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character:nadalia:stats [2020/07/23 11:19] – [Spell Casting] Cindercharacter:nadalia:stats [2020/08/12 12:10] – [Background] Cinder
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 ====Racial Abilities==== ====Racial Abilities====
 [[character:nadalia:race]] [[character:nadalia:race]]
 +====Class Abilities====
 +====Equipment Abilities====
 ===== Spell Casting ===== ===== Spell Casting =====
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-====Class Abilities==== +==== Background ==== 
-[[character:nadalia:class]] + 
-====Equipment Abilities==== +BackgroundSage \\ 
-[[character:nadalia:inventory]]+You spent years learning the lore of the multiverse. You scoured manuscripts, studied scrolls, and listened to the greatest experts on the subjects that interest you. Your efforts have made you a master in your fields of study. 
 +**Skill Proficiencies** \\ 
 +Arcana, History \\ 
 +Tool Proficiencies \\ 
 +**Languages** \\ 
 +Two of your choice 
 +**Equipment** \\ 
 +A bottle of black ink, \\ 
 + a quill, \\  
 +a small knife, \\  
 +a letter from a dead colleague posing a question you have not yet been able to answer, \\ a set of common clothes, \\ and a belt pouch containing 10 gp 
 +**FeatureSpecialty** \\ 
 +To determine the nature of your scholarly training, roll a d8 or choose from the options in the table below. 
 +d8 **Specialty** 
 +  *Alchemist 
 +  *Astronomer 
 +  *Discredited academic 
 +  *Librarian 
 +  *Professor 
 +  *Researcher 
 +  *Wizard's apprentice 
 +  *Scribe 
 +**Feature: Researcher** \\ 
 +When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of lore, if you do not know that information, you often know where and from whom you can obtain it. Usually, this information comes from a library, scriptorium, university, or a sage or other learned person or creature. Your DM might rule that the knowledge you seek is secreted away in an almost inaccessible place, or that it simply cannot be found. Unearthing the deepest secrets of the multiverse can require an adventure or even a whole campaign. 
 +Suggested Characteristics 
 +Sages arc defined by their extensive studies, and their characteristics reflect this life of study. Devoted to scholarly pursuits, a sage values knowledge highly – sometimes in its own right, sometimes as a means toward other ideals. 
 +d8 Personality Trait 
 +1 I use polysyllabic words that convey the impression of great erudition. \\ 
 +2 I've read every book in the world's greatest libraries – or I like to boast that I have. \\ 
 +3 I'm used to helping out those who aren't as smart as I am, and I patiently explain anything and everything to others. \\ 
 +4 There's nothing I like more than a good mystery. \\ 
 +5 I'm willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment. \\ 
 +6 I… speak… slowly… when talking… to idiots,… which… almost… everyone… is… compared… to me. \\ 
 +7 I am horribly, horribly awkward in social situations. \\ 
 +8 I'm convinced that people are always trying to steal my secrets. \\ 
 +d6 Ideal 
 +1 Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge. (Neutral) 
 +2 Beauty. What is beautiful points us beyond itself toward what is true. (Good) 
 +3 Logic. Emotions must not cloud our logical thinking. (Lawful) 
 +4 No Limits. Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility inherent in all existence. (Chaotic) 
 +5 Power. Knowledge is the path to power and domination. (Evil) 
 +6 Self-Improvement. The goal of a life of study is the betterment of oneself. (Any) 
 +d6 Bond 
 +1 It is my duty to protect my students. 
 +2 I have an ancient text that holds terrible secrets that must not fall into the wrong hands. 
 +3 I work to preserve a library, university, scriptorium, or monastery. 
 +4 My life's work is a series of tomes related to a specific field of lore. 
 +5 I've been searching my whole life for the answer to a certain question. 
 +6 I sold my soul for knowledge. I hope to do great deeds and win it back. 
 +d6 Flaw 
 +1 I am easily distracted by the promise of information. 
 +2 Most people scream and run when they see a demon. I stop and take notes on its anatomy. 
 +3 Unlocking an ancient mystery is worth the price of a civilization. 
 +4 I overlook obvious solutions in favor of complicated ones. 
 +5 I speak without really thinking through my words, invariably insulting others. 
 +6 I can't keep a secret to save my life, or anyone else's. 
 +==== Background ==== 
 +You worked at the library in your town and village before you had begun to adventure out into the world beyond. In that time you had read a lot and gained a few skills from all your reading. What had driven you away from the library? Was it a search for knowledge? A must to see the world the books described? Or was it something else that caused you to leave? Honestly, it was all three wrapped in one. You left with the skills you earned from the books may help you in this quest and your adventuring party. Why you left is a secret only you and the DM know and one you will share with your party once you have travelled a fourth's nigh away from your village and are sure they are trust worth with such information.
 +Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, History
 +Languages: one exotic Language of your choice
 +Equipment: A tome or text (about a great war, person, or Artifact), 5 sheets of parchment, an ink bottle, a feather pen, a set of common clothes and a pouch containing 10 gp
 +Feature: Researcher[edit]
 +You have a letter of introduction or certificate that identifies you as librarian. This allows you to entry into libraries or scriptoriums, or grants you an audience with sages and scholars that would normally be inaccessable to the public. You can be trusted to take care of manuscripts and tomes and may even be permitted to borrow such documents.
 +Suggested Characteristics[edit]
 +d8 Personality Trait
 +1 Books are my everything.
 +2 Knowledge is the most important thing in the world.
 +3 I feel at home when reading.
 +4 Everything must be in order, like on a bookshelf.
 +5 Life is nothing without books.
 +6 Rarely, if ever, am I seen without my nose in a book.
 +7 I have quotes from books for every occasion.
 +8 My vocabulary is vast enough I sometimes use words that are larger then necessary.
 +d6 Ideal
 +1 I must spread what I have learned.(lawful)
 +2 Every piece of knowledge will be mine.(Evil)
 +3 There are many pieces of information in the world.(neutral)
 +4 Reading has inspired me to be where I am today.(any)
 +5 Every single piece of information is waiting to be discovered.(good)
 +6 When I find something new I must learn everything about it.(chaotic)
 +d6 Bond
 +1 I opened the library I worked at.
 +2 The first book I ever read is in my head memorized.
 +3 I grew up in a library and I will never forget it.
 +4 I was picked on growing up for being a bookworm.
 +5 I've read books that would destroy the sanity of others, those were the best reads.
 +6 I have had to lock a book away to protect others, and I am the only one who knows where the key is.
 +d6 Flaw
 +1 I can't stand not reading at least one page of a book a day.
 +2 I'd give up my companions for a piece of information.
 +3 I am ever too curious.
 +4 I look down on the uneducated.
 +5 When I must find a place to sleep I lodge at the nearest library
 +6 I only talk to smart people.