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user:lukejett [2023/05/17 20:49] – [Homebrew Ideas (Feel free to use)] Lukeuser:lukejett [2023/06/21 18:57] – [Homebrew Ideas (Feel free to use)] Luke
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 ==== Characters ==== ==== Characters ====
-  - Merric Mystan - Halfling Sorceror working to liberate the outlawed races in The Greyhawk Rebellion. +  - [[Character:Merric]] - Halfling Sorceror working to liberate the outlawed races in The Greyhawk Rebellion. 
-  - Karg - Half-Orc Beastmaster employed to seek out the Hand of Narkul in Ascension of Narkul.+  - [[Character:Karg]] - Half-Orc Beastmaster employed to seek out the Hand of Narkul in Ascension of Narkul.
 ==== Homebrew Ideas (Feel free to use)==== ==== Homebrew Ideas (Feel free to use)====
 === Subclasses === === Subclasses ===
 +[[homebrew:subclass:Path_of_the_reaver|Path of The Reaver]]\\
 **Fighter**\\ **Fighter**\\
-[[homebrew:subclass:Weapon_Master|Weapon Master]]+[[homebrew:subclass:Weapon_Master|Weapon Master]]\\
 === Spells === === Spells ===
 **Level 2**\\ **Level 2**\\
-[[homebrew:subclass:Wally's Magnificent March]]+[[homebrew:subclass:Wally's Magnificent March]]\\ 
 +**Level 4**\\ 
 +[[homebrew:spell:Plasma_arc|Plasma Arc]]\\
 === Magic Items === === Magic Items ===
-**Frostbite**\\ +[[homebrew:Magic_Item:Spider_Bite]]\\
-//Weapon (Longsword or Battleaxe), Rare (Optional Attunement)//\\ +
-Frostbite is a rugged and violent weapon, with an twisting, rough cedar wood handle and a cold serrated blade that is almost akin to frosted glass.\\ +
-This weapon grants +1 to attack and damage rolls made with it. When you hit with an attack made with this weapon, the target takes an additional 1d4 cold damage.\\ +
-//**Winter's Breath (Requires Attunement)**//\\ +
-While attuned to Frostbite, its wielder can use their bonus action to activate Winter's Breath and enhance Frostbite's power. Until the end of your turn, Frostbite deals 1d8 cold damage on a hit, instead of 1d4. At the end of your turn, if one target is hit at least twice while Winter's Breath is active, the target must make a Strength Saving Throw (DC = 8 + Strength Modifier + Proficiency Bonus). On a failed save, the target becomes restrained as ice forms on the target. Huge and Gargantuan creatures have advantage on the saving throw, unless at least 3 attacks hit the target instead of 2.\\  +
-Winter's Breath can be activated a number of times equal to the wielder's proficiency bonus. This recharges on a long rest.\\+
-**Spider's Bite**\\ +[[homebrew:Magic_Item:Ghostveil]]\\
-//Weapon (Dagger), Very Rare, (Requires Attunement)//\\ +
-When you hit a creature with an attack made with Spider's Bite, the target must make a Constitution Saving Throw, (DC = 8  + Dexterity Mod + Proficieny Mod). On a failed save, the target becomes diseased for 1 minute. Roll a d20 and apply the respective effect.  +
-  * 1-6The target becomes discoloured and weezy. The target is Poisoned for as long as it is diseased. +
-  * 7-11The target begins to hallucinate, seeing you as a terrifying creature. The target begins to panic and becomes Frightened of you for as long as it is diseased. +
-  * 12-16: The target's eyes cloud over, blocking the creature's vision. The target becomes Blinded for as long as it is diseased.  +
-  * 17-19: The target becomes lethargic and sways side-to-side. The target is Stunned for as long as it is diseased. +
-  * 20: The target's body seizes up and is unable to move. The target is Paralyzed for as long as it is diseased. +
-At the end of the target's turns, it can make a Constitution Saving Throw to end the Diseased Condition. If the target fails by 5 or more, it automaticaaly fails it's next Saving Throw.\\+
-**Ghostveil**\\ +[[homebrew:Magic_Item:Prayer_Bracelet]]\\
-//Armour (Shield), Rare (Requires Attunement)//\\ +
-While wearing this shield, increase the wielder's AC by 1 (In addition to the normal bonus from wearing a shield).\\ +
-When you make an attack, this shield becomes ethereal and weightless, allowing you to make two-handed weapon attacks with weapons.\\+
-**Prayer Bracelet**\\ +=== Mechanic Changes === 
-//Braceley, Uncommon//\\ + 
