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character:teo:personality_story [2019/03/04 13:19] Cindercharacter:teo:personality_story [2019/05/02 14:20] (current) – removed Kyle
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-====Teostra Decota's Biography: In the Wrong Place At The Right Time==== 
-**Summery** \\ 
-[[character:Teo:]]stra’s Story is not the happiest but he strives to make the best of it and his family will always be there for him. \\ although he is happy and ready to help he becomes very cautious when strange things happen around him, the world has taught him not to trust people right away. \\ Teo is a very nibil and skilled thief but he has strict rules he goes by. \\ Never steal from someone more then once. \\ If Teo fails or is caught mid heist he leaves everything behind to try and escape. Their is no pride in stealing when you have been noticed. \\ Do not kill during a heist unless its absolutely necessary. 
-**Personality** \\  
-Teo is an adventurous, kind heated young man. He isn’t a stranger to blooshed but he shares his father’s desire to avoid violence and try to talk things through...where he can. But the world is dark and he has to resort to his mother’s teachings in combat and murder. \\ Teo enjoys Treasure and other shiny objects alot, his sister Chaos calls him a dragon because of it. He enjoys a good night of thievery, stealing he doesn’t see as wrong if it’s stealing from the right people and he has put the effort in. \\ Teo prefers to adventure alone or in small groups as its hard to find lots of people that agree with each other, he hates People that actively hurt others that are supposed to be working together and when the time is right won’t hesitate to kill those types. \\ Teo can't stand people that are self centered or selfish to a point where he will stop their obsessive babbling with an arrow through the throat. 
-Teo suffers from bipolar disorder like his mother and switches between moods very quickly, certain situations may trigger a shift. such as the people he is around, the adrenaline of battle or failing in tasks he is doing. he can go from calm to raging to sad to uncaring all in a matter of seconds, causing him to make unnatural decisions or taking risks he wouldn't normally do. 
-Teo is always found by the side of his demonic slime Gaze. 
-**Criminal** \\ 
-Teo is an experienced criminal with a history of breaking the law although you won't find any records of Teo's robery strides. Teo Has spent a lot of time among other criminals and still have contacts within the criminal underworld. Teo is far closer than most people to the world of murder and theft that pervades the underbelly of civilization, and he has survived up to this point by flouting the rules and regulations of society. 
-**Skill Proficiencies** Deception, Stealth \\ 
-**Tool Proficiencies** One type of gaming set, thieves’ tools \\ 
-**Equipment** A crowbar, a set of dark common clothes including a hood, and a belt pouch containing 15 GP. 
-**Criminal Specialty** \\ 
-There are many kinds of criminals, and within a thieves guild or similar criminal organization, individual members have particular specialties. Even criminals who operate outside of such organizations have strong preferences for certain kinds of crimes over others. Choose the role you played in your criminal life 
-Although your capabilities are not much different from those of a burglar or Assassin, you learned and practiced them in a very different context: as an espionage agent. You might have been an officially sanctioned agent of the crown, or perhaps you sold the secrets you uncovered to the highest bidder. 
-**Feature** \\ Criminal Contact \\ 
-You have a reliable and trustworthy contacts who act as your liaison to a network of other criminals. You know how to get messages to and from your contacts even over great distances; specifically, you know the local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy sailors who can deliver messages for you. 
-Names of Contacts: \\ Larry the Wilderness Man \\ Larsen the rat of the streets \\ Lenny the lovable scoundrel \\ 
-**Criminal Activity** \\ [[Character:Teo:Secrets]] 
-The first thing Teo dose in a new place is note the locations of everything valuable-or where such things could be hidden. such as jewler shops, potion shops, wizard towers and where people are selling valuable items. 
-Teo would rather make a new friend than a new enemy. Teo knows that making friends is far more beneficial then making enemies, Having friends in the right places can be the difference between walking free or an execution. 
-Teo steals from the wealthy so that he can help people in need, usually those people are himself but he is always thinking of the greater good as well, if someone he cares about's life can be improved by a night of thievery then Teo will happily help, Teo knows that money is worth as much as knowledge and almost anyone that knows anything worthwhile will happily trade it for coin, more money, more knowledge. 
-For the most part the things that Teo steals go towards benefiting himself in turn for benefiting those around him. If he finds something that he knows would go to benefiting someone he knows he would happily let them have it. \\ Teo never ever speaks of his thievery to anyone, they only people that need to know already know through the criminal grape vine. he may share small bits of information with those he trusts but never good details. 
-A well known fact is Teo is attracted to the unknown, especially if the unknown is a shiny magic item or weapon. If Teo sees something of high value he instantly starts making plans to steal it. \\ This behavior shifts when there is danger around, he values his life more then gold so if a dark cave alluring the unknown in an area that has held many powerful monsters Teo may take a peak but will be very cautious about it. 
-**A Mistake** \\ 
-Teo was tempered by the gods (and his friends) to draw from the cursed //[[item:relic:deck_of_many_things|deck of many things]]// \\ 
-Why was he so stupid? \\ 
-Why did he not listen to reason? \\ 
-Whatever it was he is now lost, trapped in some unknown location without even a clue to where he might be. \\ 
-**Saved from the cursed fate** by some miracle of the gods Teo was found again shortly after drawing the card. Falling from the sky extreamly dazed and freaked out. 
-**A Deal with a Dagger** \\ 
-After a spectacular effort in defeating Guthbur with a firestorm of death and claiming victory Teo came into posetion of The hand of Narkul. \\ he traded this dangerous artifact with Ironhide for a curious silver dagger he had looted. The dagger had several names on it including Teo’s. 
-Later a strange shadowy figure spawned from the dagger, offering Teo a deal. Teo took it. \\ **Pact Details** [[Character:Teo:Secrets]] 
-**Appearance** \\ 
-Teo is a short fuzzy sub-species of Dialias. Only his eyes show an off race vibe otherwise he could be easily mistaken for a Tabaxi. 
-He has very large pointed ears. A cat like face with long bright blue hair. Overly large hands. Blue fur on his chest, palms and the tip of his long Lion style tail. He has sharp claws on his hands and feet as well as sharp fangs. \\ he has a scarf tied around his waist like a belt, a rapier on his waist and his bow and quiver of arrows sashed on his back. 