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story:spire_master [2023/04/01 13:58] Cinderstory:spire_master [2024/02/16 10:52] (current) – [Journey to Greyhawk] Cinder
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 ======Spire's Master====== ======Spire's Master======
-[[story:start|Back to Stories]] \\+[[story:start|Back to Stories]] | [[character:kazrai|More about Kazrai...]] \\
 //Written by: Sammy //\\ //Written by: Sammy //\\
-Seedmoot 12336+==== Sea Spire's Closure ====
 ---- ----
-Memories from the prvious mind stirred within Kazrai. those told by the Captain of Blinding Spear.+(1st Monday, Deepsnow, Year 12342) 
 +It was another chilly day. Winter had well and truly set in, Mixed with the salty gusts of the ocean it was shaping up to be quite the unpleasant morning. the beige light of morning smothered by heavy cloud cover as a distant storm cracked thunder far off into the southern seas. \\ 
 +The //Sea Spire// had stood among the shores of the //Erroded Archapeligo// of //Reton// for well over a hundred years. Kazrai being its master for a few decades. But her life has started a new direction and so she has to make big changes.  
 +The tall woman with blonde hair, deep blue eyes. Dressed with a fancey wide brim hat, Short top and simple long skirt. her plae skin was covered in eldrich-esque markings, Magic markings that held power. She held a smoking pipe in one hand fiddling with it between her fingers but it was barren of any substance. her swollen pregnant stomach meant it would be irresponsible to smoke while carrying her soon to be son //Marax// around. \\ 
 +Standing within the ground floor reminiscing on the years spent. The Student shop empty, the reception desk vacant and of course, The stairway leading down into the floors bellow. The experiments undertaken and the eldrich research acquired would all be sealed deep bellow. \\ 
 +But this would be no ordinary seal. With the //Arch-Fey's// power and assistance from her own Patron the //Kraken// this would be something not easily broken by anything short of godly interference, Or of course the key. 
 +With a few words spoken out loud in Abyssal the seal was set and the key to it appeared in a small flash, floating just within Kazrai's grasp. Taking a deep breath as a wave of fatigue came over her. Expending that amount of arcane energy is sure to take its toll. \\ 
 +She took the key and left her tower for the last time, Closing and locking the front doors behind her. 
 +She looked at the key for a moment, Studying it. It seemed to be made of white metal with a deep blue smooth jewle at the end, strung with a simple string loop that had no visible ends. On the string was two crystal like beads that were unlike anything Kazrai had seen before. otherwise shaped like a standard key. \\ 
 +She buried he key in her bra and looked up at the sky once again. it seemed the clouds had began to clear as a small patch of sky could be seen. It still had a ways to go but it was a start. 
 +==== Application for Remon's Academy ==== 
 +After a quick trip back to the Feywild to commune with her husbanded and children, Kazrai journeys to Covania to apply to be a teacher for Remon's Academy. 
 +(Begins Journey from Whitkin to Covania 2nd Monday, Deepsnow, 12342 roughly 60 days of travle. Including 2 days at each settlement, Tallied via horse travel along main roads then added 6 days for unforeseen circumstances. Arrives 3rd Thursday, Seedmoot, 12343) 
 +==== Journey to Greyhawk ==== 
 +After applying to Remon academy, Kazrai journeys to the new nation of Greyhawk to speak with one of its leaders about the under dark and where she may find an entrance. She uses a teleportation circle to get back to her Sea spire then travels traditionally to Greyhawk only to find that the one she is looking for has since left his position among the leaders of Greyhak and returned to the forests to pick up being a humble ranger. \\ 
 +Kazrai heavy with child at this point isn't keen on roaming the forests in such a vunderable position but with little other options she aims to make necessary preparation in finding the one called [[character:Varis]] 
 +==== Whispers of the wilds: Sideline ==== 
 +While awaiting the result of her application to the Academy Kazrai spends her time in the Feywild being a mother, researching the Underdark and fulfilling her side of the marriage with Valour. when it comes time to go back to Mor-Thir she learns that the gates out have been sealed by Hags. \\ 
 +She now waiting impatiently for the hopeful resolution of campaign 10. 
 +Memories from the pervious mind stirred within Kazrai. those told by the Captain of Blinding Spear.
 something is wrong. something is wrong.
-The rebelion, the ashlem war, Reach, King Dauthous, it all seemed conected+The rebellion, the ashlem war, Reach, King Dauthous, it all seemed connected But he wasn't sure how or why. 
