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Ravi J Decota

Content Used
*Player's Handbook
*WotC Affiliate Homebrew
*Tasha's Cauldron
*Eberron - Rising of the last war

Name/Titles: Ravi J Decota
Class: (Hunter,Druid,Barbarian)
Nationality: Corvanian

Character Information

Background: Slayer
Born: 3rd Friday, Highsun, 12,060
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Languages: Common, Infernal, Dwarvish
Draconic, Abyssal, Drudic
Gear: Simple & Martial Weapons,
Light, Medium Armour, Shields
Saves: Strength, Wisdom
Profession: Retail, Hunter
Affiliation: Blood Hunter, Fellowship of the Alicorn
Faith: N/A

Physical Description

Height: 4.7ft / 145cm (Medium)
Weight: 224lbs / 102kg
Complexion: Dark
Eyes: Yellow/Black
Hair: Red
Gender: Female

Story & Champaing Apperances

Story Apperance
Decota Tale's Personal Stories
Rise of Narkul Player Character
Ravi's Service C1 Epilogue


Level 17
(11 Hunter)
(2 Druid)
(1 Barbarian)
(3 Ranger)
Base Score
InitSpeed Prof
+3 60ft +6
Health Armor ClassP.Perception
00 18 25
19(+4) 17(+3) 18(+4)
14(+2) 18(+4) 7(-2)

Bold Stat = Proficency in Stat

+4 Medicine
Animal Handling
+4 Nature
+8 Perception
+15 ADV
+10 Performance
-2 Persuasion
+2 Religion
+10 Sleight of Hand
-2 Stealth
+13 Survival

Bold Stat = Profficeny in Skill

Spell/Ability Modifier

Ability: Wisdom
Save DC Modifier
18 10

Ravi, a crimson haired Shifter with a high skill for tracking and deep-rooted bloodlust. Shifters are said to come from the lands far off the eastern shores.
With Bright crimson hair, large fox ears and tail, dark complexion and monstrous eyes, Ravi makes quite the first impression. She is never seen without her Singora eagle Remington, who has been with her since birth.
Abandoned at a young age, found years later by a pack of Blood Hunters who took pity on the lonesome child. Ravi grew up with the hunters who found her.
Hunting monsters was part of everyday life, Learning to track, trap and slay with all types of creatures, their weaknesses, strengths and ways to cure ailments they caused. The rest of the world passed her by. Like many other hunters Ravi never left the Dark woods of The south, Hunters were seen as unusual, unnatural, not treated kindly unless their services were necessary.
Ravi Lived a very slow life, she seemed to age incredibly slowly, most around her figured it due to her “Demonic” blood, Completely unnoticed was the war between nations, it was only when the demons poured forth from the gates of Hell did she and the other hunters take notice.
She wanted to fight but her Guardian, Decota, Forbid it, her training was not yet finished and although she showed great strength and skill she still had more to learn and Decota would not have a child in war.
Most of the Hunters left that day, only returning occasionally and always in fewer numbers, eventually only a handful returned bringing word of betrayal by Corvania and its leaders. almost all hunters left that day on the same ships they arrived in a generation ago. Ravi stayed behind as her Guardian had not returned and vowed to find him and burry him properly if need be, that was the first day Ravi took flight on Remington's wings and it would not be a sensation she easily lets go of.

Present ready Ravi has taken her Guardian's name as her family. She has moved away from a life of brutal slaughtering and taken up hunting treasure instead. Working as a retail store owner that specialized in the trade of magic items. With her soul partner Remington she has carved a life out for herself.
Her store located on the borders of Corvania and Reton. She spends the peak of the trade season each year at her store making coin and a name for herself.
Ravi never lets her skills as a hunter dull, during trade she journeys to the nearby dungeons to sharpen her blade and her bloodlust. When not at her store she flies on the wings of Remington looking for tough monsters to slay in exchange for coin, Bounties of monsters terrorizing villages, taking part in large hunt seasons, Anything that promises combat.
Tracking prey is Ravi's natural habitat, track, locate, kill. this is what she has done for much of her life and its hard to change. Moving from hunting live creatures to shiny items has helped to a point but normally those items are being guarded by monsters to slay so the thrill of taking life is ever present.

