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Elisia Kindread

Content Used
[1] Player's Handbook
[2] Xanatha's Guide to Everything
[3] Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
[4] Source: Plane Shift - Amonkhet
[5] WotC Affiliate Homebrew - ThinkDM
[6] Homebrew

Name / Titles: Elisia Kindred
Class: Kraken Warlock
Storm Sorcerer
Species: Yuan-Ti (Naga)
Eldritch Patron
Nationality: Islander

Character Information

Background: Librarian
Birthday: 2nd Thursday, Firemoot
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Languages: Common
Can Read any type of Writing
Tools: Artisan's Tools (Calligrapher Supplies)
Gear: Simple Weapons, Light & Heavy Armor
Saves: Constitution, Charisma
Profession: Fate Weaver
Local Mage
Affiliation: Fate's Weave
Faith: Kraken
Serpent Empress

Physical Description

Type: Monstrosity
Height: 11ft (Upright) 40ft (Head to Tail)
Weight: 7250kg / 15,980ibs (Overweight)
Size: Huge (3×3)
Complexion: Purple Scales, Orange underbelly
Eyes: Green
Details: Orange Underbelly
Gender: Female


Partner: Unknown
Daughter: Vip Kindred
Kakatine Kindread

Other Quirks

Favorite Food: Grilled Salmon
Favorite Drink: Highdusk Dark 1)
Games: -
Hobbies: Reading
Collecting Landscape Art
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Music: Epic Orcastra

Stories & Campaigns

Curse of Straud: International Player Character
Life after Brovaria: Personal story


Level 13
7 Warlock
6 Sorcerer
Base Total
InitSpeed Prof
+020ft +4
Health Armor ClassP.Perception
148 23 22
16(+3) 8(-1) 20(+5)
18(+4) 17(+3) 23(+6)

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat

-1 Medicine
Animal Handling
+3 Nature
+8 Perception
+3 Performance
+6 Persuasion
+4 Religion
+7 Sleight of Hand
+10 Stealth
+9 Survival

Bold Stat = Profficeny in Skill

Spell/Ability Modifier

Ability: Charisma
Save DC Modifier
18 10

Stories say there is an ancient library hidden deep within the mist where the trees grow thick. Stories are easy but to find this Library you must get lost yourself.
Beware, The library may contain almost limitless knowledge on everything known and unknown, it is guarded by a terrifying creature of scales and venom. A great serpent, Outclassing the size and stature of Giants. She goes by many names, some inspired, others rude, but friends call her Elisia.
Fate's Weave it is a special place told in many stories, often hunted by adventures for its vast knowledge, however hardly any ever find it, and no one has yet left alive. Devoured by the libraries keeper.

A normal Naga growing up but the problem was she never stopped growing. a side effect of her time in Brovaria her size and stature has grown and keeps growing. Her Library can magically acomidate her ever expanding size but she has long since outgrown the common mortal's inferstructure. Perhaps she may move to an Elemental plane to live with the giants.
Her size is full of faults and frustration and all her attemps to stop or reduce her growth have failed, Something about divine intervention.

Elisia spends most of her time isolated. Despite this, her rare trips into the world have ganared a massive cult following as well as stoked the rumours of her library. Adventures, worshipers, hunters from all over the lands come to catch Elisia and her elisive Library. Many suitors come to win her affection. the other more devoted have started to worship her as a goddess.
Her job to keep prying eyes away from her library couldn't be made simpler with a form such as hers.

She is regal and posh, an aura of expensive perfume with the jingle of jewelry follow wherever she slithers.
She enjoys large feasts, good books, shiny jewelry and magic parchment. a study of storm and eldritch magic she is always looking for new literature to add to her library and expand her knowledge.
A lady of high society she cannot stand “ruffians” or those “Ill-mannered” a slap is soon to come to whoever behaves disrespectful in her presence. Elisia hates being hungry, always having a storage of snacks nearby, the amount of books in her library and home are only matched by the snacks stashed around the place. quite the picky eater. her growing figure is accompanied by a growing appetite, its quickly becoming a major problem to find meals suitably sized for her.

Elisia hopes to become a powerful mage, Mastering the power of the storm and her slithery heritage to become powerful enough to defend her Library for all time.

