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character:cinder [2024/01/25 14:49] Cindercharacter:cinder [2025/03/12 15:58] (current) Cinder
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-{{tag>artificer bloodhunter asimar elf player reton }} +{{tag>artificer bloodhunter asimar elf player reton demigod }} 
-====== Cinder Stem ======+====== Cinder Kazrai Stem ======
 <WRAP left> <WRAP left>
 [[user:sam|{{:wiki:media:back.png?65|}}]] [[user:sam|{{:wiki:media:back.png?65|}}]]
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-[[character:cinder:stats|{{:wiki:media:backpack.png?75 |}}]] +[[character:cinder:stats|{{:wiki:media:sheets.png?75 |}}]] 
-[[character:cinder:spells|{{ :wiki:media:spells.png?75|}}]] \\ \\+[[character:sam:gallery|{{ :character:media:gallery_icon.png?75|}}]]  \\ \\
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 <WRAP clear/> <WRAP clear/>
-^ Name / Titles: | Cinder Grendal Stem \\ Slayer \\ Wicked G \\ Madam +^ Name / Titles: | Cinder Kazrai Stem \\ Slayer \\ Wicked G \\ Madam 
-^[[character:cinder:class|Class]]:| Alchemist Artificer \\ Mutagen Blood-Hunter | +^[[culture:classes|Class]]:| Alchemist Artificer \\ Mutagen Blood-Hunter | 
-^[[character:cinder:species|Species]]:| Elven Asimar |+^[[culture:Species]]:| Elven Asimar |
 ^ Nationality: | {{:faction:flag-retonemp.png?25 }}[[faction:reton|Reton]] | ^ Nationality: | {{:faction:flag-retonemp.png?25 }}[[faction:reton|Reton]] |
-^ Home:|+^ Home:[[location:palace_vrugbaar|Palace of Vrugbaar]] |
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
 === Character Information === === Character Information ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-^Background:Arch-Fey'Child | +^Background:Forsaken Child | 
-^Born:| 2nd Friday, Seedwane ((Born 12336 In the Feywild and grew up there. She left the Feywild age 22 but for the mortal plane just under two years had passed. 12337)) |+^Born:| 2nd Friday, Seedwane  |
 ^Alignment:| Neutral Evil | ^Alignment:| Neutral Evil |
-^[[culture:Languages]]:| Common \\ Elven \\ Abyssal | +^[[culture:Languages]]:| Common \\ Primordial \\ Abyssal \\ Elven \\ //Can Read any type of writing// 
-^Tools:| Alchemist Supplies \\ Glass Blower's Tools \\ Tinker's Tools \\ Poisioner's Kit |+^Tools:| Alchemist Supplies \\ Glass Blower's Tools \\ Tinker's Tools \\ Poisioner's Kit \\ Tattooist Tools \\ Medicine Tools |
 ^Gear:| Light & Medium Armor, Shields \\ Simple weapons \\ Hand & Heavy crossbows \\ Rapiers | ^Gear:| Light & Medium Armor, Shields \\ Simple weapons \\ Hand & Heavy crossbows \\ Rapiers |
 ^Saves:| Intelligence, Constitution | ^Saves:| Intelligence, Constitution |
-^Profession:| Slayer, Alchemist | +^Profession:| Slayer, Alchemist, Magic Mark Artist \\ Teacher 
-^Affiliation:| [[faction:bloodhunter_pack|Hunter Pack Vein]] \\ [[business:devil_brews|Devil's Brew]] \\ [[faction:remon_academy|Remon's Academy]] \\ [[faction:Blacklist]] | +^Affiliation:| [[faction:bloodhunter_pack|Hunter Pack Vein]] \\ [[business:devil_brews|Devil's Brew]] \\ [[faction:remon_academy|Remon's Academy]] \\ [[faction:Blacklist]] \\ <del>[[location:sea_spire| Sea Spire]]</del>(Closed Down) \\ <del>[[faction:blinding_spear|Blinding Spear]]</del>(Disbanded) \\ [[location:palace_vrugbaar|Palace of Vrugbaar]] \\ [[faction:remon_academy|Remon's Academy]] \\ [[location:wicked_marks|Wicked's Marks]] | 
-^[[religion:start|Faith]]:| [[religion:Cinder]] |+^[[religion:start|Faith]]:| [[religion:cinder|Black-Winged Devil]] | 
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
 === Physical Description === === Physical Description ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-^Type:Humanoid \\ Fey | +^Type:- //Beast, Monstrosity, Fey etc. Most D&D Species are Humanoid but some rare ones are slightly different or you ay run into a curse during your session and become a wearwolf.// 
-^Height:5.6ft 171cm +^Height:8.1ft 247cm 
-^Weight:157lbs 71kg //(Normal)// | +^Weight:346lbs 157kg //Over-Weight// | 
-^Size:| Medium (1x1) |+^Size:| Medium(1x1) |
 ^Complexion:| Pale | ^Complexion:| Pale |
-^Eyes:| Red | +^Texture:| Flesh | 
-^Hair:| Black with red tips +^Eyes:Crimson Red | 
-^Details:Markings on stomach and legs \\ Black feathered wings on lower back +^Hair:Ash Black | 
-^Gender:| Female \\ //(She/Her)// |+^Details:Single Demon horn, Black Angelic wings | 
 +^Gender:| Female \\ //She/Her// |
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
