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Cult of Narkul

Hydra Dyndryd Gashadokuro
Temple The Eye Seer
Church The Ear Seeker
Name Code Gender Race Class Level Role Location Item
Narkul - Male Mindflayer Lich/Wizard 20 - - ???
Dyndryd - Male Dragon - - Mulburg Narkul's Phylactery
Amalia Robinson Sovereign Female Elf Warlock 20 Leader Whitkin Hand of Narkul
Olazar Orius Seer Male Human Cleric 17 Prophet Whitkin Book of Vile Darkness
Nephyx Eharise Seeker Male Half Elf Monk 15 Assistant Prophet Whitkin Mistystep necklance (3use)
Despair The Eye Female Tiefling Rogue 17 Spy Whitkin Eye of Dendallen
Taz The Ear Female Changling Ranger 15 Spy Ruststille Spy Master's cloak
Demon Roar Temple Male Kenku Sorcerer 17 Researcher Mulburg Flying Broomstick
Adah Duhlin Church Female Human Druid 15 Assistant Researcher Mulburg Ring of the Curative soul

Cult armour and clothes consist of dark purple and black colouring

Amalia “Sovereign” Robinson
Name Amalia Position Cult Leader Race Female Elf Level 20
Alignment LE Class Warlock (20) Status Alive
Age 386 Birth
HP 183 AC 16 SPD 30ft. Init +3
Bonus +6 Passive
STR 8(-1)
DEX 16(+3) Sleight of Hand
CON 18(+4)
INT 11(+0) Arcana
WIS 12(+1) Save Perception
CHA 20(+5) Save Deception, Intimidation

Spell Attack Modifier +11
Spell Save DC 19

Eldritch Invocations [PHB p. 110]

  • Beast Speech (speak with animals at will)
  • Eldritch Sight (detect magic at will)
  • Thirsting Blade (extra attack)
  • Bewitching Whispers (compulsion once betw. long rests)
  • Otherworldly Leap (jump at will)
  • Lifedrinker (+1d8 necrotic damage w/pact blade)
  • Master Of Myriad Forms (alter self at will)
Taz 'The Ear' Ranger (15) Tracker
Female Changling
AC 15 HP 124
Abilities Dexterity, Wisdom
Saves Strength, Dexterity
Skills Investigation, Survival
Main Longbow +6 (1d8+4)
3rd (3/day) Hunter's Mark Until the spell ends, you
deal an extra 1d6 damage to a creature
you can see whenever you hit it with a weapon
attack, and you have advantage on Perception
and Survival checks to find it. If the target drops
to 0 hit points before this spell ends, you can use
a bonus action on a subsequent turn to mark a
new creature.
5th (3/day) Pass without a trace A veil of shadows and
Silence radiates from you, masking you
and your companions from detection. For
the Duration, each creature you choose
within 30 feet of you (including you) has a +10
bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks and
can’t be tracked except by magical means.
A creature that receives this bonus leaves behind
no tracks or other traces of its passage.
7th (3/day) Watch Out, Boss!
When a creature the tracker can see enters a space
adjacent to the tracker’s leader, the tracker may use
its reaction to make a signature attack against that
creature. On a hit, the attack also knocks the target
Loot Magical Arrows & SpyMaster's Cloak
Despair 'The Eye' Rogue (17) Executioner
Female Red Tiefling with an eyepatch,
One green human eye & normal tielfing cat like eye
AC 13 HP 122
Abilities Dexterity
Saves Dexterity, Intelligence
Skills Deception, Investigation, Perception, Stealth
Main Rapier +6 (2d4+4)
3rd (3/day) Garrote. The executioner whips
a serrated wire around an adjacent creature’s neck,
dealing 10 (3d6) slashing damage on a hit. The
creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or be
restrained. At the start of the executioner’s turn,
it automatically deals 3d6 slashing damage to the
restrained creature. During its turn, the restrained
creature can make a Strength (Athletics) or
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to break the grapple
5th (1/day) Dagger Storm. The executioner
throws a barrage of shadowy daggers at all
enemies within 10 feet. Targets must make
a Dexterity saving throw or take 14 (4d6)
piercing damage, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
7th (1/day) Final Strike. The executioner
disappears in a cloud of shadow, reappearing
behind a chosen enemy creature within 60 feet. The
executioner makes two signature attacks, dealing
an extra 14 (4d6) force damage on each hit.
Loot Eye of Dendallen
Olazar 'Seer' Orius Cleric (17) Battle Priest
Overweight male human who wears dark purple vestments
AC 18 HP 122
Main Mace +6 (1d8+4)
3rd (3/day) Spirtual Weapon
5th (1/day) Spirit Guardians
7th (1/day) Banishment
Loot Book of Vile Darkness
Nephyx 'Seeker' Eharise Monk (15) Acolyte of the Way
Young half elf (18) with short white hair and wears dark purple vestments
AC 15 HP 108
Abilities Dexterity & Wisdom
Saves Strength & Dexterity
Skills Acrobatics, Athletics
Main Fists +6 (2d4+4)
3rd (3/day) Fists of Fury. The acolyte makes
two signature attacks. If both attacks hit the same
target, the target is knocked back 5 feet.
5th (3/day) Stunning Follow-up.
As a reaction to taking damage from an adjacent
creature, the acolyte immediately makes two
signature attacks against its attacker. If both
attacks hit, the attacker is stunned.
7th (3/day) Body and Soul. The acolyte heals 2 health levels.
Loot Necklace of Misty Step. 3 uses/day,
gains 1 use at dawn up to a max of 3
Adah 'Church' Dulin Sorcerer (17) Thaumaturgist
Female human, frizzled and slightly burnt hair
AC 13 HP 104
Abilities Charisma
Saves Constitution, Charisma
Skills Insight, Religion
Main Firebolt +3 (4d10)
3rd (3/day) Fire Breath. The thaumaturgist
breathes fire in a 15-foot cone in front of it. Each
creature in the cone must make a Dexterity saving
throw. On a failed save, it takes 9 (2d8) fire damage,
or half as much damage on a successful one.
5th (1/day) Dragon’s Roar. The
thaumaturgist roars with draconic might. Each
enemy within 60 feet must make a Charisma saving
throw or become frightened until the end of its next
turn. On each of its turns, a frightened creature
must take the Dash action and move away from the
thaumaturgist by the safest route unless there is
nowhere to move.
7th (3/day) Fire Wave. A wave of
fire radiates in a 10-foot radius out from the
thaumaturgist. Each creature caught in the wave
must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed
save, it takes 16 (3d10) fire damage and is pushed
back 10 feet. On a success, it takes half as much
damage and is not pushed back.
Loot Ring of the curative soul
'Temple' Druid (15) Skinwalker
Male Kenku raven, torn and tattered robes
AC 15 HP 108
Abilities Wisdom
Saves Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills Nature, Survival
Main Dagger +6 (2d4+2)
3rd (3/day) Transform – Dire Wolf. The
skinwalker assumes the shape of a dire wolf for
1 minute. While in this form, the skinwalker’s
signature attack deals 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing
damage. Its movement increases to 50 feet, it gains
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
rely on hearing or smell, and it has advantage on
attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the
skinwalker’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature
and the ally isn’t incapacitated. A skinwalker can
only be in one form at a time.
5th (3/day) Transform – Allosaurus. The
skinwalker assumes the shape of an allosaurus
for 1 minute. While in this form, the skinwalker’s
signature attack deals 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing
damage. Its movement increases to 60 feet, and if
it moves at least 30 feet straight toward a creature
and then hits it with its signature attack on the
same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 13
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone and the
skinwalker can make a signature attack against it
as a bonus action. A skinwalker can only be in one
form at a time.
7th (3/day) Transform – Giant Scorpion. The
skinwalker assumes the shape of a giant scorpion
for 1 minute. While in this form, the skinwalker’s
Armor Class increases to 17, and its signature attack
deals 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage and forces the
target to make a Constitution saving throw or take
22 (4d10) poison damage on a failed save, or half
as much damage on a successful one. A skinwalker
can only be in one form at a time.
Loot Flying Broom

