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Type: Weapon, Rarity: Very Rare, Attunement: Required

Properties Stats
Style Simple,Martial,Ranged
Weight Light,Heavy,Oversized
Range 5ft,10ft Normal/Long distance
Hands 1 Handed, two Handed, Versatile
Damge 0D10+0

Serpent Call

A huge Spear crafted for a Golem or giant or something of similar size, not ment for mortal men as it stands more than 20ft tall.
This weapon has been specifically crafted and enchanted for the Hydra Elisia Kindred by an unknown smith. Given as a gift to her by a tiefling bard known as Thrash

  • item/serpent_calling_spear.1665550844.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 20 months ago
  • (external edit)