 === Family === === Family ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-^ Partner:| [[character:malice|Malice Decota]] | +^ Partner:| [[character:Ezekiel]] | 
-Mother:| [[character:valour|Valour Stem]] | +Children:| [[faction:stem| Valour & Cinder's Children]] | 
-^ Father:[[character:kazraiKazrai Stem]] |+^ Father://Unknown Patron// | 
 +^ Mother:| //Unknown Arch-Devil// |
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 === Other Quirks === === Other Quirks ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-^Favorite Food:| - | +^Favorite Food:| - //Good for Role Play// 
-^Favorite Drink:| - | +^Favorite Drink:| - //Good for Role Play, there is also quite rich D&D lore surrounding the various alcoholic drinks it could tie in to your character's story in some way.// 
-^Games:| - | +^Games:| - //Outside of hobbies, There are a few D&D games around but classics like cards and Dice are always fun to do during down time.// 
-^Hobbies:| - | +^Hobbies:| - //Outside of Occupation, games, music. Things to flesh our your character narratively.// 
-^Sexuality:| - | +^Sexuality:| - //what is the character attracted to if anything. Can be as simple or exotic as you like. If your not comfortable then you can simply delete the entire line.// 
-^Music:| - |+^Music:| - //Types character enjoys to listen or play// |
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 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 ^Cinder's Tales:| [[story:cinder|Cinder's Tales]] | ^Cinder's Tales:| [[story:cinder|Cinder's Tales]] |
-^-:| - |+[[c1:summary|Rise of Narkul]] | Player Character | 
 +^ [[c3:summary|Land of Exilis]] | NPC | 
 +^ [[c4:summary|Grey-hawk Rebellion]] | Player Character (As Griss) | 
 +^ Witchlight Carnival //OneShot// | Player Character | 
 +^ [[story:spire_master|Spire's Master]] | Story |
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
 === Stats === === Stats ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-^Level| 12 \\ 6 Artificer \\ 6 Hunter| **Base Total** \\ 81 of 108 +++++ View | 
-^Init^Speed ^Prof^ +^Level|0\\ (Class A 0)\\ (Class B 0)\\ | **Base Total** \\ 00 ||
-|+0|++ 30ft| \\ Base: \\ Blank\\ Blank\\ Blank ++ |+00| +^Init^Speed^Prof^ 
-^Health ^Armor Class^P.Perception+|+0|30ft|+0| 
-|++ 00| \\ Start: \\ Level: \\ Extra: ++ |++ 18| \\ Base: 10\\ Item: 18\\ Dex: +3 ++|++ 15| \\ Base: 10\\ Wis: +0\\ Prof: +0\\ Feat: +5 ++ |+^HP^AC^TempHP
 +^  Ability Scores  ^^^
-|++ 9(-1)| \\ Base: 9\\ Blank\\ Blank ++|++ 16(+3)| \\ Base:16\\ Blank\\ Blank ++|++ 17(+3)| \\ Base: 17\\ Blank\\ Blank ++|+|10(0)|10(0)|10(0)| 
 +^ INT ^ WIS ^ CHA ^ 
 +10(0) | 10(0) | 10(0) | 
 +^  Saving Throws  ^^^ 
-|++ 17(+3)\\ Base: 15\\ Race: +1\\ Feat: +1 ++|++ 10(+0)| \\ Base: 10\\ Blank\\ Blank ++|++ 16(+3)| \\ Base: 14\\ Race: +2\\ Blank ++|+|+0|+0|+0|
 //Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat// //Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat//
-Acrobatics \\ (Dex)       | +0  Medicine \\ (Wis)         | +0  |+Acrobatics \\ (Dex)       | +0  Medicine \\ (Wis)         | +0  |
 | Animal Handling \\ (Wis)  | +0  | Nature \\ (Int)           | +0  | | Animal Handling \\ (Wis)  | +0  | Nature \\ (Int)           | +0  |
-Arcana \\ (Int)           | +0  Perception \\ (Wis)       | +0  |+Arcana \\ (Int)           | +0  Perception \\ (Wis)       | +0  |
 | Athletics \\ (Str)        | +0  | Performance \\ (Cha)      | +0  | | Athletics \\ (Str)        | +0  | Performance \\ (Cha)      | +0  |
 | Deception \\ (Cha)        | +0  | Persuasion \\ (Cha)       | +0  | | Deception \\ (Cha)        | +0  | Persuasion \\ (Cha)       | +0  |
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 | Insight \\ (Wis)          | +0  | Sleight of Hand \\ (Dex)  | +0  | | Insight \\ (Wis)          | +0  | Sleight of Hand \\ (Dex)  | +0  |
 | Intimidation \\ (Cha)     | +0  | Stealth \\ (Dex)          | +0  | | Intimidation \\ (Cha)     | +0  | Stealth \\ (Dex)          | +0  |
-Investigation \\ (Int)    | +0  | Survival \\ (Wis)         | +0  |+Investigation \\ (Int)    | +0  | Survival \\ (Wis)         | +0  |
 //Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill// //Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill//
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
 === Spell/Ability Modifier === === Spell/Ability Modifier ===
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-^Ability:Intelligence |+^Ability:| |