Bemin secrets Pinga's Monastery has been taken over by the leaders and high standing members of the Cult as their personal hideaway and stronghold.
The Cult has killed most members of the Monastery and cut off the tails of the remaining Lizardfolk and using them as slaves, Bemin is there locked in a cage beaten and tortured. Caelynn, Teo, Jorgan, and Rose recognize Bemin
The ritual to bring back Narkul will take place here

Death Knights are Narkul's remote servants, they are controlled by a head band forcibly placed on them, to break free of the spell and regain control make a DC30 Int save once a week, most are random villagers from Whitkin and Rustille

The outpost in Whitkin was established after learning about the Guthber and Heleste Toumond and their search for the hand, it is a small shack on the outskirts of town as a front but a trap door leads into quaters and supply rooms for members to lay low or base scouting operations

Roll d20
1-3 Real Dragonborn, less effected by cult
4-10 Real Resident, Memories altered
11-19 Cultist
20 Conspiracy theorist
The Cult hides in plain sight in town, over the past decade the cultists have disguised themselves as Lizardfolk and altered the memories of the residents to believe they were there along, upon growing close to the town during the day the sun is a harsh red and a night the stars are of an alien world, as the group travels through town the feeling of being watched is always there while in town.

The group will be repeatedly told that they don't belong here, made a mistake by coming here, you should leave, calling the softskins etc. shops and inn refuse service
If Teo canceled the trade the whole will seemingly be wanting to rob, kidnap or kill him

Conspiracy Theorist: Thuz received a gift from a God where his mind cannot be altered, He knows the truth but comes off as a crazy homeless.
The government are humans in lizardfolk disguises
Doctors are brainwashing residents with medicine
No one in the town is real and won't let him leave
When the ground shakes on tainted land it'll mark the nation's doom.

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  • Last modified: 5 years ago
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