-This bracelet has 3 charges on it. The wielder can use their bonus action and consume 1 charge to pray to a Deity of their choice. Roll a d20 and choose one creature.\\  + 
-On a 10 or higher, for the next minute whenever the creature makes an attack roll, ability check or saving throw, it rolls a d4 and add the result.\\ +[[homebrew:Mechanic:No Spell Slots]]\\
-On a 9 or lower, for the next minute whenever the creature makes an attack roll, ability check or saving throw, it rolls a d4 and subtract the result.\\ +
-At the start of the next dawn, the bracelet regains 1 charge. On using the last charge, the bracelet loses it's magical power.+
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   * Uses Pathfinder's Kingdoms & War (PKW) as the base with components of Strongholds & Followers (S&F) and Kingdoms & Warfare (K&W) to supplement other aspects.     * Uses Pathfinder's Kingdoms & War (PKW) as the base with components of Strongholds & Followers (S&F) and Kingdoms & Warfare (K&W) to supplement other aspects.  
   * Once each in-game Month, the party can decide what their Kingdom will work on for that month, ranging from claiming new territory and developing the land to creating armies and establishing new settlements within your borders. This will involve balancing your Colony's income and expenses, and managing the Colony's Attributes: Economy, Loyalty and Stability.   * Once each in-game Month, the party can decide what their Kingdom will work on for that month, ranging from claiming new territory and developing the land to creating armies and establishing new settlements within your borders. This will involve balancing your Colony's income and expenses, and managing the Colony's Attributes: Economy, Loyalty and Stability.
-  * Outside of this the party can venture outside their borders and explore the surrounding areas, gaining more information and prepare that area to be claimed in advance. Sometimes events may occur that the party have to deal with. Small events might need direct party intervention, such as tracking a group of thieves that stole a shipment, or meeting with a diplomat from another settlement. Larger events may need more direct action, such as rallying your army to deal with an invading force.+  * Outside of this the party can venture outside their borders and explore the surrounding areas, gaining more information and prepare that area to be claimed in advance. Sometimes events may occur that the party have to deal with. Small events might need direct party intervention, such as tracking a group of thieves that stole a shipment, or meeting with a diplomat from another settlement. Larger events may need more direct action, such as rallying your army to deal with an invading force.\\ 
 +Path of The Reaver 
 +Level 3 - Reaver Dice 
 +At 3rd Level you gain the ability to use Reaver Dice. When you enter a Rage on your turn, you can convert a number of your Hit Dice up to your Constitution Modifier (Minimum of 1) into Reaver Dice. The die size is the same as the Hit Dice you converted. 
 +Reaver Dice are used to power your Reaver abilities.  
 +While you are raging, you gain the following abilities: 
 +- When you hit an enemy with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one Reaver Dice and roll it. You deal additional Necrotic Damage to both the target and yourself equal to the result. You cannot reduce the damage you take from this by any means. 
 +The maximum number of Reaver Dice you can roll per attack increases by one at Level 6 and 14. 
 +- When you hit an enemy with a Melee Weapon Attack, you can expend one Reaver Dice to frighten the target. The target must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC = 8 + Your Proficiency Modifier + Your Strength Modifier) or else become Frightened of you for the next minute. The target can make another Saving Throw at the end of each of their turns to end the effect. This effect also ends if you become Unconcious. 
 +If the targer fails the saving throw by 5 or more, they become Paralyzed as well. 
 +At Level 10, you can roll your Reaver Die and add half of the result (Rounded Down, minimum of 0) to the Saving Throw DC. 
 +You cannot use both abilities on the same attack. 
 +Level 3 - Sharp Smell 
 +The Hunt has sharpened you sense of smell, making it more difficult for wounded creatures to hide from you. 