 ^ Save DC ^ Modifier ^ ^ Save DC ^ Modifier ^
-|++ 00| \\ Base: 8\\ Prof: +0\\ Stat: +++|++ 00 | \\ Base8\\ Stat: +++| +|++ 00| \\ Base: 8\\ Prof: +0\\ Stat: +++|++ +00 | \\ Prof+0\\ Stat: +++| 
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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 ==== Introduction ==== ==== Introduction ====
-When patron's disagree bargain is struck \\ When the [[religion:kraken|Kraken]] Pateron's most loyal underling crossed the [[religion:valour|Arch-Fey]] Pateron she was furious, But a bargain was struck, the one who crossed the Arch-Fey would father her Sons & Daughters until such time as the Arch-Fey would achieve godhood. \\ +Cinder has been around very long time. She has lost the knowledge of her exact age being somewhere in the 000hundreads. Born long ago, An abomination of an offspring between a Arch-Devil of the [[planes:the_nine_hells|The Nine Hells]] and some [[religion:kraken|Fathomless Patron]] the exact identities of her parents not known to her and she has little desire to learn the information.
-Cinder was brought up in a posh life style, a level of etiquette and manors taught to her and Cinder's many siblings. Life was strict but never unfair and Cinder had access to a plentiful life style. even with so many mouths to feed, no one would go hungry. \\ +
- \\ +
-To present day Her father still sends her letters constantly asking her status, pushing her to take up the eldritch arcane.+
-Having an Arc-Fey as her mother, Cinder never uses her true name as introduction especially with strangers, normally referring to herself as //Grendal// or //Wicked//. Cinder knows that Arch-fey can hold absolute power over you when a true name is known. \\ +A tall woman with a heavy hourglass figure. Pale complexion, blood red eyes and ebony dark hair that falls to bellow her knees in length. A single large demonic horn sprouts from the left side of her head. a much shallower horn on the right but concealed by hair. \\ Large pointed ears much longer than a typical elf. Her body is covered in various magic markings applied herself delivering arcane power to her in various formsBoons for a variety of situations. \\ 
-A women of average height and slightly above average weight. Red & black hair coloured with magic she stands tall with correct posture and a certain razor like elegance. \\ An expert of the womanly charms she possesses. Cinder learned long ago that the best way to open doors was to open your...heart...so to speak. \\ Commonly dressed in dignified clothes that a noble would wear. Her mother being a hobbyist tailor means she has wide variety of outfits available, Suitable for all occasions. Always close to her side is a decorated Estoc she calls [[item:repilcache|Repilcache]] as well as a bag full of bottles and vials of potions for friends and poisons for foes. +Though she never was allowed to leave the house growing up in the Feywilds taught its own lessons. Cinder never uses her true name as introduction especially with strangers, normally referring to herself as //Grendal// or //Wicked//. Cinder knows that many //Fey// can hold absolute power over you when a true name is known. \\ 
- +She stands tall with correct posture and a certain razor like elegance. \\  
-Cinder started her journey to become a [[faction:bloodhunter_pack|Blood Hunter]] once she was able to leave the family homeChild to Arch-Fey and Eldrich spawn her entry was hesitated at first but after proving her moral she was accepted into the pack. \\ After finishing her training as a //Blood Hunter// she left the pack to further her skills at her own paceSlaying beasts was fine but she wanted a deeper purpose. \\  +An expert of the womanly charms she possesses. Cinder learned long ago that the best way to open doors was to open your...heart...so to speak. \\ Commonly dressed in dignified clothes that a noble would wear. Her adoptive mother being a hobbyist tailor, She picked up quite a few talents being locked away inside able to sew and design a variety of outfits to wear, Suitable for all occasions. Always close to her side is a decorated Estoc she calls [[item:repilcache|Repilcache]] as well as a bag full of bottles and vials of potions for friends and poisons for foes. However such primal solutions to problems is always her plan BShe prefers sweet words and flaunting body to pacify any would be foe.
