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character:blitz [2024/05/30 12:42] Idacharacter:blitz [2024/05/31 10:57] (current) – [Introduction] Ida
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 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====
-Blitz is a happy go lucky young //Harengon// hailing from the feywildshey left the wilds to the mortal realm in hopes of finding answers. His positive attitude and bright smile gets him through the struggles of finding his home. With only the strange markings etched on his skin as a clue , he seeks someone who can read them and hopefully get him back to his mysterious monastaryWhilst he searches , he took up a job at a local Reton post office ( named the Pigeon Hole ) as a delivery boy. +Blitz is a happy go lucky young //Harengon// hailing from the //Feywild//He left the wilds for the mortal realm in hopes of finding answers. His positive attitude and bright smile fights off the feeling of hopelessness. With very little idea on where or how to find his first home the struggles of being one taken by the Fey are intense. With only the strange markings etched on his fur as a clue, his strongest lead. Blitz seeks someone who can read them and hopefully get him back home\\ 
 +Whilst he searches, he took up a job as a courier at a newly established post office. Run by the [[faction:map_master|Map Master’s Association]] ( named the Pigeon Hole )
-Whilst travelling to a small village in the promised Archepelego , a local islander mentioned legendary creature in the forests that may help him read the scriptTaking detourfollowed the route that the legendary old woman was last seen and found himself in the dungeon libray of the great and mistfying Elesia instead+A stolen child. Blitz like many before him was taken by the FeyStolen away from his family and home. All he ever knew was the //Feywild// until running into //Plane Walker// by the name of [[character:Lidica]] who told him of his true nature. \\ He was probably once normal human or dwarf or even a hafling but the energies of the //Feywild// have permanently changed him into one of its native species. \\  
 +The Centaur woman offered Blitz a way to the mortal realm if he was so set on finding his first home, Which he was. 
 +A fateful delivery brought him overseas to the //promised Archepelego//. The first time he had traveled by boat whole new land to exploreAnd while the trip and dreams were exciting the actually delivery was rather mundane. \\ 
 + Not to let the opportunity pass him by he decided the do a bit of adventuring.  
 +He spent a few weeks navigating the foggy land. Hearing all kinds of strange and interesting stories. Some far fetches legends some rather odd characters. He stumbled upon a goblin camp at one stage and was pleasantly surprised to find them rather joyful. Goblins all he had know until then were the rather savage nature and cunning pack tactics but this tribe was well established, well spoken for goblins and even offered simple trade. Blitz didn't stay long thinking the whole situation rather uncanny. 
 +Reaching the small village of //VILLAGE NAME// Blitz was nearing the end of his adventure. Meeting the locals in the local tavern he herd mention of a legendary creature, a horrible monster, a goddess of the serpents, All these things used to describe some creature who they say has vast knowledge on all things. You may only need to find the Library in the misty Forrest'and all questions will answered. 
 +Delaying his return home to investigate all these rumours he followed the roads to the misty forest described. Finding the serpent Patron known as Ellisia.
  • character/blitz.1717038762.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 10 months ago
  • by Ida