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Iblee Lonestar

Content Used
[1] Player's Handbook
[2] Xanatha's Guide to Everything
[3] Tasha's Cauldron of Everything

Art by Cinder-Lonestar


Name / Titles: Iblee Lonestar
Class: Artillerist Artificer
Species: Water Genasi (Ellgarhi)
Nationality: Off-World

Character Information

Background: Bounty Hunter
Born: 4th Sunday, Reapwane
Alignment: True Neutral
Languages: Common
Tools: Tinkerers Tools
Calligrapher's Tools
Gear: Simple Weapons
Crossbows, Firearms
Saves: Constitution
Profession: Delivery service
Affiliation: Nil
Faith: Nil

Physical Description

Type: Aberration
Height: 219cm / 7.1ft
Weight: 196kg / 432ibs
Size: Medium (1×1)
Complexion: Pink flesh
Details: Purple Marks
Eye: Purple
Hair: Nil
Gender: Female


Parents: -
Siblings: -

Other Quirks

Favorite Food: -
Favorite Drink: -
Games: Video Games
Hobbies: Art

Stories & Champaings



Level 5 Base Total
InitSpeed Prof
-330ft +3
Health Armor ClassP.Perception
00 00 00
9(-1) 4(-3) 13(+1)
20(+5) 14(+2) 15(+2)

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat

+0 Medicine
Animal Handling
+0 Nature
+0 Perception 1)
+0 Performance
+0 Persuasion
History 2)
+0 Religion
+0 Sleight of Hand
+0 Stealth
+0 Survival

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill

Spell/Ability Modifier

Save DC Modifier
00 00

A Female lifeform form a far off dimension or planet? Iblee doesn't know exactly where her home world is anymore, with the constant shifting through dimensions; willing and unwillingly She has long since lost her home world.

Iblee is chill, Living a life of good vibes, Music, food, Guns and alot of internet. Living alone, Her house is her palace. Not tidy but not hoarder messy either. lots of knickknacks, cool figurines, collectible cards, ship parts and weaponry chaotically ordered around the house. Iblee lives a silent life, the noise of internet videos always filling the house even while she sleeps. keeping the silence out is Iblee's biggest job.
A mask of confidence and relaxed attitude hides her low self esteem and swirling negative thoughts. She always chastises work, going on and on about how much she hates it. Unable to commit to anything productive on her days off to the point silence starts to invade her thoughts, looking forward to the next work day cause that at least distracts her.

An interdimensional food delivery lady, working for just above minimum wage. She travels through wormholes to get your food to you where ever in the multiverse you may be.
Wormholes are temperamental things and she may end up getting stuck in a time or dimension for a while until the next one opened up.

Armed with weapons from the distant future. Magic; as most realms understand it, is completely “Alien” to her.
She takes a lot of pride in her weaponry, just shy of giving them names. Any chance she gets to flaunt or use them she takes.
They come in handy when her deliveries get raided or dealing with angry customers.

Her current residence, a small rustic house in-between dimensions, along the path that most travel. Its furnished with everything she wants aside from company.
Iblee gets quite lonely in her off periods, that's why even though the work is hard and the pay is bogus she sticks with her job. Meeting new people keeps her mind off herself.

Stuck in Felwind
A few months ago Iblee was once again caught in an involuntary plane shift. This time, turning up on a planet called Felwind, On the continent of Mor-Thir.
Passing herself off as an Artificer to explain her advanced weaponry. Aside from that she has dressed her tech up a bit to look more in line with the local culture.
Her appearance however has been harder to hide, Eventually settling on the story of “Parents were a cyclopes and gensasie” Although she has turned heads it hasn't been a huge problem yet.

Iblee is working as a bounty hunter during her time in Mor-Thir. Eagerly awaiting the next opportunity to leave and get home.

Before the task of Delivery service Iblee was a highly experienced bounty hunter.
with her slew of gadgets and ability to travel through dimensions there were not many who could evade her hunt.

Home Sweet Home
Home is…Complicated. I want nothing more then to leave work early to relax on my couch with snacks and steams. but when i get home its only a few hours before that creeping dread starts to crawl up my mind. I can't shower, I cant even sleep unless there is some background noise of a video or streamer.
Music doesn't help, i need a casual voice. I rack up alot of channel points and often my phone is flat by the morning. at those points I wish I was back at work.

Lost in the Multiverse
It wasn't long after i learned of my dimension hopping abilities that i lost my home planet. the only things i managed to grab before being sucked through the gate was some scraps of information about our history.
As far as i have looked these details don't match any others database yet. they have either not herd of my species at all or we are exceedingly rare

A Ship called StarStorm
I use my own vehicle for deliveries. its been tuned up quite a bit over the years from the various places i visit. it can handle most interstellar travel and even has a warp drive. its my home away from home, suited with a living space and supplies for any trips i make or have to make.

Gunplay and Gadgets

I get quite a few days off, normally I'm just on call for any delivery in my area, the pay is very good considering the amount of work involved. getting lost in the multiverse the boss still always can reach my contact and give me deliveries to do. I dunno if that's good or bad but at least its consistent.

My Boss
Somehow my boss always knows when and where the wormholes open up too. I have only learned how to get to and from my house but aside from that the boss plans out my route for delivery.

I get so many assumptions, nobody seems to know what i am so they take almost anything I do as odd. I wanna clear a lot of the common questions I get right now.
1: no, depth perception is not an issue, my eye is much more advanced then typical species and quite capable of all functions and more.

  • character/iblee.1701143677.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 6 months ago
  • by Cinder