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Fate's Weave


An interdimensional Library contained within its own pocket dimension, able to connect freely to most other planes of existence at a whim from its master.

The library contains all knowledge that has ever been written down as well as secret biographies of every being with conscious has lived and yet to live.

Its master Elisia Kindred is a Grand Naga with power over dreams. she protects her library from would be pillagers and other threats alike, only ever appearing to people who have peaked her interest.
she is also know to leave her library regularly to stretch her tail on adventures.

Inside the library guests are greeted with a spacious cozy upper floor. Bookshelves line every wall, there are no stairs, only ramps to accommodate the master's body type. Huge Arched doorways fit for any Huge creature to pass through with ease. nice furniture, very well lit with arcane flame torches.
Overall the upper floor is a living area, for the master to relax at home and entertain any expected guests.

Several doorways lead to the massive infinite maze of books. floor to ceiling bookshelves that seem to stretch on forever, multiple floors but very spacious for the main walkways, again to accommodate the Master's form.
Those unfortunate enough to get lost in here never see the morning sun again.

The whole library is ornate and decorated with the images of various serpents and many slither around the lower floors moving, editing and adding books to the library. most of these snakes are unfortunate victims who have entered the library without formal permission and now currsed to live forever in servituite to the Library and its master.

Most sightings of the Library have been in the misty woods of the Promised Arcapeligo But sightings are mere rumors' as those that do find the entrance tend to never return.

Almost every piece of literature ever recorded on stone, parchment, wood and all other mediums has been duplicated and recorded in the books within the Library, every spell, every secret, every love letter. recorded and organized.
This includes books of power

each book is flame resistant but may still be burned with sources of magical flames.

Spells recorded in a book may act as a spell scroll and follow the same rules once a spell scroll is used.

the Library also contains a separate book for almost every being who has ever lived. these books record the like a story. some are written and completed as soon as the creature is born. some are only written as the creature acts in real time. and any measure of in-between.
These books are where the name Fate's Weave comes from, as the Library weaves the fate of everyone into words upon a book. if a creature were to change its fate the book will need to be edited but it is quite the dramatic event.

In Game
Now not every book is duplicated and not every being has its own story, these may be plot points in any story or campaign players/Dms wish to use.
If the master of the Library is made a wear of missing information from her Library she may strike a deal with players or NPC's for them to retive the missing information be it within their power

Book of Mild Darkness
A fake of the true Book of Vile Darkness, It shares similar if weakened traits but none of the world altering power from the original

Guide to Fawna
A handy journal written by a Druid, An encyclopedia of the various fawna found in the Promised Archipelago

Monosis's Folio of the Sea

Hunter's Guide: Monstrosities
A journal written by the Blood Hunters, Gives in depth details about a wide array of Monstrosities, their habits, strengths, weaknesses and value.

Atlus of the planes: Celestia
A gold and silver bound Atlus contain all information needed to navigate the Celestial plane, Includes secret passages, hidden chambers and can even be used to track those currently in the celestial plane who have signed the book. The back pages being filled with signatures.

Golrog's Guide to Magic item Creation
A very large book bound in steel and burnt leather, Those who study the book are able to learn a variety items to create, and halves the cost and time of creating said items.

Hunter's Guide: Exilis
A journal written by a lone Blood hunter named Ravi Decota, Wood layer with thick leather then reinforced with Mithril, It gives in depth information about the various unique creatures found in Exilis as well as other information about the Livion virus and various groups. There is also several pages dedicated about her travels through Exilis.

  • location/fate_weave.1678944409.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 15 months ago
  • by Cinder