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character:oz:stats [2023/08/22 09:05] – [Background: Feature & Details] Cindercharacter:oz:stats [2023/11/24 16:45] (current) – [Background Druid's Apprentice: Feature & Details] Cinder
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 ^ Amulet      | [[item:pearl_power|Pearl of Power]] | //A special necklace adorned with a magic pearl, Its been with Ozrelia many years, a birthday gift from her sister// | ^ Amulet      | [[item:pearl_power|Pearl of Power]] | //A special necklace adorned with a magic pearl, Its been with Ozrelia many years, a birthday gift from her sister// |
 ^ Cloak       | | | ^ Cloak       | | |
-^ Clothes     | Adventure Outfit | //A simple sturdy garb with low coverage for Ozrelia's freedom of movment and feather gromingthe materal is thicker than it looks and fits loosly. she wears this for decency in a public space although covered in feathers. the general public expect every species to adhire to the same law of being clothed in public.// |+^ Clothes     Woven Adventure Outfit | //A specially crafted garb with low coverage for Ozrelia's freedom of movement and feather groomingCloth and wood fibers woven together with magic, The material is thicker than it looks and fits loosely. she wears this for decency in a public space although covered in feathers. the general public expect every species to adhire to the same law of being clothed in public.// |
 ^ Armour      | | | ^ Armour      | | |
 ^ Arms/Hands  | Bare | //Large feathered hands, part of her wings, the anatomy isn't quite clear// | ^ Arms/Hands  | Bare | //Large feathered hands, part of her wings, the anatomy isn't quite clear// |
 ^ Ring/     | - | - | ^ Ring/     | - | - |
-^ Belt        | +^ Belt        | Woven Belt //A specially crafted belt made with skilled hands. Cloth and wood fibers woven together with magic, As strong and sturdy as leather but a bit more light weight. More of a personal choice as Ozrelia isn't a fan of creature made products. The belt holds various pouches for coins, components and other small items.// 
-^ Boots       Bare | |+^ Boots       Aaracokra Shoes //Aaracokra feet are quite unique among the variety of species in Felwind. Footwear designed for them is very rare clothing indeed and normally not needed. But for those that do wear something the shoes are less shoes and more wrappings or a brace. Enough for extra support, protection and Fashion.//|
 ^ Weapon       | [[item:dryad_staff| Staff of the Dryads, Fungas]] | //A expertly crafted staff from the branches of a Dryad Queen's tree. a large blue gemstone in the head of the staff, encased in roots. the staff is engraved with a variety of symbols written in Sylvan. Its power enhances the strenght of druids who wield it and further strenghten those belonging to the Spore circle.// | ^ Weapon       | [[item:dryad_staff| Staff of the Dryads, Fungas]] | //A expertly crafted staff from the branches of a Dryad Queen's tree. a large blue gemstone in the head of the staff, encased in roots. the staff is engraved with a variety of symbols written in Sylvan. Its power enhances the strenght of druids who wield it and further strenghten those belonging to the Spore circle.// |
 ^ Shield/Ammo/Offhand | | | ^ Shield/Ammo/Offhand | | |
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-====Background Druid's Apprentice: Feature & Details==== 
-As a child, you were inquisitive when your playmates were possessive or raucous. In your formative years, you found your way to one of Felwind's great Hierophant Druids, where you were apprenticed and taught that knowledge is a more valuable treasure than gold or gems. Now you are ready to leave your home – not to abandon it, but to quest for new lore to add to its storehouse of knowledge. \\ 
-There are many Druid circles in Felwind. That of the Forrest, The shepherded ad even the Stars, Many young Druids hope to rise through the ranks to assume roles of greater responsibility and prominence. The Druid who took you under their wing was one of the Spore circle, Finding life in death and learning that death is not the end of a cycle.// 
-**Skill Proficiencies**  
-  *History 
-  *choice of one from among Arcana, Nature, and Religion 
-**Languages And Tools**  
-  *Elvish 
-  *Herbalism Kit 
-**Equipment (If Any)** 
-  *The scholar's robes of your cloister  
-  *a writing kit (small pouch with a quill, a bottle of ink, folded parchment, and a small penknife) 
-  *a borrowed book on the subject of your current study 
-  *a pouch containing 10gp 
-===Feature: Warcaster=== 
-**Feat: War Caster** ++[1] | //Player's Handbook// ++ \\ 
-//Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell// \\ 
-You have practiced casting spells in the midst of combat, learning techniques that grant you the following benefits:  
-  *You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell when you take damage.  
-  *You can perform the somatic components of spells even when you have weapons or a shield in one or both hands.  
-  *When a hostile creature’s movement provokes an opportunity attack from you, you can use your reaction to cast a spell at the  creature, rather than making an opportunity attack. The spell must have a casting time of 1 action and must target only that creature.  
  • character/oz/stats.txt
  • Last modified: 10 months ago
  • by Cinder