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-======Welington's dairy====== 
-[[story:start|Back to Stories]] \\ 
-//Written by: Sammy//\\ 
-[[character:welington|Welington's Page]] 
-Bits and pices of story lore mostly written from the Queen's perspective, An eye into her thoughts during some key moments in history. personal feels, origins and what ever else she feels like writing about... 
-The Dairy is very well kept, custom made scale bound book matching the colors of the Queen and her nation, the pages enchanted to withstand the cold weather of Oxtrad. it seems like its locked when you first pick it up as it won't open. or maybe you already know the trick and so the pages offer you their words. 
-====Dear Diary==== 
-In The dead of night the Queen works in her study by the light of a candle. Writing down notes in her work. 
-===King Dauthos=== 
-// I still remember meeting King Dauthos. I was still very young just started walking. He seemed like a nice enough king. After learning of what he did though....pathetic...how can you call yourself a king when you lead with trickery....But...it can't be helped. Humans are so easily scared and fear leads to action sometimes those actions are not pleasant..I know better then most. // 
-===The Underdark=== 
-// I am preparing to journey deep bellow. Me, my pets and a small squadron of soldiers are starting the week long preperation for the trip to the underdark. I am very exited actually. \\ Ever since learning of it I had wished to travel there and see it for myself. No doubt there will be more foes then friends. 
-The Journey down was a long one indeed. // 
-===After the War=== 
-//The war is over. I saw it first hand as me and my men slew the great Devil Kelgor the great gates to hell closed. \\ Both My people and Corvania have suffered heavy losses but I'm sure if they wanted to they could easily march over and take my throne. \\ However it seems the bloodlust has been quelled for them, I must say so has mine. I barely remember why I started this war...I thought I was fighting for pride, to not let another nation judge and manipulate our ways... but seeing so many of my people killed...even in the line of study I follow..it was too much. \\ That must seem rich coming from a Grave Warden such as myself. We are supposed to be pushing the bounds of life and death. Death is something I manipulate but... // 
-// So I met with the Corvanian Council. The leaders of Corvania. The meeting place was the capital of corvania itself. I went alone \\ It may seem foolish but I need every hand back home helping to put our land back to a normal again and honestly, I can't stand the sad looks I get from them \\ My journey to Corvania reminded me of how different our countries were...and how much I dispise their way of living. \\ The wealthy and powerful control the poor and weak. \\ In Oxtrad the Wealthy and powerful are a beacon for others to rise too. That's how I was taught. I remember when I first joined the ranks of our soldiers. They didn't even pay attention to me until I issued a direct challange. \\ My opponent beat me down but I kept getting up. Even with a broken arm I still picked myself up and fought until I blacked out. After that I woke up officially part of the soldiers. Battered and bruised but successful. \\ I Image if you tried that here you would be made a fool or killed on the spot. \\ I have been called cruel before but its the way things are in Oxtrad, Weakness has no placed in the cold lands. // 
-// First meeting the council I almost laughed aloud. It was obvious the tried their best to intimidate or show off. Whatever the two. There was still obvious tension between us and I wouldn't have blamed them if the thought to double cross me hadn't crossed their minds. \\ The once leader of their enemy nation now standing alone in the heart of their country. \\ but what ever they are they are not foolish. They have surely herd reports of my presence on the battlefield. I wouldn't have cone alone if I didn't think I could handle the situation and that uncertainty is the only thing keeping me safe right now // 
-// Outlawed races... weather I agree or disagree doesn't matter people need something to blame. Race has never held a place in my land as long as you showed strength I am not sure how to go about this purge...maybe I can // 
-===Love & Family=== 
-// I wonder how my sister is doing // 
-// I can't belive Jack proposed to me. What an adorable idiot...I said yes of course. He has really been a source of light in my life // 
-===Sir Dallas==== 
-12301 \\ 
-Sir Dallas was one of the most well known blade masters of Oxtrad, very secluded yet his skills and teachings spread like wildfire in our Snowy lands. 
