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Malice Decota

Name Malice Decota
Race Leonin (Gnoll)
Gender Male
Nationality Islander

Character Information

Class ?
Born ?
Alignment ?
Affiliations Malice's Forge
Decota Family
ProfessionAdventurer (???-???)

Physical Description

Height 203cm \ 6.6ft
Weight 174kg \ 383ibs
Size: Medium (1×1)
Complexion: Dull Red Fur
Eyes: One Green eye, One yellow Eye
Hair Dark Red
Details: Black Markings on Arms


Partner: Cinder Stem
Father: Korak
Mother: Ravi Decota
Siblings: Chaos Decota
Vex Decota
Children: -


(Class A 0)
(Class B 0)
Ability Scores
Saving Throws
Acrobatics (Dex) +0 Medicine (Wis) +0
Animal Handling (Wis) +0 Nature (Int) +0
Arcana (Int) +0 Perception (Wis) +0
Athletics (Str) +0 Performance (Cha) +0
Deception (Cha) +0 Persuasion (Cha) +0
History (Int) +0 Religion (Int) +0
Insight (Wis) +0 Sleight of Hand (Dex) +0
Intimidation (Cha) +0 Stealth (Dex) +0
Investigation (Int) +0 Survival (Wis) +0


Save DCModifier
CantripsSpell 1
Spell 2
1st lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
2nd lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
3rd lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
4th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
5th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
6th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
7th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
8th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2
9th lvl SpellsSpell 1
Spell 2

Spell Slots

1st lvl2nd lvl3rd lvl
4th lvl5th lvl6th lvl
7th lvl8th lvl9th lvl

A scruffy Leonin, Having the appearance closer to a Gnoll most people stay clear of Malice but anyone who knows him knows he is a big softie.

Very into self care Malice spends most of his hours doing what he wants, Outside of work he is very lazy, Rarely included to carry out house work, Ordering in his meals or just scrounging bread and cheese together.

Malice has quite a sophisticated hygiene ritual. Bathing both in the morning and night. He has a huge selection of different hygiene products, Bath salts, conditioners, exotic perfume and other fancy products. The bathroom is mostly his domain, Everything in its place. if ever looking to get Malice a gift bath bombs are the way to go.

Aside from work, hygiene and avoiding chores Malice buries his time in miniatures.

At the forge Malice specialises in repair and appraisal. His crafting skills are serviceable but nothing fantastic. Possibly due to his lazy nature. But given the opportunity his repairs are almost flawless no matter the quality of the item being repaired. He also has quite the keen eye, Able to identify most forged items and their magical properties in half the time a normal smith would. Due to his mother constantly giving him identifying work he has grown to be a master of it.

He met Cinder when traveling to Sunwood on a holiday. A late night at the brothel enjoying the pleasure of company when who but the Madam of the house catches his eye.
Its well known that every Brothel has a lady of the house. other call her the Hostess or Consort, But above them a woman known as Madam G. Seemingly visiting the house of pleasure at the same time as Malice, What luck, Good or Bad Malice wasn't really thinking about that.

Big Momma's boy

Lives in Hazelpost to be with Mother

Twin Brother to Vex

Doesn't know biological father.

Forged Vex's Prosthetic arm.

  • character/malice.1698905025.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 7 months ago
  • by Cinder