-The letters from her father flash in her mind wanting her to take ownership of the [[location:sea_spire|Sea Spire]] but to settle in one location so early into her life seemed wasteful. her lineage gifted her with longer life than most, time was her own. \\ wanting to place her own flag not get handed one. \\ Nowadays Cinder travels from town to town offering her services, All of them, in exchange for information leading to new exiting adventures. \\+
 Cinder is deadly precise in negotiation, Debate and battle, knowing exactly what she wants, never settling for less. A lustful aura follows her, willing and wanting to take different approaches to problems she encounters. \\  Cinder is deadly precise in negotiation, Debate and battle, knowing exactly what she wants, never settling for less. A lustful aura follows her, willing and wanting to take different approaches to problems she encounters. \\ 
 Overall most would describe her as sexy but odd, Obsessing over unique details but letting other more obvious problems slide. \\ She finds it very hard to camp outdoors, Having her own custom cart that is fully furbished and follows her where ever she goes, Pulled by monstrous mares that need no rest or food. \\  Overall most would describe her as sexy but odd, Obsessing over unique details but letting other more obvious problems slide. \\ She finds it very hard to camp outdoors, Having her own custom cart that is fully furbished and follows her where ever she goes, Pulled by monstrous mares that need no rest or food. \\ 
-Often longing for her life back at her parent'mansion, Servants for every situation, Magnificent bedrooms, Stunning vistas and all her younger siblings to spend time withAdapting to life on her own has been a big culture shock. \\ Brewing potions is her most productive pass time. Buying out local shops of any new or unique ingredients and mixing them together to see what kind of concoction it will make. Most don't have any interesting effects however she has discovered quite a few worthwhile brews from her experiments. \\ +Often longing for life of spoils. A mansion, Servants for every situation, Magnificent bedrooms, Stunning vistas and all the men and women chasing for her love and desireEven after obtaining it she still desires more. \\
-All her notes, Research, Hypothesis  and recipes to do with her potions and mutagen brewing is kept in a large book, Hardly ever leaving her possession.+
-Cinder uses these potions and her skill with a blade to great effect in combat, Preferring honorable one on one duels but able to hold up against a group with all her different brews at the readyHowever such primal solutions to problems is always her plan B, She prefers sweet words and flaunting body to pacify any would be foe.+Her personal end goals remain vague. To help [[character:Valour]] reach his Godhood through their children. To uncover the lost secrets of the //Old Gods//To further the reach of //Blacklist// To embrace a humble lifestyle as a teacher. She balances many plates\\
-Her birth-mother has said that her true form has yet to matureBeing the first born to Arch-Fey and Eldrich spawn Cinder has deep twisted heritage that has yet to blossom. An elf only in appearance for now until her heritage is awakenedNobody is sure when or how it will happen. Cinder keeps this knowledge in the back of her mind. the idea that her self may be irreversibly changed any moment is something she wishes not to fret over.+Despite her busy schedule Cinder finds time to herselfWith the massive amount of resources that come from being wife to an //Arch-Fey// there are plenty of servants to help with looking after her children giving her time to indulge a little\\  
 +Being a teacher Cinder can make small talk with almost anyone, coming off as pomace and entitled. She often spreads the topics of Gods, secrets, magic items, or teaching, these being her favorite topics to discuss\\  
 +Her social life has expanded greatly since teaching in //Covania//. At the //Sea-Spire// Cinder would do nothing but smoke in her office scrolling through ancient text between the small amount of classes. But now; With //[[character:Valour]]// out sailing the multiverse most of the year, the desire for Cinder to make "friends" outside the //Feywild// has grown dramatically. Tending to her children, Feeding, clothing, bathing and teaching them has opened her mind and heart to a bigger picture of humanoid interaction\\  
