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character:jack [2023/11/09 11:04] – Wearbeast to Werebeast Kylecharacter:jack [2024/06/09 19:51] (current) – removed Cinder
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-{{tag> werebeast npc oxtrad }} 
-====== Jack Silvesta Griffith ====== 
-<WRAP left> 
-<WRAP center> 
-[[character:jack:gallery|{{character:media:gallery_icon.png?65 |}}]]  
-<WRAP info right 25em> 
-**[[resource:books|Content]] Used** // \\ 
-  *Player's Handbook \\ 
-  *Text \\ 
-  *Text \\ 
-  *Text // 
-<WRAP clear /> 
-For a secrets page use [[user:moonloaf:jack]] 
-<WRAP box right 25em> <WRAP centeralign> 
-===== Jack ===== 
-{{ wiki:media:template.png?200 |}} 
-^Name| Jack Silvesta Griffith  | 
-^Race| Lycan (Werebeast)  | 
-^Gender| Male  | 
-^Nationality| [[faction:oxtrad|Oxtrad]] {{:faction:flag-oxtrad.png?35 }}  | 
-<WRAP centeralign> 
-=== Character Information === 
-^Class| ?  | 
-^Born| ?  | 
-^Alignment| ?  | 
-^Languages|Common\\ ???\\ | 
-^Affiliations| [[location:dogs_bowl|Dog's Bowl]] \\ [[faction:Welington|Welingotn Family]] | 
-^Faith|???\\ | 
-^Profession|Adventurer (???-???)\\ | 
-<WRAP centeralign> 
-=== Physical Description === 
-^Height:| 181cm \ 5.9ft  | 
-^Weight| 151kg \ 332ibs  | 
-^Size:| Medium (1x1) | 
-^Complexion:| Ash Black with Tan Pattern | 
-^Eyes:| Dark Red  | 
-^Hair:| - | 
-^Details:| Scaring over left eye | 
-<WRAP centeralign> 
-=== Family === 
-^Parents:| Unknown | 
-^Partner:| <del>[[character:welington|Annabell Welington]]</del> | 
-^Children:| [[character:galatea|Galatea Griffith]] | 
-<WRAP centeralign> 
-=== Stats === 
-^Level|0\\ (Class A 0)\\ (Class B 0)\\ || 
-^  Ability Scores  ^^^ 
-^  Saving Throws  ^^^ 
-| Acrobatics (Dex)       | +0  | Medicine (Wis)         | +0  | 
-| Animal Handling (Wis)  | +0  | Nature (Int)           | +0  | 
-| Arcana (Int)           | +0  | Perception (Wis)       | +0  | 
-| Athletics (Str)        | +0  | Performance (Cha)      | +0  | 
-| Deception (Cha)        | +0  | Persuasion (Cha)       | +0  | 
-| History (Int)          | +0  | Religion (Int)         | +0  | 
-| Insight (Wis)          | +0  | Sleight of Hand (Dex)  | +0  | 
-| Intimidation (Cha)     | +0  | Stealth (Dex)          | +0  | 
-| Investigation (Int)    | +0  | Survival (Wis)         | +0  | 
-<WRAP centeralign> 
-=== Spells === 
-^Save DC^Modifier^ 
-^Cantrips|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | 
-^1st lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | 
-^2nd lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | 
-^3rd lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | 
-^4th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | 
-^5th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | 
-^6th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | 
-^7th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | 
-^8th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | 
-^9th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | 
-<WRAP centeralign> 
-=== Spell Slots === 
-^1st lvl^2nd lvl^3rd lvl^ 
-^4th lvl^5th lvl^6th lvl^ 
-^7th lvl^8th lvl^9th lvl^ 
-Jack, A born werewolf living in Oxtrad. The silver snowy canine man is very reserved. Despite being owner of a bar he hardly makes any time for small talk. \\ 
-Rumors surround jack like a swam of moths to flame. Its gotten to the point where making up rumours is more fun then actually trying to get Jack to open up. All that is known for sure is that he is a recent widow and has a daughter that he neglects. 
-Jack struggles with his lycanthropy. Being born with it means there is no hope to remove the curse however Jack has yet to embrace it. Meaning he is prone to violent outbursts. The bar is always closed on night both around and on the full moon. 
-Its not sure what he dose when the bar is closed 
-**Bar, Dog's Bowl** 
-**Loss of Partner** 
-/* Remove slashes, asterixs, and this line if you want a secrets page, otherwise remove both lines */ 
-/* [[user:sam:silvesta|Secrets]] */