-==== Welington's Day ==== 
-The Lady of Oxtrad arroused from sleep by tormenting dreams. Alone in her bed, in her bedroom, the size of some farmer's family house. \\ Welington lay there blinking herself awake, her mind still swirling with dreams of the night. pulling herself up against her will, Wanting to remain in that dream world despite its horrors. \\ 
-Elves don't sleep, But the Queen mearly takes thier form. Most infastructure is not designed to accomidate Chromatic Dragons. Welington sat amongs the silk sheets, her snow white hair draping an otherwise exposed body, Inspecting the runic text scrawled accross her body, covering her limbs, torso and back. She ran a finger over a line close to her sholder, uttering a soft word in Draconic, //Light//. \\ 
-The soft glow of heatless light filled the room from varios crystal torches, Officialy bringing the Queen into the waking world a yawn escaped her, stretching and shuffeling to the edge of the bed. "Another Day begins" 
-Welington stood walking to her closet, looking to the front door, Knowing there were the maids waiting to be summoned. The biting chill of Oxtrad's climate hardly noticed by its Queen. She dressed herself with the fine cloths custome tailored for her figure. \\ She was there longer than most women, unable to decide on the best outfit. It was an important day, Important members from another nation were arriving today and she needed to make a good impression. thier land had recently come under civial conflict and this would be an oppitunity to discuss the future of Oxtrad and Reton. \\ 
-It had been many years since Welington had met the King and queen of Reton face to face. the last meeting was during that trial for the members of Blinding Spear. 
-"Assistance!" The queen called and the servents responded, rushing into the queens chambers. \\ 
-"Y yes my Queen, How may we assist you this morning?" the 4 of them stood sholder to sholder awating the Queen's request. She stood well over all the servants, A towering woman. A dragon may take anyform they choose and this is Welington's prefered form outside her true look. \\ 
-Welington asked the servents //"The floral gowl, the one i wore for the Oclot ball several years ago."//  
-====The First Day==== 
-I still remember the first day. as if a horrible dream i can never wake from. \\ Standing At the border. My soldiers like a wall of Armour and honour cold Oxtranian steel shining like beings of power. I stood ahead, as A leader should. Clad in Armour brandishing my Shield on my back and resting my hands on my blade stood upright infront of me, one of my pets the Remohraz i have tamed was coiled behind me, a watchdog, a cloak of danger and intimidation, a symbol of my streght. \\ The clouds are dark, a storm of nature is brewing above with a storm of blood and steel bellow \\ The wind was high, my Silver white hair caught the wind as if trying to escape the coming ruin, my cold eyes never leaving the enemy army in the distance . \\ I remeber the armies of Corvania, how they outnumbered us from the very begining but i was not scared, i had started this and i was not going to backdown. \\ They may have numbers but we have the finest equipment out smiths can forge, the beasts of the mountains flood our ranks like pillers of might surrounded by the foundation of strenght. 
-The air is cold, colder then the blizzards of the north, of my home. i feel myself getting dizzy. is this fear? what do i fear? its my men, my country, my people, being taken by another unfit to lick the ground any Oxtranian would walk. I look behind to my soldiers. my people. ready to give thier lifes for our country. they all stand motinless but the presence would cause a dragon the faulter even the beasts stand motinless but the rage, the fury, a single pin drop could set them loose. 
-the Corvanian army were roudy, they were like buzzing locasts, ready to wipe us all out. i see two on horseback start to approch us, Flying a messenger flag. I gesture for my men to hold position with a simple raise of an open hand. The Remhoraz coiled behind me frightened the horses were the would not dare approche any closer then two-hundred feet or so. \\ The riders seemed hesitant to approch and so they should be they should be terrified they should be pleading for my mercy. \\ 
-Two men, one seemed much higher ranking then the other. the lowere ranking one spoke unable to take his eyes of the beast behind me, he makes the mistake of not fearing the one who controls them more. his voice a mess of emotions \\ "The Monarchy...h has kidndly offered an op opitunity for The leader of Oxtrad....t to surender her throne and kingdom to the Monarchy before blood is spilled." The boy closes the scroll and steps back, the higer ranking one couldnt tip his nose higher if he tried. 
