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story:ravis_service [2023/12/03 15:19] – [Chapter 4: Thunder Plate] Cinderstory:ravis_service [2024/01/10 10:08] – [Chapter 7: Backtalker, Sword of Greyhawk] Cinder
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 ====Chapter 1: Broken Fellowship==== ====Chapter 1: Broken Fellowship====
 In a flash the rest of the fellowship was gone, leaving Ravi, Remington and Undead Sindri alone with the great blue dragon Dyndryd and the Lich Narkul. Ravi eyes darting between the two as her pulse increased, gripping her sword tighter as her Giant Eagle Remington stood on alert behind her, wings outstretched and eyes like daggers meeting the dragon's own with intent to kill. \\ Ravi had nothing to bargain with now, she could only pray that Narkul had some sort of honor, that his words were not a ruse, She let out a deep breath to calm her mind. \\ In a flash the rest of the fellowship was gone, leaving Ravi, Remington and Undead Sindri alone with the great blue dragon Dyndryd and the Lich Narkul. Ravi eyes darting between the two as her pulse increased, gripping her sword tighter as her Giant Eagle Remington stood on alert behind her, wings outstretched and eyes like daggers meeting the dragon's own with intent to kill. \\ Ravi had nothing to bargain with now, she could only pray that Narkul had some sort of honor, that his words were not a ruse, She let out a deep breath to calm her mind. \\
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 Ravi paused for a moment. wiping her face. //"Y yea...I hear...thank you"// Ravi paused for a moment. wiping her face. //"Y yea...I hear...thank you"//
-The three of them went further into the city. Every street was alive with chatter and activity. The smell of hot metal filled the air, Despite the presence of so many forges the place was not unpleasantly hot, Probably due to the expert ventilation systems designed by the city.+The three of them went further into the city. Every street was alive with chatter and activity. The smell of hot metal filled the air, Despite the presence of so many forges the place was not unpleasantly hot, Probably due to the expert ventilation systems designed by the city. \\ 
 +Though it was a Dwarven city Ravi spied a few other species mingling about. She guessed either traders or friends such as herself, She did notice there seemed to be a lot more activity than last time she was here.
 +Reaching Grock's home was almost a fairy tale. It reminded her of her own home, Calm, cosy and full of love. \\ 
 +Grock introduced Ravi to his brother, Shuckl. Younger brother, A tad less tonned and not as well kept beard. Shuckl told them how he just finished work and was going to hit the bath house causing Ravi 's ears to perk up. She hadn't had a proper bath in some months. \\ Ravi was then introduced to Grock's wife Toraz and while they chatted a bit Grock pulled his brother aside and gave him a bit of info about the situation with Ravi. \\
 +//"Aye so can I count on ya? Just watch out for her, she is normally more than a capable warrior but I dunno, Somethings got her down, Real down. I wanna try leviate this trouble"// \\
 +Shuckl banged his fist to his chest //"Aye you can count on me brother. I have herd the mates at the forge swap stories of the blazing hair shifter with bird in tow. It will be an honour to have me own stories to share. She is a tight friend to us here in Dheggrim."// Remington was left at the house not eager to take him for a public bath. Toraz giving him plenty of care.\\
 +After a bit more mingling Shuckl asked Ravi to come with him to the Bath house. Give Grock and Toraz room to set up the feast of tonight.
-====Chapter 5: Guthba's Black Dragon====+on the way there Ravi spoke up //"So I have been here a number of times, worked even lived here for a time but I have never seen the city this busy...anything big going on?"// \\ 
 +Shuckl put an arm around her and brought her in close while they walked //"Aye that is tru. Our leader has decided to host a tournament this year, The first of its kind in Dheggrim. Pitting strength against strength in a contest of battle."// \\ 
 +Ravi was confused. //"Like a gladiator arena? but there is no place like that in Dheggrim....is there?"// \\ 
 +//"Yah, One of the dried out mines has been converted into a makeshift arena over the past year. its far from gracious but its an arena none the less"//
- most of her time was spent serving the general purposeshe put her hunting skills to work gathering supplies and training kobolds in Narkul's and Dyndryd's wishes. Ravi poured her free time into training herself and going on every hunt possible to hone her skills.+They went on a bit, Shuckl mentioned if the Contest was successful enough the arena would be made permanent. and that most contestants are actually people from all over RetonHardly any home town Dwarves have entered, Looking to spend the day enjoying the fight with good food, Drink and company rather then get beat up for others entertainment\\ 
 +Ravi caught the grand cathedral a few blocks away, Standing tall with the symbol of the //Stonewife// carved into the face of it. A holy place for worshipers of [[religion:Ulaa]], Common among Dwarves and GnomesThe thoughts brought up //Sindri//. He was one of //Ulla's// Paladins. 
 +She wondered if he had any family that should know of his death?
