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Feel free to use this space to create or read stories based in the world of Felwind or any of the connected planes and worlds. If writing a story there is a template below to create a page and quick details to hook a reader.

Written by:Sammy
Read Stories

Written by: Samuel
Nabilhime, Start 10745 End 10749, Oxtrad.
The Prosperous City of Nabilhime is experiencing a a powerful movement of technological advances like none the land of Mor-thir had seen before, Powerful magical items miles above what had been seen before, moving fortresses capable of laying siege to kingdoms and a new breed of creatures known as warforged, sentient soldiers with enhanced abilities, immune to hunger, disease, exhaustion
The leaders of Nabilhime were proud of thier achievements and showed it off to the other leaders of the lands, bragging of their power. The city caught the attention of something far more sinister that they were not prepared for.
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Written by: Samuel
North & South Corvania, Post Ashlem War.
After the Death of Bryn and Kilvar in the final battle of the Ashley war, Blinding Spear is left bitter sweet trying to savour their victory but nobody can really relax, They buried Kilvar and Bryn in the Hero’s grave sight and spent the entire day there together just chatting and trying to keep sadness at bay.
But there attempted rest was short lived, new orders coming down from high command have stated that there is a large number of stray demons left unchecked, they have taken disguises to appear as other races such as Tieflings or Dragonborn and it’s Blinding Spear’s job to clear the ones out of the Forrests in the south of Corvania. Zyllis still feeling like he failed the team decides to split the group up, letting Rozie take command of the other half.
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Borders of Corvania & Oxtrad, Now known as the Fiery Borderlands.
Post Fall of Nabilhime

On Your journey through the ruins of Stowjaw you discover a bloodied rotten book, seems to be a diary of sorts, possible from on of the prisoners of this hellhole long ago. You open it to find that the pages are still easily readable, written in infernal it seems.
Read Diary?

Written by: Kyle
Various times. Covania
An unruly and boisterous elf is on a quest to become the greatest conjurer of all time. The young Sarren seeks power but all his teachers turn him away and refuse to help, his call for greatness has led him to the Gatiby Jungle where he has found a crone that can grant his wish but at what cost?
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Written by: Amber
Various times, Reton
Caelynn & Varis's stories
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Written by: Kyle
Follow a narrative telling of events of campaign 1, the Rise of Narkul.
A group of unlikely friends and heros join forces to hunt down and stop the summoning of the evil Lich Narkul.
Please be aware that while major events are accurate, minor events and converstations are altered and embelished for the story.
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Written by: Ida
Date/Time, Setting/Location, etc.
A solo mission where Riza returns to home
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Written by: Kyle
Follow the mighty adventures and fights of Aldrun's life as he finds his own title, sword, horse, and hopefully a glorious death. All while trying to figure out if 50 gold is enough for his next meal and how many days have passed since he last ate.
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Written by: Amber
Date/Time, Setting/Location, etc.
Pheonix Backstory
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Written by:Sammy
Ravi has had many adventures throught Mor-Thir and beyond, here you will find some about when she first opened her shop, What she was doing during her service to Narkul and even some lost stories about her time in the Promised Archapeligo.
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Written by:Sammy
Date/Time, Setting/Location, etc.
Raishin has left her home in the mountains she has know for many years, in an effort to find someone she has lost. Journeying from Oxtrad all the way to Reton she has run into a traveling trader early into Corvania
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Written by:Sammy
Date/Time, Setting/Location, etc.
Ozrelia has left her home in Griaca on a ship bound for Corvania. Landing in the port city of Ferrabreeze, Ozrelia has to make a new life for herself in this new land. Read Story

  • story/start.1679707538.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 15 months ago
  • by Cinder