-I do not utter a word. my blade says all i need as it flys through the cold bitting air, It spills blood of the first Corvanian. the high ranking one lets out a shriek as my axe rends his torso in two, the corpse collapsing to the ground. my eyes never left the army in the distance as i see them react. \\ I turn to my people. \\ "Do not remember tonight, remember why tonight happened. do not remember the enemy, remember the people you protect, Do not follow me into hell, Follow me home. Oxtrad is at war, its lands and people in danger. i will figt till my last breath, I ask you join me." 
-My soldiers erupted together. "For Our People! For our Land! For our Queen! For Our Freedom!" \\ 
-we marched together as a wall of steel as Corvaina charged like beasts. we did not faulter, we kept pace. our marching footsteps shook the earth and woke the gods. As we clashed, I felt regret. 
-I don't remember the battle, i only remember looking over the battlefield. Rain poured from the sky. it started as soon as we clashed and only got heavier as the fight went on. Rivers of water mixed with blood ran accross the battle field. So many lifes lost. so many people that would not be returning home. I scanned the entier area, bodies upon bodies of my people and thiers. i am drenched in blood, it stains my hair, its all i can taste yet everything around me is just grey. \\ 
-I was alone but surrounded by people, husbands, wifes, sons, daughters, Fathers, Mothers, i could feel the pressence of all the dead around me. it was suffocating. 
-I trouged through the death thinking to myself. "This is only the first day." It would be 20 more years before we could rest. 
-It’s not fair. 
-It’s still so vivid. I see it every time I want to sleep, screaming for mercy. At first it was anger until the first axe fell. I...they fucking.....they cut me up....they butchered me like a ..a pig. HE DID THIS. My own father. Strapped me to the stone bench and fell axe after axe. Him and the others. They robbed me of my legs. My arms. Kept me awake during the whole thing. DAYS. \\ Unable to rest, unable to escape. They kept me there suffering for days on that stone slab. I pleaded, I BEGGED, I PRAYED. But....no one came. Not even kelevmor, who I had devoted everything too. \\ What had I done to deserve this I wondered. What could anyone have done to deserve this? 
-Eventually it stopped and all I saw was darkness. I don’t know how long. Until. I felt my body come back. I could feel everything. I couldn't breath. I flailed and struggled unable to control my body and suddenly I herd a crack then The was of water as I flopped and gravity took hold. Everything was blurry, my hearing was muffled as I struggled to get to my feet. I tried and tried but my arms and legs wouldn’t obey as I flopped around on the ground. I coughed up a lot of water. Everything on my body stung as I fought to gain control of it. Then I herd muffled voices and felt hands grab me and help me up. 
-My legs shaking uncontrollably unable to support the rest of me, The bright light faded as I was put in a chair. The material soft as I realized I was naked. I was helpless as a new born baby. I couldn’t think straight. 
-Then...I realised what was going on. I herd screaming, piercing terrified screaming. Muffled. I tried to look around to see where it was coming from my vision still blurry and I didn’t realize until a bad was forced over my mouth that it was my screams. 
-After what seemed like hours things stated to become clear, my vision was correcting itself and my hearing was back, my skin stopped stinging and I was able to gain some control over my limbs. 
-**Clone Cycle** \\ 
-Deep Bellow. In a room made out of crystal and marble lies 5 magical clones of Welington. \\ 
-Forced upon her, each clone is a 20 year old version of her true dragon form all in elven glass urns protected by many many magical wards designed to keep her from tampering with them. 
-Original: Born: 9688 - 9728 \\ 
-Killed for production of clones. 
-1st Clone: 9730 - 11598 \\ 
-2st Clone: 11598 - 12201 \\ 
-3nd Clone: 12201 - 12336 \\ 
-12336 - Present \\ 
-Altercation: After her death at the hands of unknown assailants instead of her soul returning to one of hercloned bodies it was instead stolen, redirected into a copy. a necromancer summoning a dead soul into a body created. Welington has no knowledge or memories from the past few hundread years and knows not who she is. 
-4th Clone: Un-Used 
-5th Clone: Un-Used