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character:oz [2023/08/30 11:36] – [Background: Druid's Apprentice] Cindercharacter:oz [2024/02/27 11:29] Cinder
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 <WRAP box right 25em> <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP box right 25em> <WRAP centeralign>
 \\ \\
-{{ :character:media:ozrelia_icon.png?250 |}} ;;#+{{ :character:decota:ozrelia_ginn_commision.png?300 |}}  
 +<sub> Art by Ginn(([[https://instagram.com/ginnwrght26?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==|Link to Ginn's Gallery]])) </sub> 
 //[[user:sam:oz| Secrets]]// //[[user:sam:oz| Secrets]]//
 ;;# ;;#
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 ^[[character:oz:species|Species]]:| Aarakocra | ^[[character:oz:species|Species]]:| Aarakocra |
 ^ Nationality: | [[faction:griaca|Griaca]] {{:faction:flag-griaca.png?35 }} | ^ Nationality: | [[faction:griaca|Griaca]] {{:faction:flag-griaca.png?35 }} |
 +^ Home:| [[location:ozrelia_home|Ozrelia's Home]] |
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
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 ^Background:| Druid's Apprentice | ^Background:| Druid's Apprentice |
 ^Born:| 4th Sunday, Deepsnow | ^Born:| 4th Sunday, Deepsnow |
-^Alignment:Lawful Neutral |+^Alignment:Chaotic Neutral |
 ^[[culture:Languages]]:| Common \\ Sylvan \\ Elfish((The Elvish language has been around longer than most and is quite common around Felwind, The term Elfish used to describe those who have learned the very basics of the language often translating things directly. With terrible gramma and broken sentences the term Elfish was brought up as a mockery of those who spoke it.)) | ^[[culture:Languages]]:| Common \\ Sylvan \\ Elfish((The Elvish language has been around longer than most and is quite common around Felwind, The term Elfish used to describe those who have learned the very basics of the language often translating things directly. With terrible gramma and broken sentences the term Elfish was brought up as a mockery of those who spoke it.)) |
 ^Tools:| Medicine Kit, Forager's Kit| ^Tools:| Medicine Kit, Forager's Kit|
Line 51: Line 54:
 ^Saves:| Intelligence \\ Wisdom | ^Saves:| Intelligence \\ Wisdom |
 ^Profession:| Teacher, Scholar | ^Profession:| Teacher, Scholar |
-^Affiliation: | [[business:ozrelia_service|Ozrelia's Mobile Druid Services]] \\ [[location:ozrelia_home|Ozrelia's Home]] +^Affiliation: | [[business:ozrelia_service|Ozrelia's Mobile Druid Services]] \\  | 
-^Faith: | |+^[[religion:start|Faith]]: | |
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
 === Physical Description === === Physical Description ===
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 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 ^ Sister:| [[character:silky|Silky Lockheart]] | ^ Sister:| [[character:silky|Silky Lockheart]] |
-^ Partner:| [[character:fenris|Fenris]] |+^ Partner:<del>[[character:fenris|Fenris]]</del> \\ <del>[[character:viprellina|Vip Kindread]]</del>
 +^ Daughters:| [[character:filabean|Filabean Lockheart]](Fenris Father) \\ [[character:theion|Theion Lockheart]](Fenris Father) | 
 +^ Niece:| [[character:telula|Telula Lockheart]] |
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
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 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 ^Favorite Food:| Frittata & Herbs | ^Favorite Food:| Frittata & Herbs |
-^Favorite Drink:| Hill Cider((This cider is fermented with a secret mix of fruits and apples and has a dark orange color. This cider is as alcoholic as a strong wine.)) |+^Favorite Drink:| Hill Cider((This Cider is fermented with a secret mix of apples, Spices and other fruits. It has a dark orange color. This Cider being equally strong to high end wine.)) |
 ^Games:| - | ^Games:| - |
 ^Hobbies:| Exotic Gardening | ^Hobbies:| Exotic Gardening |
 +^Sexuality:| Bisexual |
 +^Music:| - |
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
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 ====Introduction==== ====Introduction====
