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character:mithrandir [2018/12/05 14:08] Kylecharacter:mithrandir [2024/01/12 09:51] (current) Kyle
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-^Mithrandir^^ +{{tag>halfelf bard c1 player reton dead}} 
-^Fullname|Mithrandir+====== Mithrandir ====== 
-^Race|Half Elf| +<WRAP box right 25em> <WRAP centeralign> 
-^Class|Bard (9)| +{{ character:media:bard.png?200 |}} 
-^Age|| +</WRAP> 
-^Status|Alive+Player  Moritz  
-^Joined|Session 8+^ Race    | Half-Elf  
-^Departed||+Gender  Male  | 
 +^ Nationality  | {{:faction:flag-retonemp.png?25 }} Reton  | 
 +<WRAP centeralign> 
 +=== Character Information === 
 +^ Born          | 12308  | 
 +^ Languages     | Common 
 +^ Family        |   | 
 +^ Affiliations  |   | 
 +^ Profession    |   | 
 +<WRAP centeralign> 
 +=== Physical Description === 
 +^ Height  | -  | 
 +^ Weight  | -  | 
 +^ Skin    | -  | 
 +^ Eyes    | -  | 
 +^ Hair    | -  | 
 +++++ Stats | 
 +<WRAP centeralign> 
 +=== Stats === 
 +^Level|9 Bard (Valor)|
 + Ability Scores  ^^^ 
 +^  Saving Throws  ^^^ 
 +^ Acrobatics (Dex)       ^ +7  | Medicine (Wis)         | +0  | 
 +| Animal Handling (Wis)  | +0  | Nature (Int)           | +0  | 
 +| Arcana (Int)           | +0  | Perception (Wis)       | +0  | 
 +| Athletics (Str)        | +1  ^ Performance (Cha)      ^ +7  | 
 +^ Deception (Cha)        ^ +7  ^ Persuasion (Cha)       ^ +7  | 
 +| History (Int)          | +0  | Religion (Int)         | +0  | 
 +| Insight (Wis)          | +0  | Sleight of Hand (Dex)  | +3  | 
 +| Intimidation (Cha)     | +3  ^ Stealth (Dex)          ^ +7  | 
 +| Investigation (Int)    | +0  | Survival (Wis)         | +0  | 
 +<WRAP centeralign> 
 +=== Spells === 
 +^Save DC^Modifier^ 
 +^Cantrips:**|Vicious Mockery, Message, Prestidigitation 
 +^1st lvl Spells:|Animal Friendship, Thunderwave, Feather Fall, Cure Wounds, Dissonant Whispers, Faerie Fire  | 
 +^2nd lvl Spells:|Lesser Restoration, Enhance Ability 
 +^3rd lvl Spells:|Bestow Curse, Feign Death  | 
 +^4th lvl Spells:|Confusion 
 +^5th lvl Spells:|Raise Dead  | 
 +<WRAP centeralign> 
 +=== Spell Slots === 
 +^1st lvl^2nd lvl^3rd lvl^ 
 +^4th lvl^5th lvl^6th lvl^ 
 +====Rise of Narkul==== 
 +Got lucky and unfortunate when drawing from the [[item:deck_of_many_things|Deck of Many Things]] and somehow didn't die after drawing 5 cards. However Mithrandir died from a beholder's death ray in the basement of [[location:greyhawk_keep|Carric’s Keep]]. His body was recovered from the basement and buried at Carric’s Keep after the grounds and Keep were cleared of monsters.
  • character/mithrandir.txt
  • Last modified: 8 months ago
  • by Kyle