 +The whispers of the old ones, the influence of the current gods. Man made, divine intervention. 
 +Kazrai stood on the balcony, looking over the tormented sea, wind howled, waves crashed. all as it should be yet something was different. The sea had questions left unanswered, Kazrai had questions he wanted answered. 
 +Tapping his smoking pipe on the railing, the questions screaming in his mind, a quiet thought rearing its ungly form, to simple throw himself from the balcony, a folly attempt to find silence. \\ 
 +If only escaping the Kraken's grasp were so easy. 
 +Wandering back into his study, the air cool, comforting, anyone else would compare it to a prison but Kazrai called it home. 
 +A rift in reality, a sphere of annilation sat gently illuminating Kazrai's desk. His hand passed thought it....harmlessly. what was not meant to be could not be destroyed so simple. an old note scrunched up and tossed into the sphere, erased. 
 +Chewing his nails, passing the study, fiddling with a knife, That thought once again rising in his mind, plunge the knife into his knee, just to do something, to commit to anything but before he can thunder cracks above startling him. 
 +Another thought, one the gripped him tight, was Valour alright? \\ 
 +Out the door. down a few flights of stairs, the tower was dark and wet, shadows crept in every corner, the flash of lightning and the howling wind filled the hallways. \\ 
 +Kazrai walked, then jogged. closer and closer to thier bedroom, She was just there! did someone come in? did something change? His heart raced. \\ 
 +There was the door, just ahead, running. knife ready, intent to kill whatever was endangering Valour. \\ 
 +the door opened as Kazraid stood. Valour there in bed, sleeping soundly. the room quiet and calm. 
 +Kazrai lowered his knife taking a deep breath. "Worried about nothing" his voice was unfamiliar, out of place in this dark spire. \\ 
 +He Kissed Valour gently, Carressing her pregnant stomach for only a moment, leaving the room, closing the doors. \\ 
 +The thumping in his chest as adrenilan coursed Kazrai's viens, the high passing quickly, His back falling against a wall as he slid to the ground. The voices whispering again, How stupid he was, there was nothing wrong, Yet everything was wrong. 
 +The memories, the knowledge, the ideas, constantly playing out in his mind, a jumble repeating themselves, like he misses it and has to hit the replay, but seen it so much. perhaps His subconscious was afraid of what lies beyond the first few seconds of memory, this was safe, any further was unknown. \\ 
 +Kazrai craved the unknown, to understand it, to brave the unknown is all he works for. so why won't his legs move? 
 +Lost but what from? 
 +Would the world just melt away if he wished it? all this torment washed away like someone waking from a dream? \\ 
 +He dug into a pocket pulling out a scrap of notes, Questions to himself. 
 +Kazrai stood up, like he was looking down at a huge clock, no longer in the Sea spire's hallway. an illusion brought on by madness? 
 +the hands lurching forward as time marched, each movement thundering like the mighty giants beating on the sky. \\ 
 +"Time is a circle" He said, as if he was telling someone. "What happens is to happen again" Looking at his notes, gripping it tightly, threatening to tear it. \\ 
 +"But what?! what is going to happen again?! what has happened?! Has it already begun?" The clock moved faster beneath his feet, the room begun to tear itself apart, Then. He fell. Loosing his footing. Silence as he watched the paper vanish into darkness. the silent wind and his lurching stomach the only responses to say he is falling. \\ 
 +the thunderous roar of water filled his ears as he plunged into dark cold water. it was so dark, looking around unable to see anything. holding his breath, only realizing now his eyes were shut tight. \\ 
 +Opening them to see the dark water, a gentle ominous glow from the water's surface only reveled the empty abyss bellow. 
 +Something moved 
 +Waves? fish? no it was huge. larger than any beast Kazrai had seen with his own eyes. it was gone, the movement had ceased. He looked around still on guard. \\ 
 +Then a presence. \\ 
 +Turning around to see countless alien eyes staring him down only inches away. A voice perced his mind "FINNNND USSSSSS" 
 +A thud as he was dropped unto solid ground. Back in his spire's hallway. was that all a vision? no, His body and clothes were soaking wet. dripping, a puddle around his limp body. \\ 
 +Pulling himself up. sitting and looking around. it was difficult to gauge how much time had passed. but one thing was clear. a goal. Finally. */
  • story/spire_master.txt
  • Last modified: 4 months ago
  • by Cinder