-Ozrelia is an orphan Aarakocra from the nations of [[region:ostrov| Ostrov]]. She found her way to the northern lands of Oxtrad by stowing away on a boat bound for [[town:ferrabreeze| FerraBreeze]]Near Covania's Capital. \\ Journing to //Sunwood//, Spending time to build supplies and funds before making the dangerous journey through the //Fiery Borderlands// crossing the Sand seas until she finally reached [[region:vylanna_forest| Vylanna Forest]] \\+Ozrelia is an orphan Aarakocra from [[faction:griaca|Griaca]] a nation of [[region:ostrov| Ostrov]]. Tall, Yellow and very proud. These are the first things coming to mind when describing Ozrelia. First impressions are very important and Ozrelia makes big one. as tall as most //Bugbears//, colourful and a full head of crest feathers. \\  
 +One would describe her as happy, bubbly, a bit of an air head yet fiercely competitive. A not-so loyal friend, Easily distracted on one day then hyper focused the next. As bratty as a spoiled princess, loves attention but lives as secluded as she can? \\ Ozrelia is a mixture of conflicting traits but she will not explain or elaborate. her irrationality IS her rationality for her behaviour. she can mingle with many friend groups but cannot commit to one. she is a loud, pretty songbird ready to show and sing everything she has. 
 +The Great Druid Ozrelia is known as one of the few who have mastered Druidcraft, Those in the know say she has mastered nature and has released her shackles of time, able to carry out her studies as she sees fit until Eon comes knocking. 
 +She found her way to the northern lands of Oxtrad by stowing away on a boat bound for [[town:ferrabreeze| FerraBreeze]] Near Covania's Capital. \\  
 +Journing to //Sunwood//, Spending time to build supplies and funds before making the dangerous journey through the //Fiery Borderlands// crossing the Sand seas until she finally reached [[region:vylanna_forest| Vylanna Forest]] \\
 It was here she found one of the many natural caverns that carved its way throughout Oxtrad. This one was rich in life. almost its own ecosystem, drenched in arcane energy. \\ Much further in, Ozrelia found her home. It was here she found one of the many natural caverns that carved its way throughout Oxtrad. This one was rich in life. almost its own ecosystem, drenched in arcane energy. \\ Much further in, Ozrelia found her home.
-Ozrelia's home can be found underneath [[region:vylanna_forest| Vylanna Forest]], in the southern lands of Oxtrad. \\ Natural caves soaked in magic have given rise to a giant mushroom forest deep within. This is where Ozrelia has set up home. \\ not many people have even seen this mushroom forest, fewer still have braved the mist and caverns in an attempt to find it. \\ Ozrelia's Mushroom house has been magically altered over the years. Hollowed out and filled with nick knacks, furniture and basic necessities for an Aarakogra to live. , it stands several stories taller than the other giant mushrooms and may grow taller still, the mushroom sprouts additional branch like shrooms that are magically grown when Ozrelia needs extra rooms. \\ She has a further underground garden fill of a wide variety of plants both common and rare, for food and materials. The bulk of the shroom is dedicated to her study. There is a small kitchen and bedroom. \\ +Ozrelia's home can be found underneath [[region:vylanna_forest| Vylanna Forest]], in the southern lands of Oxtrad. \\ Natural caves soaked in magic have given rise to a giant mushroom forest deep within. This is where Ozrelia has set up home. \\  
-Recently Ozrelia has grown some guest bedrooms for the few students she dose take in to teach.+Not many people have even seen this mushroom forest, fewer still have braved the mist and caverns in an attempt to find it. \\  
 +Ozrelia's Mushroom house has been magically altered over the years. Hollowed out and filled with nick knacks, furniture and basic necessities for an Aarakogra to live. , it stands several stories taller than the other giant mushrooms and may grow taller still, the mushroom sprouts additional branch like shrooms that are magically grown when Ozrelia needs extra rooms. \\  
 +She has a further underground garden fill of a wide variety of plants both common and rare, for food and materials. The bulk of the shroom is dedicated to her study. There is a small kitchen and bedroom. \\ 
 +Recently Ozrelia has grown some new bedrooms for her children.
