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faction:promise [2024/05/22 14:13] – iframe cleanup Kylefaction:promise [2024/06/09 20:05] – [Geography] Cinder
Line 43: Line 43:
 [[location:hunter_stronghold_vanahern|Blood-Hunter Stronghold: Vanahern]] (Location) \\ [[location:hunter_stronghold_vanahern|Blood-Hunter Stronghold: Vanahern]] (Location) \\
-[[location:nomnomgoblinland|Nom-Nom Goblin Land]] (Location) \\+Nom-Nom Goblin Land (Location) \\
 Recently established village of sorts. Goblins built it in honour of their //Serpent Empress// the rapid advancement may scare some people but the Goblins living here are well manoured if a bit odd. there has been some attempt to establish some sort of trade. Recently established village of sorts. Goblins built it in honour of their //Serpent Empress// the rapid advancement may scare some people but the Goblins living here are well manoured if a bit odd. there has been some attempt to establish some sort of trade.
 =====Economy===== =====Economy=====
  • faction/promise.txt
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
  • by Cinder