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character:decota:family [2020/03/19 14:11] – [Character List Summery] Cindercharacter:decota:family [2020/04/28 11:47] (current) – removed Cinder
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-====Under Reconstruction, Check back soon====  
-======Decota Family======  
-[[location:character:sam_s_characters|Back to Sam's Homepage]] 
-[[Character:Family:Decota_Family:Family Tree]] 
-[[Character:Family:Decota_Family:Family Origin]] 
-[[Character:Family:Decota_Family:Family Member Summery]] 
-[[Character:Family:Decota_Family:Family Time Line]] 
-[[homebrew:race:dialias2|Dialias]] \\ 
-[[item:Cloak:The Sin's Cloak]] 
-[[Character:Summery:Cause i have a hard time keeping track of all the trash i make]] 
-**To DO List** \\ 
-Proffessor Stem's Class and Stats (Warlock of the deep, Wizard of water, storms etc) \\ 
-Oraphell's Class and Stats (Undying warlock, Sorcer of lightning and Gravity/force based magic) \\ 
-Delta's Class and stats (1 spare Level, Stat optimization) \\ 
-Hunt SCRAP \\ 
-Calamity: Re write origin story, re Write personality add stats and Class abilities (Sorcerer of Fire and destruction/War mage? Unarmed barbarian or monk?) \\ 
-Zyllis: Optimise stats, \\ 
-Welington; Creat Page, Write origin and personality, Roll stats, creat DRacolitch, Weapons, SPells Class (Cleric and maybe Paladin? oathbreaker? or Wizard class from character fusion during origin) \\ 
-Teo: Optimise stats, Optimise class, build super sneaky like, Rework Gaze, Artifiser? \\ 
-Galatea: Stats, Optimise CLass (Fighter monk?) build personality and Story \\ 
-Iblee: SCRAP \\ 
-====Character List Summery==== 
-[[npc:decota:Livion:start]]  \\ [[npc:oldgod:lost:start]] \\ [[character:Stem]]  \\ [[Character:Decota:Valefor:start]]  \\ [[character:decota:Delta:start]]  \\  [[character:decota:Orphell:start]]   \\  [[Character:Decota:Teostra:start]]   \\   [[Character:Decota:Galatea:start]] \\ [[character:Rainfang:Timothy:start]] \\ [[character:Rainfang:Welington:start]] 
-[[character:decota:Jellal:start]] (PC)  \\ [[character:decota:Chaos:start]] (PC)  \\ [[character:Decota:Bastian:start]] (PC)  \\ [[character:Decota:Charlie:start]] \\ 
-The Rainfang's are a family seeped in deep magic secrets. a bloodline that never should have existed and was created when an arch Angle defiled the rules of the celestial plane. Kin of the rainfang family tend to have unique abilities such as time manipulation or soul weaving. \\ Rainfang's tend to have deep blue eyes and have a seat in angelic Asimar mixed with the lovable Tabaxi. \\ A stark contrast to the chaotic blood riddled Decota family, Rainfang's are cool, calm, like the silence of death. 
  • character/decota/family.1584592860.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
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