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item:mild_darkness [2023/05/22 11:52] Cinderitem:mild_darkness [2023/11/08 12:43] (current) Cinder
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-A powerful world altering item, The true Book of Vile Darkness is a force to be reckoned with, a legend told through the ages. So naturally copies and fakes of this item will come to surface. this being one such item. \\+//A powerful world altering item, The true Book of Vile Darkness is a force to be reckoned with, a legend told through the ages. So naturally copies and fakes of this item will come to surface. this being one such item. \\
 Comically named 'Mild' this book holds but a mimicked fraction of the true books power. although much of its contents are similar to the true book the highly coveted evil magic is full of spelling mistakes and gramma errors. \\ Comically named 'Mild' this book holds but a mimicked fraction of the true books power. although much of its contents are similar to the true book the highly coveted evil magic is full of spelling mistakes and gramma errors. \\
 This book lacks several powers the true book would grant as well as most of its strongest and important Dark knowledge. the above mentioned evil magic is useless as well as any info about evil planes or lichdom or godhood. This book lacks several powers the true book would grant as well as most of its strongest and important Dark knowledge. the above mentioned evil magic is useless as well as any info about evil planes or lichdom or godhood.
-It also lacks the ability to become any catalyst for an evil ritual. some who think this is the True book and use it to attain God-hod or open a portal to the abyss may find crumble to dust just as the climax was happening.+It also lacks the ability to become any catalyst for an evil ritual. some who think this is the True book and use it to attain God-hod or open a portal to the abyss may find crumble to dust just as the climax was happening.//
 **Notable authors are** \\ **Notable authors are** \\
  • item/mild_darkness.txt
  • Last modified: 11 months ago
  • by Cinder