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Type: Crossbow, Class: Relic Rarity: Very Rare, Attunement: Required

Properties Stats
Style Ranged
Weight Normal
Range 120ft
Hands 2 Handed1)
Damage 2,D6+2 Piercing
+ 2d4 necrotic
Special Damage is considered Silvered

Arcane Bolstering

  • The weapon is soaked in unknown Arcane energy, while wielding this weapon spell attacks have a +2 to their hit roll and +3 to their damage roll. If a spell deals multiple types of damage (Cold & Lighting) the bonus damage is added to the highest elemental type of damage.

Twisted Barrel

  • This weapon ignores half & 3/4 cover and a prone target dose not incur disadvantage on ranged attacks made with this weapon.

Old Presence

  • This item is considered Defiled/Desecrated and cannot be purified or blessed. bringing this item upon holy ground may incur anger from the gods.

Weapon: Club, Rare, Attunement: Required

  • Relic Indestructible, Unable to be crafted or enhanced
  • Damage: 1D6+2
  • 1 Handed (Versatile) While holding this weapon with 2 hands, Increase you're AC by 2
  • Simple Weapon
  • Magic

While attuned to this item you can use your Wisdom modifier rather than your strength modifier for attacks and damage with this weapon.

Wild-shape Boon
While Attuned to this item,

A long club type weapon decorated with drudic language, petrified bone makes up the majority of this weapon and quite a large bone at that, at first inspection it has come from a giant beast of sorts then shaved down for more manageable use.

Byblos was the name of a Master Druid who lived long ago, not much is known about his life other than his great achievements furthering Druidcraft, he is said to be the one who made great strides with the wild shape magic and was the founder of the Circle of Moon Druid circle.
Its unknown how this relic came to be, Said to be one of Byblos's bones, expertly crafted and detailed into this item.
Its unknown if this was done with permission but most likely not.

Offhand for reload
  • item/bone_of_byblos.1695602310.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 9 months ago
  • by Cinder