 +Another way Cinder stimulates her time is with her collection of magic trinkets, items she takes a fascination with, the quirks of their magical properties and the history of how they came to be. She is always on the search for magic items. Her favorite type being magic books or tomes which she often reads to her children under the guise of a story. But she has a soft spot for a particular magic //basket of Breadsticks.// \\
-**First Child's Heritage** \\+==== History & Origins ====
-**Student at Remon's Academy** \\ +=== Origins ===
-Cinder was awarded a scholarship at the esteemed Remon's Academy as a young adult. Moving out of home and into the on-campus logging where she aimed to study parts of being a Artificer+
-**Blacklist Brothel Take Over** \\ +As baby, Cinder ended up in the [[planes:feywild|Feywild]] where she was raised by citizens of the //Court of Arcadia// in secretHer adoptive parents always said the great [[religion:sidereal|Sidereal Vizier]] knew of this Assimar Tiefling crossbreed, That if he was truly against harboring such tarnished being he would have come down to deliver swift punishment the moment the baby entered his lands. It was justification to ease their paranoia\\ 
-An opportunity has presented itself. While doing some work as Lady of the night Cinder was approached with a job offer. Some people saying they were from BLANK of //Dragon Hold// offered Cinder a well paying position at their BrothelShe tried to explain that it was just side gig she did when her Potions were slow but the offer was highMuch higher than any job she has had beforeAgreeing partly for money and partly for the intrigueWith promise she may continue her Potions business how could she refuse?+But curiosity plagues a child's mindOnly intensified when denied the entire world beyond a wooden doorWhen she came of age, A small act of defiance sealed her fate, but before punishment could be handed down she was pulled through a tear in reality.
 +=== History: Pre-Ashlem War ===
 +**Hunters of Vein** \\
 +After Cinder was thrown from the Feywild she ended up in the mortal plane. Making her way through the land and fulfilling her life. working simple jobs learning about the world and herself. She learned a taboo power from the [[faction:bloodhunter_pack|Blood Hunters]]  of //Mor-Thir// Starting her down a path of desire. \\
 +The Hunters were weary of Cinder. Far from mortal and tittering on the edge of abomination. The most experienced hunters foretelling she would become a being of high power. One who's dedication could not be seen, Perhaps a foe who should be slayed now before she awakens into something more. \\ 
 +But after proving her moral she was accepted into the pack. \\
-====Background: Arch-Fey'Child====+Her time with the Blood Hunters was shorter that expected. Leaving her training unfinished saying she wished to further her skills at her own pace, Her own choice. Feeling further time was better spent on other paths of knowledge. \\ 
 +Stumbling upon some rare texts, Owned by a rich governor who was too focused on Cinder'looks to notice his primitive male lust was being exploited. Cinder made off with various books speaking of an old type of magic involving weaving arcane into ink upon the flesh. Magic Markings.
-Odd markings depicting hearts desires and fertility cover Cinder'lower stomach and thighs. the markings don'hold any power yet but both her parents say the meaning is important.+**Magic Markings** \\ 
 +The art of //Magic Marks// is a rare one in the world. only a few have mastered the arcane and ink enough to translate its power onto flesh. \\ 
 +The talent was born of some ancient stolen books but was honed and mastered through hard work and experimentation. She has a small [[location:wicked_marks|shop]] in //Reton// where she sold her services before becoming hitched to //Valour//
 +It was through this study that she made first contact with her birth father. 
