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npc:oldgod:lost:start [2019/11/22 17:24] Cinderreligion:oldgod:lost:start [2020/06/02 16:22] – external edit
Line 1: Line 1:
-[[npc:oldgod:Lost:Race]] \\ +[[religion:oldgod:lost:race]] \\ 
-[[npc:oldgod:Lost:Class]] \\ +[[religion:oldgod:lost:class]] \\ 
-[[npc:oldgod:Lost:Stats]]+[[religion:oldgod:lost:stats]] \\ 
 +[[religion:oldgod:lost:well_of_souls]] \\
-^   The Well Of Souls  |||||||| 
-^Name|The Well Of Souls^Player|NPC^Race|^Level|14| 
-^Alignment|Chaotic Evil^Class|N/A^Status|Alive||| 
-^Age|Unkown^Birth|N/   ||||| 
-^HP   |44^AC     |14^SPD |45ft  ^Init |+3    | 
-^Bonus|+4^Passive|19^ N/A|0^Hit Dice| 1 D10 | 
-^   Skills   |||||||| 
-^STR|4 (-3)|    | ||||| 
-^DEX|6 (-2)|    | ||||| 
-^CON|10 (+0)|    | ||||| 
-^INT|20(+5)|    | ||||| 
-^WIS|20(+5)|   | ||||| 
-^CHA|20(+5)|    | ||||| 
-^Languages|Abyssal, Common, Celestial, Elvish, Infernal, Orcish||||||| 
-^Proficiencies|Resistance to Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning Magic/Normal, Resistance Necrotic \\ Weakness Radiant, Fire |||||||