-The next few months went by without much interest+Eventually the pair reached the bath house, Much more ornate that your average settlement. It was mostly made of stone with some lavish rock decoration and lots of metal, Even decent modern plumbing with options for hot and cold water. She assumed because the Dwarves were often covered in dirt and rock they needed sturdy places to clean up.\\ 
 +Shuckl put a firm hand on Ravi's shoulder. //"Alrit, Ladies down that end. I'll give ya en hour and meet ya back here."// \\ 
 +He dug into a pocket and pulled out a small pouch that jingled with coins. //"Oh and ear. to enjoy yourself in our fair city"// \\ 
 +Ravi shook her head. //"No no I couldn't. I have money. I will be fine."// \\ 
 +Shuckl forced the pouch into Ravi's pawn. //"Den if you got coin, ya can shout me an Ale at the pub tomrow ey?"//
-Narkul came to Ravi with another personal request, the body of someoneeasy enough until it was mentioned that it was in the far planea hard place to get to but Narkul seemed to have his ways. \\ what was supposed to be a simple smash and grab turned into one on one with a black dragon. Ravi emerged trumpfit with Guthba's body then collapsed unconsciousshe wouldn'wake for few days\\ Though she would wake she was far from healthybadly wounded she would spend the next few weeks recoveringwhich oddly enough went uninterrupted by Narkul or DyndrydIt seemed that after she and Remington took down that dragon the both of them realized how valuable she was and how much of a threat she was also. so her recover was left uninterrupted as a sign of good grace, Narkul may have even mentioned what a feat it was.+Before Ravi could protest further Shuckl had left. \\ 
 +Ravi asked the host of the house what they offeredPicking a hot shower and high ended bathing products to wash her fur of the blood and grime that had been accumulating over the past month\\ 
 +Inside most of the lady dwarves were walking around mostly naked. It caught her off guard at first but quickly adapting and pushing the embarrassment down. \\ 
 +She undressed at the counter inside the showering area, feeling a bit silly. The Dwarf behind the counter didn't seem to even flinch as if she had seen it all before. Ravi asked for her clothes to be cleaned as well as her gear, The Dwarf nodded and took them without word\\ 
 +Ravi turned around constantly catching herself trying to cover up//No, Be strong, don'show shame//. She sighted stall and made a beeline for itnot looking anywhere else and not realizing she was walking rather fast. Flung open the door to find it already occupied. \\ 
 +The lady Dwarf with blonde hair and fair skin turned to Ravi with a raise eyebrow. //"So? you looking to join me? I'm sorry lass but I am not into furriesYou'll have to shower alone tonight."// Using her thumb to gesture to the stall next door. \\ 
 +Ravi froze for a bit before nodding rapidly . //"ah uh..yes sorrymy apologies ah geeze sorry"// before closing the stall with more force than necessaryShe quickly scurried over the the next stall and pretty much dove inside locking the door behind her. 
-==== Chapter 6: Backtalker, Sword of Greyhawk ====+Once the adrenalin wore off Ravi began to relax, trying to figure out how to make the water work. She had only ever had a shower a few times before but each set up was different. Eventually she got it going as the warm rain melted away the dirt, blood and stress, sliding to the floor. \\  
 +But se wasn't able to completely relax. she still had a job to do. 
 +==== Chapter 5: Dheggrim's Tournament ==== 
 +Ravi spent the next few days away from her situation. enjoying good food and drink with friendly faces. Learning about the upcoming tournament and the location of the item she was here to obtain. 
 +Eventually while she was down an alley the //Ear// and //Eye// approached her like silent thorns. 
 +====Chapter 6: Guthba's Black Dragon==== 
 +Mounts went by without anything of interest happening, Menial labour and chores. Ravi had the opportunity to leave the camp constantly as she was the best hunter the cult. It was during this out time she would train in secret, Building her skills and strength. \\ 
 +Her hope for rescue was slowly dwindling. There was no signs of the fellowship to come save her. At first she was angry but that slowly turned to self acceptance, Who would want to save the one that caused the mess in the first place? 
 +One dreadfully wet morning Narkul personally came to Ravi with a 'Request' as if she had a choice in the matter. Retrieve the body of someone lost in the //Far Realm.// An easy enough job in a hard to reach place. But Narkul seemed to have his ways. \\  
 +//"If its so simple why don't you send one of your other underlings?"// Ravi spoke with a bit of sass. \\ 
 +Narkul straightened up //"I have and none have returned. You are possibly my most capable who is also somewhat expendable."// 
 +==== Chapter 7: Backtalker, Sword of Greyhawk ====
 once Ravi had recovered and was back in fighting form the big one was asked, a sword of Greyhawk known as backtalker, located in the heart of the capital.  once Ravi had recovered and was back in fighting form the big one was asked, a sword of Greyhawk known as backtalker, located in the heart of the capital. 
-Delta handed the sword to Narkul but requested she have it for a few days so she can learn about it, its not known if Narkul would agree to this.+The Feat seemed impossible for her. a task much more situate to a sneakier individual. So Ravi went about owing a favor to NAME. 