Life After Brovaria
Elisia returned to the Promised Archapeligo altered by the lands of Brovaria. Perhaps she only has herself to blame making deals with hags and cursed books and eating angles is sure to leave anyone with lasting alterations.
Once simply a large Yuan-Ti Naga lady now a huge serpent monster with spider like legs and an extra set of arms. despite to dramatic amount of extra limbs and growth Elisia mostly remains herself.

Returning to her Library as quick as she could to recuperate the long months she spent in Brovaria. A overdue bathe, Burning of what was left of her clothes and organising the items she had picked up.
Her enhanced size was no issue for the Library, able the magically conform and change to its master's desires but other things such as pens, books and food and other creatures were noticeably much smaller than they once were. Imminently none of her outfits could fit her huge frame so a trip to the tailor was in order.
But wait. While a large Naga could get by with some long stares and vulgar comments a Huge serpent spider monster may prove too much to ignore.

So over the next few weeks Elisia was hard at work adjusting to a new lifestyle.

It was becoming increasingly obvious she would have to move her library, The misty woods were no longer an optimal spot and so she set out to find a large cave or similar.
Chasing a few goblins from there home Elisia manage to find a large enough cave system, Shallow enough to not get lost.

There was one problem that she would have to take care of first. A small group of Goblins made their home in the cave. It turned out to be easier that she thought. the Goblin traps were almost ineffective against her size and her power far outmatched the dozen green gremlins. None were killed and they all left in a hurry once they realised the battle was lost.

Elisa is a mysterious librarian based in the Promised Archipelago the inhabitants know little about the Library save its hard to find and off limits to most.

My Library
My Library, Called Fate's Weave, its a marvelous place. I hardly ever step outside. I bury myself in books all hours of the day, fiction, study, ancient cursed texts I read them all and read them again. My patron gives me the power I never need to sleep.
I am a Hermit i have no shame to admit that. the outside world is unaccommodating to a Naga such as myself, much less one as large and vulomtious as me.

Entertaining Trespassers
Adventurers are always looking for this place. hoping to steal some grand artifact or learn ancient secrets. I often allow my illusion magic to fade when I am hungry, free delivery is always apricated.

Finding a Good Book
Whenever I do leave my lair its always a good idea to look for new books. A lot of the less important and more mundane text books tend to go under my hunters eyes. so its up to me to grab any I find when I can. I would often travel to local libraries on the Mainland of Ostrov and Mor-Thir, Though lately with the rising tension and my dramatic appearance change its become a lot harder to the point where its no longer safe for me to leave the Archipelago.

Clothes that Fit
I have never seemed to cease growing, weather it be related to that hag magic or just genetic luck I have become far too large for the common man's world. Most houses I have no hope of entering, I tend to stay near the biggest window and peak my head in.
clothing is not as hard to find as you may think. plenty of tailors are accustomed to crafting clothing for large figures of all types, It merely takes more time and gold.

For a fair few years I had an extremely persistent rival, chasing magic books of power during my peak of collecting. I never saw his face or even knew his name. I only knew he was also studding eldritch magic and had a library to fill. but without warning his presence and bids seemed to have vanished overnight…now thinking about it. it was right around the time Greyhawk Declared independence. I have little idea how the two events are related.

A Worthy Meal
My growth has been accompanied by a larger apatite. although it was manageable some months ago its quickly become my number one concern. i am no hunter. recently I have had to pillage the local farm lands of their cattle and other livestock. it was so embarrassing, and my greatest fear is I cannot find a permanent solution, becoming a common beast to be put on a quest board by a angry farmer then hunted by level 3 adventurers.. the Horoorrr

Serpent for Hunt
Its been a troublesome few months. My presence in the archipelago has reached the nearby settlements. a few farmers and tradesmen have put a bounty on my head. “The Monstrous Serpent” they call me. and quite a low reward I must say. 120Gold for my head. They must think me some simple Baskilisk or rogue Naga.
I! I only took a few cattle…here and there. It was ages ago I was hungry and had not sorted out a suitable way to sustain myself.
Two adventuring groups have intercepted me during a stroll through the misty woods. both parties relatively new adventurers

This sweet spicy wine is almost black in color and has a very high alcohol content
  • character/elisia.1702525904.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 6 months ago
  • by Cinder