 \\ 
-You are proficient with improvised weapons. \\ 
-Your unarmed strikes can use a d4 for damage. \\ 
-When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike or an improvised weapon on your turn, you can use a bonus action to attempt to grapple the target. A grapple check is a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the target's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. 
-**17th Level: Magic Mind** \\ 
-Calamity’s mind has become quick and complicated compared to before she started her journey as a blood mage. You are now considered proficient in Wisdom saving throws and have advantage against being charmed. 
-**19th Level: Ability score increase or feat** \\ 
-Feat: Tough \\ 
-Max HP increased by 38. \\ 
-Whenever you gain a level thereafter, your hit point maximum increases by an additional 2 hit points. 
-**20th Level: Magic Renewal** \\ 
-Calamity’s spells can now heal her for small amounts of health. When she casts a spell using Blood Casting or using a blood mage spell slot, she regains hit points equal to double the spell slot level the spell was cast at. 
-**WIP Spell** 
-At level 17 \\ __**Blood Lightning**__ \\ 
-Instead of learning any 7th or 8th level spells Calamity has a signature spell she created herself called Blood Lightning. 
-Blood Lightning is much more powerful and is far more dangerous then any spell a mortal could think up. \\ It has a Area of effect at 15 feet in a square. \\ 
-If Calamity has a recently decesed body within 60ft of her she can spend 1 hit dice a spell slot of 6 or higher and an action to cast this spell. \\  
-On cast targets in range make a dexterity spell save throw, on succsess they only take half damage, if they fail they take normal damge and catch Necrotic fire. \\ 
-If the spell hits she can expend a Hit dice to cast the spell immediately after the first in the same action to the same target with no need for a new roll to hit. anyone that succseeded the first save takes no damage. \\ 
-Blood Lightning conducts in water/ Metal and can start fires like normal lightning, fire started with blood lightning has a black core with crimson edging. \\ 
-This fire burns away life force and is resistant to water. \\ 
-If a creature catches this fire thier maximum hp is reduced to the current HP and take 1 D6 damage to thier maximum health each turn until they are dead or holy water or a spell of equal likeness is cast ( spells to dispell negitive status for example) on the victim and wich point thier max HP return to normal but they do not heal the diffrence \\ the victim is panicked while on fire and if they run into another creature the fire spreads to them \\ Holy people, Paladins and creatures with holy amulets are immuned to this fire and it fizzels out on them. 
-She can only use this ability once per turn and not if she has only 1 Hit dice left.