Ravi is a mild mannered woman with a few anger issues, She is intelligent despite her appearance and is always aiming to prove herself.
Primal blood runs through her as a shifter, heightened by her demonic heritage and the lycan blood pact she made when part of the Blood Hunters, Some would call her a bomb ready to go off and they would be right, Ravi has trouble keeping her mood and bloodlust under control especially in the heart of combat. She meditates regularly and takes medicated potions to dull and numb her temper as to keep the beasts inside under control.
Ravi doesn't take kindly to following orders, preferring to work alone with Remi. anyone else is extra weight that causes situations, slow downs and arguments. She handles any social situation as any other, not changing words or tones between more or less important people and will not hesitate to draw swords if things go south.

Ravi's favorite thing to do aside from hunting is soring above the clouds on Remi's wings. silence and wind she swears she can hear the gods mumble and chatter when up there. Ravi wonders how the gods see her.

Before Ravi opened Decota Tails Her time with the Blood-hunter pack taught her skills in hunting, tracking and swordplay. Her skills and impressive mark count eventually earned her the title of slayer. Ravi specializes in the tracking and hunting of monstrosities and unfavorable gods. During her time as a hunter Ravi traveled the lands on Remi's wings hunting down her marks for money as slayers never work for free. A primal urge to fight and overcome many foes. that's what drove Ravi the most, the opportunity to become stronger than anyone else, No more fear, no more worry, anyone that crossed her would meet their end. Ravi was ruthless, Many other hunters blamed it on the Lycan curse she was born with. In truth it was merely a decade of pent up rage being let loose upon unfortunate creatures.

Monstrosities were Ravi's mark of choice, the most grotesque and unknown of beasts, Slaying creatures such as these was no easy feat even by Hunter standards but Ravi took it with pride, taking hunts solo… well…solo with Remi. Remington had grown up much stronger then ever before. he was fully-grown in a matter of years due to the essence of the pack. Only Remi herd Delta's cries, high above the clouds where no one else could hear she broke down in the calmness and stillness of the thin air. God-Hunter was the title given to her after she started hunting down cults both evil and good. Delta hung the bodies of the dead in a sacred hunter shape as to curse their souls. bound and facing down, the blood of those hung this way drains down back to earth, chaining the souls from passing onto the afterlife, it is an evil burial and should only be saved for those most wicked not deserving the peace of death.

Ravi Inner Thoughts

Remington has been my only adventuring partner for as long as I can remember, so I'm used to making all the decisions, suddenly being put in a situation working with others with their own ideas will be a major adjustment. I am often underestimated due to my appearance. I'm often the loudest in the room and will pick fights with anyone in an effort to show my dominance, I reckon its cause of this I end up in more trouble than I like.

Shiny Magic weapons are what i live for these days, I love the craftsmanship of a good blade and the story that comes with it.
Becoming a Smith has crossed my mind on multiple occasions however my small body and large amounts of flammable fur mean its not a very suitable occupation.
However I am in the businesses of finding, Trading and selling magic items and that's been a joy.

During my time in the pack I have earned my share of scars, The hunters strongly believed in the power of weaving magic into ink. Most if not all Hunters have these types of magic tattoos. They were often rewards for my work

I cannot lie, the thrill of the hunt is what beacons me out of bed most days, As soon as a grip a sword i can feel the spark of bloodlust surging within me as the craving to take life fills my mouth.
my blade meeting flesh, the warm splash of blood….its getting me flustered just thinking about it…i tend to loose myself in the heart of combat, when i feel most alive is when i am taking other life….its true beauty…most people think i struggle with my inner beasts but in truth, i love the feeling of cutting free of my binds and letting my anger and hatred loose…we should probably stop talking about it now…

If there is one thing i like more then the thrill of the hunt its the pleasure of love, im a grown women i can admit that yes i do crave the ecstasy of making love. i have children as evidence. Before i met the man i love i had a few flings here and there but they always ended badly with my lycan form taking over normally mid session and not many people are into sex with a wearwolf…

My parents? after the war I Tried to track them down to no avail, I have no idea where they might be now but if i ever do find them i will be sure to make them pay for leaving me alone. The one who raised me, My master, his name was Decota, he found me under the bridge scrapping by on trash to live, he took me in, trained me, gave me a life I could be proud of, a life that was my own.

For the small work I do I have been tied up in some dramatic nation wide drama. My lycan blood is a small bother compared to dealing with civil wars and liches. I am now wanted by a multitude of groups for crimes I am not even sure i actually committed.
Churches reject me, adventures disown me, the people fear me and the nobles think me a disease. its not easy being this wanted.

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  • Last modified: 21 months ago
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