 +**Patron's Gift** \\ 
 +When Cinder was younger she desired a posh life style filled with surplus and gracious living. Have servants for her ever desire, Having more food and wealth than she could ever use practically. However as she began to gain her own power, Carving out her own reputation and status her desires shifted ever so slightly. A life of surplus yes but to be in control of others as well. to be able to shift and alter the culture of the people around her. \\ 
 +As she was studying the 'Magic Marks' one particular book lead her to contact with a Eldrich Patron, AS if it were fate it was her birth father. \\ 
 +Though Cinder found it hard to believe the Patron insisted it was indeed her birth father. It was its seed she grew from and how pleased it was that Cinder had finally contacted. \\ Cinder didn't say much during the first meeting more so confused. The Patron gifted her with new power and knowledge as well as an ancient building known as the [[location:sea_spire|Sea Spire]]. 
 +**Black List** \\ 
 +An opportunity has presented itself. While doing some work as a Lady of the night Cinder was approached with a job offer. Some people saying they were from BLANK of //Dragon Hold// offered Cinder a well paying position at their Brothel. She tried to explain that it was just a side gig she did when her Potions were slow but the offer was high. Much higher than any job she has had before. Agreeing partly for money and partly for the intrigue. With promise she may continue her Potions business how could she refuse 
 +Part of her post she managed a position in the Covanian army as captain in the Southern armies where she met an interesting elf by the name of [[character:Sarren]] 
 +=== History: Ashlem War === 
 +**Blinding Spear** \\ 
 +Before the [[time:ashlem_war|Ashlem War]] Cinder met the leader of [[faction:blinding_spear|Blinding Spear]] 
 +**A Line Crossed** \\ 
 +The last official mission //Blinding Spear// was tasked with. The war being Declared over merly a few days before. Cinder; or Rozie as she was known, Was killed by citizens of Covania. At least that'what everyone believed. Yet Cinder managed to claw her way back from death. Returning to the mortal world a few hours later. Able to escape, And so 'Rozie' was declared dead and Cinder returned to her home putting and end to that chapter of her life. 
 +=== History: Post-Ashlem War === 
 +**Devil's Brews** \\ 
 +Recovering from the events at the end of the war, Cinder kept herself hidden away mostly. the journey home to the //Sea Spire// was a slow one but manageable. \\ 
 +It was during her recovery when she encountered the ridiculous prices of potions currently available on the market. Having little choice than to pay the prices drove her design to make something alternative, Cheaper and perhaps tastier, She already had quite a bit of knowledge on brewing concoctions, Using these potions and her skill with a blade to great effect in combat, Preferring honorable one on one duels but able to hold up against a group with all her different brews at the ready. but to turn that into a commercial business was going to take some work. 
 +Brewing potions is her most productive pass time. Buying out local shops of any new or unique ingredients and mixing them together to see what kind of concoction it will make. Most don'have any interesting effects however she has discovered quite a few worthwhile brews from her experiments. \\ 
 +All her notes, Research, Hypothesis  and recipes to do with her potions and mutagen brewing is kept in a large book, Hardly ever leaving her possession. \\ 
 +Most of her recover was spent trying to find a suitable alternative to healing potions. Constant experimentation eventually lead to a breakthrough with a dairy based potion. Still in its early stages she worked on something else. Most Potions are kept in bulky fragile glass bottles so she aimed to simplify the container and invent a quick way to unseal the bottle for adventures in a sticky situation. \\ 
 +Once she was able to move around normally she began working on a custom cart. She wanted to have a mobile store so she could spread this new alternative to the many towns of //Reton//
 +**Greyhawk Rebelion** \\ 
 +Somehow Cinder was found to be alive by //Zyllis// in a deal to keep her ‘death’ a secret Zyllis requested she help with the rebelion effort in his stead as Blinding Spear had officially been exiled from Mor-Thir. \\ 
 +Under the Guise of a man called Griss, Cinder did as requested, Fufilling her part of the deal then dealing with the identity of ‘Griss’ . \\ 
 +However one seeking revenge learned of this ploy and sought her out. 
 +=== History: Arch-Fey Era === 
 +**Arch-Fey Deal** \\ 
 +When Cinder, the [[religion:kraken|Kraken]] Pateron's Daughter crossed the Un-Seelie King he was furious, A bitter fued over magical trinkets had hit boiling point.\\ 
 +But a bargain was struck. The Son of the Un/Seelie King, an [[religion:ezekiel|Arch-Fey]] He an Cinder would enter a binding marriage and Cinder would bare one-hundred children with the Arch-Fey Ezikiel. \\ She would mother his Sons & Daughters until such time as the Arch-Fey would achieve godhood. \\ 
 +The thought struck Cinder as unbelivale, Her?! a Mother?! and how many children?! Though the shock and surprise gave way to the idea. SHown her new home in the //Feywild// a new life style of wealth and luxury. and all she had to do was be a brood mother for around 100 years? seems like an easy gig, ow hard could child-Birth be? 
