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character:sezka [2022/10/17 13:26] – created - external edit
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 +====== Griss ======
 +<WRAP left>
 +<WRAP info right 25em>
 +**Content Used** // \\
 +  *Player's Handbook \\
 +  *Xanatha's Guide to Everything \\
 +  *Tasha's Cauldron of Everything  \\
 +  * GMbinder \\
 +  *WotC Affiliate Homebrew //
 +<WRAP clear />
 +<WRAP box right 25em> <WRAP centeralign>
 +{{ :wiki:media:template.png?200 |}} \\
 +[[character:sezka:stats|{{:wiki:media:stats.png?75 |}}]]
 +[[character:stem:spells|{{ :wiki:media:spells.png?75|}}]] \\ \\
 +/*[[user:sam:sezka |{{ :wiki:media:secrets.png?75 |}}]]*/
 +</WRAP> \\
 +<WRAP clear />
 +^ Name / Titles: | Sezka, (Blackout, Griss, Red) |
 +^[[character:stem:class|Class]]:| (Fighter, Warlock) |
 +^[[character:stem:race|Race]]:| Human |
 +^ Nationality: | Corvanian |
 +<WRAP centeralign>
 +=== Character Information ===
 +^Background:| Veteran |
 +^Born:| |
 +^Alignment:| Neutral Evil |
 +^Languages:| Common |
 +^Tools:| Tattoist Tools, Scribes Tools |
 +^Gear:| Simple & Martial Weapons \\ All Armour & Shields |
 +^Saves:| Strenght, Constitution |
 +^Profession:| Magic Mark Artist \\ Legal Document scribe |
 +^Affiliation: | Blinding Spear \\ Sea Spire |
 +^Faith: | Nozgoth |
 +<WRAP centeralign>
 +=== Physical Description ===
 +^Height:| 6ft / 182cm (Medium) |
 +^Weight:| 161lbs / 73kg |
 +^Complexion:| (Covered in Tattoos) |
 +^Eye: |
 +^Hair:| n/a |
 +^Gender:| Female |
 +<WRAP centeralign>
 +=== Family ===
 +^Mother:| Unknown (Deceased) |
 +^Father:| Unknown (Deceased) |
 +^Partner:| Jackie |
 +^Children:| unknown |
 +^Marital Status:| Defacto |
 +<WRAP centeralign>
 +=== Stories & Champaings ===
 +^blank:| |
 +^Grey-hawk Rebellion:| Player Character |
 +^blank:| |
 +<WRAP centeralign>
 +=== Stats ===
 +^Level| 13 \\ (8 Warlock) \\ (5 Fighter) | **Base Total** \\ 84 |
 +^Init^Speed ^Prof^
 +|+0|++ 30ft| \\ Base:\\ Race:\\ Feat:\\ Item: ++ |+00|
 +^Health ^Armor Class^P.Perception^
 +|++ 00| \\ Base:\\ Level:\\ Extra: ++ |++ 00| \\ Base: 10\\ Race:\\ Feat:\\ Item: ++|++ 00| \\ Base: 10\\ Wis: +0\\ Prof: +0\\ Feat: +0 ++ |
 +|++ 11(0)| \\ Base: 10\\ Race: +1\\ Feat:\\ Item: ++|++ 18(+4)| \\ Base: 17\\ Race: +1\\ Feat:\\ Item: ++|++ 14(+2)| \\ Base: 13\\ Race: +1\\ Feat:\\ Item: ++|
 +|++ 17(+3)| \\ Base: 16\\ Race: +1\\ Feat:\\ Item: ++|++ 13(+1)| \\ Base: 12\\ Race: +1\\ Feat:\\ Item: ++|++ 17(+3)| \\ Base: 16\\ Race: +1\\ Feat:\\ Item: ++|
 +//Bold Stat = Proficency in Stat//
 +| Acrobatics \\ (Dex)       | +0  | Medicine \\ (Wis)         | +0  |
 +| Animal Handling \\ (Wis)  | +0  | Nature \\ (Int)           | +0  |
 +| Arcana \\ (Int)           | +0  | Perception \\ (Wis)       | +0  |
 +| Athletics \\ (Str)        | +0  | Performance \\ (Cha)      | +0  |
 +| Deception \\ (Cha)        | +0  | Persuasion \\ (Cha)       | +0  |
 +| History \\ (Int)          | +0  | Religion \\ (Int)         | +0  |
 +| Insight \\ (Wis)          | +0  | Sleight of Hand \\ (Dex)  | +0  |
 +| Intimidation \\ (Cha)     | +0  | Stealth \\ (Dex)          | +0  |
 +| Investigation \\ (Int)    | +0  | Survival \\ (Wis)         | +0  |
 +//Bold Stat = Profficeny in Skill//
 +<WRAP centeralign>
 +=== Racial Traits ===
 +|Vision | |
 +|Spell Casting| |
 +|Other | |
 +|Other | |
 +<WRAP centeralign>
 +=== Spell/Ability Modifier ===
 +^Ability:| |
 +^ Save DC ^ Modifier ^
 +|++ 00| \\ Base: 8\\ Prof: +0\\ Stat: +0 ++|++ 00 | \\ Base: 8\\ Stat: +0 ++|
 +[[character:stem| New Identity]]
 +once A man of many faces, Sezka has been know by many people under many different names, //Griss, Red, Blackout, Timothy// \\ Many different walks of life Sezka has traveled down and its left them nothing short of unstable.
 +Finally his guise was lost, his real face and name revealed but not for very long, Making a pact with a Erdrich god to further their study in Dark arts, however their pact was more than they bargained for when their body was warped and changed so dramatically that they were almost a completely different being, the only thing rememecent of the old Sezka being the name and the memories.
 +**Give Thy Flesh** \\
 +After the rebellion Griss attempted to make contact with a great pateron. he misjudged the power and so lost his mind and soul, being replaced by another pateron known as Stem. Griss is gone as he was, but as he is. as a member of Blinding Spear, as a military man, as a teacher of Eldrich magic. he is [[character:stem|Professor Grendel Stem]].