 +With the blade wrapped up ready to hand over Ravi entered the tent, Passing the guards and stood before //Narkul//. The tent was well lit by candles and lightly furnished with carpet, a desk and chair. As he spoke there seemed to be something different in his tone. Excitement? //"It has been so long since I have been able to wield my blade. You have proven farm more loyal and valuable then I thought possible by such a lower being."// \\ 
 +The blade outstretched but just before he could grab it Remi squawked and Ravi pulled it back. "//Wait, Before I reunite you two I want something in return for this."// \\ 
 +Thier eyes meet for a long pause before Narkul bellows a hearty laughter. //"The sword lives to its name, Not ever given without giving something in return. And here I was thinking you had finally learned your place yet your stubbornly strong will prevails. even going so bold as to deny me what is rightfully mine!"// Narkul steps forward, imposing his presence over Ravi. //"Then speak! at least let me hear what request has made you so rash."// 
 +Ravi stood unflinching, Remi perched on her shoulder fluffed up ready to strike, Fire in their eyes. //"I wanna see [[character:ironhide|Sindri]]."// \\ 
 +Narkul was silent, The Gnome had never crossed Ravi's lips in all her time here. Why now? it was perplexing and caught him off Guard. Rather than answering directly Narkul side stepped. //" Remember you swore your service in exchange for the safety and freedom of your comrades. I have overlooked your defiance all these months as you are a wild beast yet to be tamed. However. It seems there maybe you never intended to serve me as so you claimed?."// \\ 
 +Ravi spat at the ground. //"To hell with the fellowship! I see now it was a mistake to offer my life for theirs. They can rot for all I care! nary a pep I have herd from any of them."// Her ears lowered it was obvious it hurt saying that out loudAs if she was finally accepting it. 
 +Narkul smiled a wicked smile. //"See there beast, you cannot rely on friends or loyalty. Only fear and absolute control can ensure a stable relationship. I ruled this land for years yet they all turned on me when I became something more than I was. you yourself have surely experienced defiance and hatred for simply being who you are?"// 
 +Ravi stood their silently, Stroking Remi for comfort, not meeting Narkul's gaze. She was silent for a few minuets fore simply handing the sword to Narkul. //"would like to see //Sindri// just me Remi and him, alone for 30 mins."// 
 +====Chapter 8: Beholde! Escape! ====
-====Chapter 7: Beholde!====+Cries from outside the tent. //"They have gotten looseBeholders have gotten loose!"// \\
-Ravi was put back on general duties, starting to get the ear and the eye more personally, it had been several months and Ravi was still wondering when the fellowship was going to rescue her\\ +Narkul growled//"You said you had them restrained and asleep?!"//
-"you want me to what?!" Delta shouted as her next task was to rangle some beholders, Delta tried to explain just how dangerous beholders were which was met with the same simple reply as before. so instead she requested some extra muscle, Dragons were one thing but beholders could warp reality and Delta might be able to slay one, but capture and contain would be a different story. she requested 2 months to devise a plan for capture and containment of the beholders.+
-Luna dust+A cheeky smile crossed Ravi's face. //"yea I did. But I can't stop them dreaming up new ones. its the risk you take when dealing with beings who can warp reality."// Ravi saw as Narkul realized this was her plan all along as blind rage overtook his face readying a spell. //Power Word Kill// a flash of Green as Narkul uttered a word that hurt the ears to hear. Yet after senses came back Ravi was left unharmed. \\ 
 +//"Howw?!"// Narkul growled. \\ 
 +Ravi stood up straight and armed herself. //"what do you think I have been doing on those long hunting trips everyday!?// Ravi hunched over as she growled and roared, her body swelling and changing as she unleashed her Lycanthropy, Transforming into a wearwolf form then taking a massive swing at Narkul who vanished in a puff of mist. She turned and cleaved the two guards as they came to attack. one strike and it flayed their bodies falling to the ground in a splat of blood. twitching and writhing.
-**What ifs?** \\ +Loud horns soundednot the cults. those were Dwarven horns.
-Delta's birthday came and went, i wonder if anyone celerbarted it with her in Narukuls cult? \\ it was coming close to a year and Delta was seething in resentment for the fellowship, not a sign of them or a rescue planshe had grown quite strong over these months, she spent most of her free time challanging orher warriors in the cult, Delta started to ask what happened to ironhides body and what was the plan from now?+
-**Release** \\ +Exiting the tent it was chaos. Just as Ravi thought there were two beholder'floating about fighting the cult members. a disintegration ray flu over her head as she ducked instinctively. she scanned the area. dusk was setting in but the land was still somewhat visible. she saw a group of about 15 dwarven soldiers reading the camp and striking at the cult. Ravi ran over to one she reconised, Shuckl. \\ 
-an act of compassion released Delta'collar and she took this oppitunity to escapewhat she had learned had to be told.+He met Ravi a bit caught off guard seeing a wearwolf bound towords him on all fours. But he would reconise that blazing red hair and bird anywhere. meeting with a quick hug. //"Eyeyee long time lass. you certinally grown up in a few months. Grock did seay you had flease."//
 +. But Ravi wasn't free just yet. The favor for retrieving //Backtalker// was called in and Ravi had to journey to //Promise// To fufil a Bragain with //Blacklist//
  • story/ravis_service.txt
  • Last modified: 8 days ago
  • by Cinder