 +**Sea Spire Closure** \\ 
 +As Cinder's family rapidly expands it puts a new twist on her lifestyle. Eventually deciding that the undertone eldrich atmosphere of her 'Sea Spire' was no longer suitable for her as a mother. Unable to use it to its full capacity and with little time to keep it maintained she made the hard decision to close down the Sea Spire and its academic resources. \\ 
 +However her teaching would not end there. Soon after returning from a trip to the //Underdark// She applied to be a teacher at [[faction:remon_academy|Remon's Academy]]. 
 +**Whispers of the Wilds & Remond's Academy** \\ 
 +Cinder was awarded a teaching position at the esteemed Remon's Academy with a letter reaching her home. But when she tried to leave the //Feywild// as she had done many times before she found the gateway had been cut off. What's worse is that her Husband, the Arch-Fey [[character:Ezekiel]] had been afflicted with a curse caused by Hags. \\ 
 +In a desperate situation she contacted a follower of her Husband and asked them to send aid. Resulting in a band of adventurers entering the //Feywild// \\ 
 +But after she lost contact with the adventuring party, Cinder Called forth one of her own powerful followers, a Gnome by the name of [[character:Gimblehorn]] to aid the adventurers in defeating the //Hags// causing all the mess. 
 +Cinder would run into the adventuring party soo after sending Gimbelhorn to find them. A chance to explain they had been missing for almost a year. Learning they may have hit a skip in time-space due to the //Hags// Twisting of reality. \\ 
 +At least they were alive and still on the Hag hunt. She sold them some of her home made potions. \\ 
 +During this time the party were robbed by one of Cinder’s children in disguise. Tempers flared and punishments were given. Cinder went home to the Palace shortly after that event. 
 +====Background: Forsaken Child==== 
 +Cinder has spent many many years learning the lore of the multiverse in an effort to understand all there is to understand and more importantly make sense of things that do not. Professor Cinder Kazrai Stem has scoured the lands in search of manuscripts, studied every scroll she got her tentacles on, and sapped the knowledge from the greatest experts on the subjects of Godhood, Dreams, Magical items and other topics that interested her. All of Cinder's efforts, all of the years she has spent toiling away in her spire studying every word on every page, every experiment conducted, every reaction, every hypothesis tested has made Cinder a master in her fields of study relating to the eldritch Old Gods and other topics of interest. \\ 
 +Before her family, Cinder was defined by her research, Devoted to her studies and the quest for ever more knowledge. She once valued knowledge above everything else showing little restraint in the methods of obtaining it. Family and motherhood have changed that becoming her pride and joy. Reaching new heights as a mother has become her obsessive drive, With knowledge now second of her desires.
 **Knowledge, A hard Addiction to Shake** \\ **Knowledge, A hard Addiction to Shake** \\
-// Information is probably one of the finest sources of power available to us mortals, And I crave power as much as rich men and richer chocolate. When there are questions to be asked I ask them, Expecting answers in return. some tell me ignorance is bliss, Baha! \\ Books are a tame source of information but people tend to remember farm more interesting secrets, secrets that wouldn't be safe written down. The spoken word is only half the message, tone and body language play fifty percent of the conversation. if someone has taken the time to memories something it must be worth knowing. \\ Secrets are not normally written in books for others to see they are kept secret in the minds of people. //+// Information is probably one of the finest sources of power available to mortals, and like many others power is something i craveThough since becoming a mother to my dear children I find my obsession waning its hold. \\  
 +When questions are available I ask them, Expecting answers in return.\\  
 +Some tell me 'ignorance is bliss,Baha! \\  
 +Books are a rather tame source of information. You quickly learn people remember farm more interesting secrets, secrets that wouldn't be safe written down. The spoken word is only half the message, tone and body language play fifty percent of the conversation. If someone has taken the time to memorize something it must be worth knowing. \\  
 +Secrets are not normally written in books for others to seethey are kept secret in the minds of people. \\  
 +Knowledge is power, this much is truth for the more you know of your enemy the more likely you are to survive, Its only logical that the more you know the more evolved you are. The highest power is held by those beings most knowledgeable. It is the source of power and evolution. \\ The pursuit of Knowledge is limitless, Only the gods know the peace I crave but even the gods search for more power, more knowledge. the infinite possibility in all existence is truly a wonder for us all the marvel in.// 
 +**Proper Speech** \\ 
