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location:chaos_bakery [2023/12/31 14:49] – [Teo & Chaos's Home] Cinderlocation:chaos_bakery [2023/12/31 14:53] (current) Cinder
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 even without its sheer size the house if well furnished and even has more modern indoor plumbing. \\ even without its sheer size the house if well furnished and even has more modern indoor plumbing. \\
 the Lady of the house Chaos is a humble baker and the Gentelman Teo appears to be a mundane labourer. There is a bit of gossip around //Needlewood// at how such a seeminly humble family with so many children could afford all these luxuries. the Lady of the house Chaos is a humble baker and the Gentelman Teo appears to be a mundane labourer. There is a bit of gossip around //Needlewood// at how such a seeminly humble family with so many children could afford all these luxuries.
 +{{ :location:teo_and_chaos_home_scaled.jpg?400 |}}
  • location/chaos_bakery.txt
  • Last modified: 9 months ago
  • by Cinder