======Peoples and connections======
[[character:heleste|Heleste Toumond]] is a skilled alchemist and researcher, resides in Greyhawk Keep. \\
[[character:torm|Torm]] Groundkeeper and caretaker of Greyhawk Keep.\\
[[character:York Gabor|York Gabor]] a retired jailor who's mind was manipulated by Dyndryd \\
====Alucard's Employees====
====Greyhawk Rangers====
====Knights of Palus====
[[character:narkul|Narkul]] \\
Dyndryd the Enternal \\
Gashadokuro \\
[[character:guthber|Guthber Toumond]] \\
====Cult of Narkul====
[[faction:cult_of_narkul|Cult of Narkul]]\\
**Current Members**\\
"Sovereign" Amalia\\
"The Eye"\\
"The Ear"\\
**Former Members**\\
"Church" Adah Duhlin\\
"Seeker" Nephyx\\