 +//Vocabulary is very important in my line of work, you can quickly tell the intelligence of a creature by their wide variety and use of various elaborate and extraordinary phrases, Its almost like a code such as Thief's can't or Drudic but...well far more sophisticated and highly proper. It may seem like I am talking this down but I know the great power of proper language and conversation structure. Some lesser educated creatures may see my speech as 'snobby' or high strung, then wonder why doors that would be sealed for them open for me with great ease.// 
 +**The Only Daughter** \\ 
 +// Until I accidently made contact with them my parents were never really on my mind. I had little desire to know who or what they were and even less to know why I was left alone. Though despite there distant affection it seems to be affection none the less. My father blessed me with knowledge of the Eldrich arts and my Sea Spire, While mother says I am set to be blessed with power to mold nations. She also says I should better act to my heritage but I seem to have a weakness for money and the men that own said money. \\ //
-**Speaking Properly** \\ +**Blacklist & Madam G** \\ 
-// Proper Common, That's what father always said it was. in all honestly its more the accent then the languageI feel like the rudimentary of 'Proper Common' is simply the correct use of large vocabulary. I may seem like I am talking this down but I know the great power of proper language and conversation structureSome lesser educated creatures may see my speech as 'snobby' or high strungthen wonder why doors that would be sealed for them open for me with great ease.//+// Before I met my husbanded I was quite the show girlWell that's not entirely accurate I still am quite the show girl you can catch me and my lovely employees in many of the major citiesExcept Covania as we were muscled out by the 'Torment of Claws'. \\  
 +Blacklist keeps me well fed with a never ending line of desperate men looking to escape whatever small inconvenience has them flustered that dayMost of my fortune is from these gullible men, Hanging on my every word if say it dressed in leather straps. Its quite the scandalous affair, Dear ol me, Wife, Mother to four score children and I am still playing with the hearts of other thirsty men. I have come into work pregnant on more than one occasion, it invites a whole new type of man and they will pay exceedingly wellIts shameful one such high ad mighty as me yet flash a coin purse or a precious gem or jewellery my way andunfortunately; I will do what ever you want me to do... //
-**The Eldest Sister** \\ +**My School** \\ 
-// Being the eldest to my Arch-Fey mother is an interesting spin on life. I have over four score younger siblings but mother says as I was first-born I was to inherited the strength of the Arch-feyThe rest of by brothers and sisters have to settle for small gifts of power while am set to be blessed with that to mold nations. Father says I should better act to my heritage but I seem to have a weakness for money and the men that own said money. Most of my fortune is from gullible mensome would call me slutty or a gold digger but honey. I can't hear you, I'm too high on this life. \\ flash a coin purse or a precious gem or jewelry my way and unfortunately will do what ever you want me to do... //+//My precious school, it is truly everything I desire and represents all my work, Knowledge is fine but the opportunity to pass the knowledge onto the worthy few....I must say the idea seemed foolish when first presented to me however I have....grown fond of it. can be myself with my students, no need to hide. Most students desire to learn out ways their fear of the strange and unknown, they remind me of myself. Work to keep my university staffed and running is a satisfaction i have not had the pleasure of knowing before\\ Sea spire university has pushed me to peruse new forms of stimulation. I always found that most information read is spread across many different scriptures and its often slightly incorrect or contradicts itself. I have devoted some of my time to creating my own line of tomes, books and scriptures to sell or gift to those I find worthy. If I ever were to meet my untimely end then these books and my spire will set my legacy in stone.//
 **Build bridges, Don't Burn Them** \\ **Build bridges, Don't Burn Them** \\
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 **Precious possession** \\ **Precious possession** \\
-//My sword?...well it was a gift...from my fatherHe said it was part of his collection from the war. pillaged on the battle field from a general. I don't know much of its history but it seems to be old, very old. a member of the 'Blood Hunters' I was training with that the blade was of Hunter design. Its history remains a mystery to me but I hope to make new history with it.//+//My sword?...well it was a gift...from my motherShe said it was part of her collection from those that make it to her circle of Hell. pillaged from the souls of the dammed. I don't know much of its history but it seems to be old, very old. a member of the 'Blood Hunters' I was training with that the blade was of Hunter design. Its history remains a mystery to me but I hope to make new history with it.//
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  • Last modified: 14 months ago
  • by Cinder