This is an old revision of the document!

Magic Era

Lady Greyhawk creates the Swords of Greyhawk and ascends to godhood.

King Dauthos Killed by Narkul, A Nameless Hero banished Narkul but died during the banishment.

Narkul returns but once again is defeated losing his hand in the process.

The Ashlem War breaks out between Covania and Oxtrad at the Ashlem Rise border.

Campaign 3 (The Land of Exilis) Begins.

Large rifts from The Nine Hells appear throughout the Ashlem Rise decimating forces on both Covania and Oxtrad sides.

The Royal Conglomerate is formed between Covania and Oxtrad, allying to defeat the demonic invasion.

War between the Royal Conglomerate and the Nine Hells ends with the closing of the rifts.
Ashlem Rise is renamed to the Firey Borderlands.

Introduction of outlawed races in Covania and Oxtrad. These races include Tieflings, Dragonborn, Dialias, Aasimar, and Changlings.

Campaign 3 (The Land of Exilis) Ends.

Reton Empire forced into joining the Royal Conglomerate.
Introduction of outlawed races in Reton.

2nd Tuesday of Firemoot
Campaign 1 (Rise of Narkul) Begins.

3rd Friday of Reapmoot
Duke Federic Rollo of Greyhawk Forest assassinated.

2nd Sunday of Harvest
Narkul returns, summoned by the Cult of Narkul at Pinga's Monestery

1st Monday of Reapwane
Campaign 4 (Greyhawk Rebellion) Begins.

2nd Monday of Reapwane
Campaign 1 (Rise of Narkul) Ends.

  • time/me.1594181634.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 4 years ago
  • (external edit)