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wiki:newchar [2019/09/11 15:35] Kylewiki:newchar [2020/08/07 11:20] (current) – removed Kyle
Line 1: Line 1:
-Action template character:c_template "character:@@Character Name@@" 
-Thanks "New character has been created." 
-Fieldset "Basic information" 
-Textbox  "Player Name" "=Your Name" 
-Textbox  "Character Name" "=Character Name" 
-Textbox "Race" "=Race" 
-number "Age" 
-select "Alignment" "Lawful Good|Lawful Neutral|Lawful Evil|Neutral Good|True Neutral|Neutral Evil|Chaotic Good|Chaotic Neutral|Chaotic Evil" 
-Fieldset "Class" 
-number "Total level" >0 <21 
-static "Primary class" 
-number "Level" >0 <21 
-select "Class" "Barbarian|Bard|Cleric|Druid|Fighter|Monk|Paladin|Ranger|Rogue|Sorcerer|Warlock|Wizard" 
-Textbox "Subclass" "=Subclass" 
-static "Multiclass is WIP, please manually update" 
-Fieldset "Abilities" 
-static "Strength" 
-number "STR Score" >0 <21 
-yesno "STR Saving" "=**X**" "! " 
-yesno "Athletics" "=**X**" "! " 
-static "Dexterity" 
-number "DEX Score" >0 <21 
-yesno "DEX Saving" "=**X**" "! " 
-yesno "Acrobatics" "=**X**" "! " 
-yesno "Sleight of Hand" "=**X**" "! " 
-yesno "Stealth" "=**X**" "! " 
-static "Constitution" 
-number "CON Score" >0 <21 
-yesno "CON Saving" "=**X**" "! " 
-static "Intelligence" 
-number "INT Score" >0 <21 
-yesno "INT Saving" "=**X**" "! " 
-yesno "Arcana" "=**X**" "! " 
-yesno "History" "=**X**" "! " 
-yesno "Investigation" "=**X**" "! " 
-yesno "Nature" "=**X**" "! " 
-yesno "Religion" "=**X**" "! " 
-static "Wisdom" 
-number "WIS Score" >0 <21 
-yesno "WIS Saving" "=**X**  " "! " 
-yesno "Animal Handling" "=**X**  " "! " 
-yesno "Insight" "=**X**" "! " 
-yesno "Medicine" "=**X**" "! " 
-yesno "Perception" "=**X**" "! " 
-yesno "Survival" "=**X**" "! " 
-static "Charisma" 
-number "CHA Score" >0 <21 
-yesno "CHA Saving" "=**X**" "! " 
-yesno "Deception" "=**X**" "! " 
-yesno "Intimidation" "=**X**" "! " 
-yesno "Performance" "=**X**" "! " 
-yesno "Persuasion" "=**X**" "! " 
-Fieldset "Skills" 
-Fieldset "Finishline" 
-submit "Create Character" 