 {{ :character:decota:ozrelia_full.png?393|}} {{ :character:decota:ozrelia_full.png?393|}}
-But who is "Ozrelia". Tall, Yellow and very proud. These are the first things coming to mind when describing Ozrelia. First impressions are very important and Ozrelia makes big one. as tall as most Bugbears, colorful and a full head of crest feathers. \\ One would describe her as happy, bubbly, a bit of an air head yet fiercely competitive. A not-so loyal friend, Easily distracted on one day then hyper focused the next. bratty as a spoiled princess, loves attention but lives as secluded as she can? \\ Ozrelia is a mixture of conflicting traits but she will not explain or elaborate. her irrationality IS her rationality for her behavior. she can mingle with many friend groups but cannot commit to one. she is a loud, pretty songbird ready to show and sing everything she has. 
-The Great Druid Ozrelia is known as one of the few who have mastered Druidcraft, legends say she has mastered nature and has released her shackles of time, able to carry out her studies as she sees fit until Eon comes knocking. 
-Her great Mushroom is not only home to her studies and school but also his great collection of scripture relating to the many circles of druid craft.+Her great Mushroom is not only home to her studies and family but also his great collection of scripture relating to the many circles of druid craft.
-Her only family she keeps in touch with is her sister [[character:silky|Silky Lockheart]]. The pair share a close bond despite living far apart. up until very recently they would meet in person once a month. but they are constantly writing to each other. Silky owns a very exclusive tailor business+Up Until a few years ago her only family was her sister [[character:silky|Silky Lockheart]]. The pair share a close bond despite living far apart. The sisters would aim to meet in person once a month. but they are constantly writing to each other. Silky owns a very exclusive tailor business in //Griaca// known as [[location:final_touches|Final Touches]]. \\ 
 +**The Quirky Relationships of Ozrelia** \\ 
 +Ozrelia has had many types of relationships over the years, Nothing she ever considered serious and others would consider abusive. In her own words. 
 +//" Fenris? I found the Tiefling hiding out in a Reton town under the guise of performer. We met in a Bar like many good romances do but I am sure he got more than he bargained for. Singing sweet praise saying something along the lines of "Your the only one for me" It was indeed hogwash but the entertainment was enticing enough to play along. I won't bore you with more details but he spent a long time as my "plaything" serving my needs to the best of his ability weather he liked it or not. \\ He did his best impression of a father. That is to say he knocked me up twice without much more involment. After Theion was born, Fenris began to bore me and so my lack of care gave him the opportunity to escape. I haven't seen him since and I honestly don't care. I tell my daughters their father was a deadbeat who died chasing a fantasy.  // 
 +Through a rather irresponsible part of her life Ozrealia has two children of her own. [[character:Theion]] and [[character:Filabean]].  
 +Fenris was less of a Partner and more of a plaything. 
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 **Druidic Circles** \\ **Druidic Circles** \\
-//Druid craft has a variety of circles to study from. Intent to learn them all one day but for now I am a master in the Spore circle. I have taught many up incoming Druids on the ways of the Shroomes. It may not be the most "Natural" way to learn druid craft: in a classroom. But i aspire that Druid craft be a serious academic pursuit and not labeled as a Hippy..or Hermit way of life...although it leads to that most of the time..//+//Druid craft has a variety of circles to study from. Intent to learn them all one day but for now I am a master in the Spore circle. I have taught many up incoming Druids on the ways of the Shroomes. It may not be the most "Natural" way to learn druid craft: in a classroom. But i aspire that Druid craft be a serious academic pursuit and not labeled as a Hippy..or Hermit way of life...although it leads to that most of the time..//
 **Mushrooms and the Underdark** \\ **Mushrooms and the Underdark** \\
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-**Fenris** \\ + 
-//I found the tiefling hiding out in a Reton town under the guise //+ 
 +**My Dear Theion ** \\ 
 +**My Sweetest Filabean** \\
 **The Codices** \\ **The Codices** \\
  • character/oz.txt
  • Last modified: 6 weeks ago
  • by Cinder