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story:the_invasion [2020/01/30 11:00] Kylestory:the_invasion [2020/09/09 16:10] (current) – removed Kyle
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-======The Invasion====== 
-[[story:start|Back to Stories]] \\ 
-//Written by: Kyle//\\ 
-**Work in Progress**\\ 
-===== The Mountain ===== 
-The Ashlem Rise. A now ravaged mountain range looms around a valley, the harsh sun just beginning to set behind the range. A green Dragonborn and a Half-Elf hide behind a large boulder, another Human close by, prone, trying to look up the mountain they’re on. The top of the mountain, some sixty feet away from the three, stands a small tower connected to a small building. A flash of light erupts from the top of the tower. 
-“Good Gods!” shouted the prone man, rolling back behind the boulder as a bolt of fire lands near where he was. “I thought Gar-prick said they didn’t have damned mages.” The young man claims while checking over himself in a panic, finally taking a deep breath while brushing his short black hair back in relief. 
-“Kel, are you all right?” the Half-Elf asks as he helps check over the man and pulling him away from the edge of the boulder. After confirming he’s unharmed, Kel gives the Half-Elf a subtle nod. 
-“No, Captain Garrick, said that, they’d no reports, of mages.” The Dragonborn hissed back, loading a bolt into his crossbow. “No reports, of mages, and no mages, very different. Understand? 
-“Yes sir, Understood.” Kel sighed back. 
-“What do we do now Sargent?” asked the Half-Elf turning to the Dragonborn “The wizard will make it hard for us to move anywhere.” following suit, stringing a long bow 
-“Pray to whatever God you follow and hope that they fear return fire.” The Sargent replied, trying to look around the boulder crossbow at the ready. 
-“Boki, I-” Kel started before being cut off 
-The Sargent barked “It is, Sargent Boki, or Sargent, to you, Private.” 
-Kel turns to look at the Sargent “Sorry Sargent, I see a rock further up that can hide one o’ us behind it. I could run over while both o’ you take a shot.”  
-“Do not be foolish. You will not make it before you will be burnt alive.” The Half-Elf quickly responds, nocking an arrow in his bow. 
-“Any better, suggestions?” Sargent Boki asks the other two, waiting a moment. “On my call.” 
-Kel crouched, poised ready for his mark. The moment felt like it lasted an eternity. Looking out across and down the mountain range, he can see why someone would build a tower and home in such a beautiful location. ‘I could lose myself here, settle down, run from the all the conflict.’ he thought 
-“Kel, Now!” 
-Reality snaps back to Kel, his leg pushes off as he breaks into a sprint toward the large rock thirty feet up the mountain. Although not focusing at the tower, he sees the familiar flash of light which spurs him further. 
-“Lathor! Now!” 
-Lathor the Half-Elf, a tall man with short white hair, instinctively tries brushing back hair that is no longer there as he steps out of cover. Bow drawn he takes aim at the top window of the tower where a figure stands, releasing the arrow as he hears the mechanical click and crack of a bolt releasing from the Sargent’s crossbow firing. 
-The bolt of fire erupts a few mere feet from Kel, making him stumble and fall, scrambling the last few feet to cover behind the rock. Kel takes a deep breath of the cooling air. A tingling comes over his leg and then a harsh warmth, as he opens his eyes he’s almost blinded by the fiery blaze upon his leg. 
-The arcane fire seemingly hotter than any normal fire, as if someone drenched you in oil, then threw you onto a bonfire on the hottest day of Highsun. Kel lets out a cry as he tries to putting out the fire. 
-Both the arrow and bolt fly true toward the window where the mage stands. Not wanting to be the next targets Lathor and Boki duck behind the boulder, without seeing if their retaliation was successful. As they prepare for another round, the screams of Kel reach them and a shorter shout echoes out from the tower. 
-“Go! I’ll cover” the Sargent demands, as he loads a new bolt causing the wood of the crossbow creak from the stress and wear. Lathor gives his Sargent a solid nod, looks towards the tower confirming there’s no immediate threat, starts running towards Kel still screaming as he tries to quell the flames. 
-The Sargent follows closely behind, crossbow raised and trained on the tower. The smell of burning flesh already filling the nearby air, screams echoing across the valley. haunting echoes and smell of bloody death have been a daily experience within the Ashlem Rise since the war started six years ago. 
-Lathor reaching Kel quickly drops to his knees and starts covering the flames on Kel’s leg with an old tattered leather tunic. Lathor and the Sargent exposed with no cover work quickly to help Kel, bandaging wounds and moving further up the mountain in silence awaiting an attack from the mage from the tower but never comes. 
-===== The Tower ===== 
-===== The Invasion =====