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Type: Martial Weapon, Class: Unique Rarity: Very Rare, Attunement: Required

Properties Stats
Style Martial
Weight Standard
Range 5ft
Hands 2 Handed
Damage 2,D6 Slashing
+ 2d4 Necrotic

If a creature is hit with this this weapon brining it to 0 Hit points they must make a wisdom saving throw DC=00, On a fail their soul is ripped from their body and absorbed into the sword with no Death saves rolled. If the creature succeeds they carry out death saves as normal.
A creature that fails their save cannot be brought back to life save a wish spell. and does not go to the afterlife.


The blade of Rathal, once a noble blade for Xiangjian of the Fey-Wilds, crafted by the fey smiths as a seat for a Xiangjian's Soul. But this blade was stolen.
Lost in the mortal plane used for nothing more than slaughter and war, The sword was tainted and its power twisted. Picked up by a Risen warforged, it now seats all the souls it slays. Trapped in never ending torment, a wonderous curse, a cursed blessing.

  • item/kamori_gachi.1684893428.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 13 months ago
  • by Cinder