 +While you are raging, as a bonus action you can expend a Reaver Die and attempt to locate any creature whose Hit Points are below its Maximum Hit Points within 30 feet. You make a Survival Check contested against any Creature's Stealth Check within 30 feet of you. You roll the Reaver Die and add the result to your Survival Check. If you win, you know the location of the creature as long as it is within 30 feet of you. 
 +This allows you to ignore Disadvantage on Attack Rolls that is imposed by not being able to see the target, such as Blindness or Invisibility, but enemy's that have Advantage on Attack Rolls from being hidden or an Unseen Attacker still have Advantage. 
 +This ability does not work against Constructs and Undead. 
 +When you reach Level 10, the range extends to 60 feet. 
 +Level 6 -  
 +The Hunt has allowed you to feast on the last dredges of life force when you kill a creature.  
 +While you are raging and kill a creature, you can roll one Reaver die without expending it. You gain HP equal to twice the number rolled plus your Constitution Modifier. 
 +This ability does not work against Constructs and Undead. 
 +Level 10 - Hyper Smell 
 +When it comes to blood, your sense of smell is unparralleled. You can find even the smallest of creatures with the tinest of cuts. 
 +You automatically know the location of any creatures within 15 feet, who have less Hit Points than their maximum.  
 +In addition, the range of your Sharp Smell Feature is extended to 60 feet. 
 +This feature does not work on Constructs and Undead. 
 +Level 10 - Unending ??? 
 +When you enter a rage, if you have no Reaver Dice, you gain a d12 Reaver Dice in addition to those you would normally gain by expending Hit Dice. 
 +Level 14 - Grim Hunt 
 +Your Hunt carries you onward. 
 +While you are raging, as an action you can expend any number of Reaver Dice. You can move up to half of your movement speed towards another creature, without provoking attacks of opportunity, and make a melee weapon attack against that creature. If the attack hits, you deal the normal effects and you roll all Reaver Dice expended this way and deal additional necrotic damage equal to the result.  
 +You can then repeat this effect for each expended Reaver Dice with the following conditions: 
 +- You cannot target the same creature with this feature more than once. 
 +- For each creature after the first, decrease the amount of Reaver Dice you roll by 1. If you expended Reaver Dice of different sizes, you remove the largest size first.  
 +If you kill a creature with this feature, you gain Hit Points equal to the Necrotic Damage you dealt to the killed creature. 
 +At the end of your turn, you roll the amount of expended Reaver Dice, less the amount of creatures you attacked with this feature, and take Necrotic Damage equal to the result. This damage cannot be reduced in any way. 
 +Ex. If you expend 4d12 Reaver Dice, you can attack up to 4 creatures as long as they are within half of your movement speed of each other. 
 +The first creature takes the full 4d12 Necrotic Damage. 
 +The second takes 3d12. 
 +The third takes 2d12 and so on. 
 +If you attack 3 creatures, at the end of your turn you take (4-3)d12 Necrotic Damage.\\ 
 +4tg-level necromancy 
 +Casting Time: 1 action 
 +Range: 120 feet 
 +Components: V, S, M (a metal rod and a piece of fur) 
 +Duration: Concentration, 1 Minute 
 +You form a sphere of electrical energy at a point within range. The energy arcs towards each creature within 20 feet of the sphere, shocking their nervous system. 
 +Each creature within range must make a Constitution Saving Throw. If the creature has Resistance or Vunerability to Lightning Damage, it has advantage or disadvantage on the saving throw respectively. If it is Immune to Lightning Damage it automatically succeeds. 
 +On a Failed Saving Throw, the target's body locks up as the electrical energy overtakes their nervous system. They take 3d6 Lightning Damage and are Paralysed until the spell ends. At the end of their turn, they can repeat their Saving Throw to end this effect. 
 +On a Success Save, they take half damage and are not Paralysed. 
 +At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, increase the damage dealt by 2d6 for each level beyond 4th. When using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, ignore the advantage a target would gain if they have resistance to Lightning Damage.
  • user/lukejett.txt
  • Last modified: 10 months ago
  • by Luke