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character:kazrai [2024/04/25 11:04] Cindercharacter:kazrai [2024/06/09 20:19] Cinder
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 A rather tall woman with short blond hair. Her otherwise simple beige complexation covered in magic markings from head to toe she applied herself, each one offering different boons for her. The art of //Magic Marks// is a rare one in the world. only a few have mastered the arcane and ink enough to translate its power onto flesh. \\ A rather tall woman with short blond hair. Her otherwise simple beige complexation covered in magic markings from head to toe she applied herself, each one offering different boons for her. The art of //Magic Marks// is a rare one in the world. only a few have mastered the arcane and ink enough to translate its power onto flesh. \\
-The talent comes from her past. inherited knowledge from the soul before her own that inhabited this body. She has a small [[location:kazza_marks|shop]] in //Reton// where she sold her services before becoming hitched to //Valour//.+The talent comes from her past. inherited knowledge from the soul before her own that inhabited this body. She has a small  in //Reton// where she sold her services before becoming hitched to //Valour//.
 Kazrai's past is complicated and mostly kept to herself. The details are scarce and the situation unique. It's best not to ask her directly about it. \\ Kazrai's past is complicated and mostly kept to herself. The details are scarce and the situation unique. It's best not to ask her directly about it. \\
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 ==== Background: Scholar ==== ==== Background: Scholar ====
-Kazrai has spent many many years learning the lore of the multiverse in an effort to understand all there is to understand and more importantly make sense of things that do not. Professor Kazrai Stem has scoured the lands in search of manuscripts, studied every scroll she got her tentacles on, and sapped the knowledge from the greatest experts on the subjects of Godhood, Dreams, Magical items and other topics that interested her. All of Kazrai's efforts, all of the years she has spent toiling away in her spire studying every word on every page, every experiment conducted, every reaction, every hypothesis tested has made Kazrai a master in her fields of study relating to the eldritch old gods and other topics of interest. \\ +
-Before her family, Kazrai was defined by her research, work and extensive studies. Devoted to her life of study and pursuits of further knowledge. She once valued knowledge above everything else and showed little restraint in obtaining it by any means she deems fit. But family and motherhood have ever so slightly softened her demeanour and now knowledge is pursued ever so slightly less obsessive.+
 **Change in Contract** \\ **Change in Contract** \\
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 //My Dominion over all knowledge is absolute, Only time stands in my way// //My Dominion over all knowledge is absolute, Only time stands in my way//
-//My precious school, it is truly everything I desire and represents all my work, Knowledge is fine but the opportunity to pass the knowledge onto the worthy few....I must say the idea seemed foolish when first presented to me however I have....grown fond of it. I can be myself with my students, no need to hide. Most students desire to learn out ways their fear of the strange and unknown, they remind me of myself. Work to keep my university staffed and running is a satisfaction i have not had the pleasure of knowing before. \\ Sea spire university has pushed me to peruse new forms of stimulation. I always found that most information I read is spread across many different scriptures and its often slightly incorrect or contradicts itself. I have devoted some of my time to creating my own line of tomes, books and scriptures to sell or gift to those I find worthy. If I ever were to meet my untimely end then these books and my spire will set my legacy in stone.//+
 // I find myself easily distracted by the idea of learning something new, I used to think it normal I have noticed that now its starting to cause me to falter in judgment. I got caught in a trap because I blindly followed the path to an ancient book and my students now seem to play games with me. I must get a better hold of myself but how can I when any whisper of knowledge is worth hearing. \\ Mortals for the most part are terrified of the strange, the unknown and especially the different. I originally theorised it was simply due to my likes when experiencing it first hand, but I have begun to notice that now mortals are hunting and killing each-other just for looking different, its a waste of energy and seems idiotic but it is a real threat, some of my students have fallen to this fate also.// // I find myself easily distracted by the idea of learning something new, I used to think it normal I have noticed that now its starting to cause me to falter in judgment. I got caught in a trap because I blindly followed the path to an ancient book and my students now seem to play games with me. I must get a better hold of myself but how can I when any whisper of knowledge is worth hearing. \\ Mortals for the most part are terrified of the strange, the unknown and especially the different. I originally theorised it was simply due to my likes when experiencing it first hand, but I have begun to notice that now mortals are hunting and killing each-other just for looking different, its a waste of energy and seems idiotic but it is a real threat, some of my students have fallen to this fate also.//
  • character/kazrai.txt
  • Last modified: 2 months ago
  • by Cinder