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character:decota:teostra:gaze [2020/06/11 12:36] – ↷ Page name changed from character:decota:teostra:contract to character:decota:teostra:gaze Cindercharacter:decota:teostra:gaze [2020/09/30 14:32] (current) – external edit
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-====Teo ‘s Demon, Gaze====+====Teo ‘s Ooze Hound, Gaze====
-{{:character:decota:teostra:gaze_coloured.png?400|}}+[[character:teostra|Return to Teo's Page]]
-[[character:decota:teostra|Teo's]] partner for life detailed bellow.+{{:character:decota:teostra:gaze_coloured.png?400 |}}
-Teo's pact Demon is a curious Wraith Slimeit stays very close to Teo and its a bit overprotectiveTeo named His Demon Gaze//quite ironic// after Teo's Dad thought it up. \\ the Demon helps Teo out with all his sneaking and thieverytrying to keep him out of trouble”.+===**Stats**=== 
 +**Monster Race:** Ooze, Ooze Hound \\ 
 +**Monster classification:** Monstrosity \\ 
 +**Armour Class:** 14 (natural armor) \\ 
 +**Hit Points:** 105 (10d10 + 50) \\ 
 +**Speed:** 70ft., climb 30 ft., swim 0ft. \\ 
 +20 (+5) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) \\ 
 +**Weakness:** PiercingRadiant, Fire \\ 
 +**Resistances:** bludgeoning, slashing, Necrotic, Pscyic \\ 
 +**Immunities:** blinded \\ 
 +**Senses:** blindsight 120ft(blind beyond this radius) \\ 
 +**passive Perception:** 18 \\ 
 +**Languages:** Understands Infernal, cannot speak, read or write it. \\
-**Description** \\ Gaze is a large slime like creature with no eyes. due to the nature of Gaze's body he can take a variety of forms but common traits are massive teeth enough to crush stone and large claws easily able to sever limbs. \\ a hound like appearance is the most common form he is seen in but can choose much more sickening or terrifying forms. 
-====Raw Stats==== 
-^   Gaze [[character:decota:family|Decota]]   |||||||| 
-^Alignment|Neutral Good^Class|N/A^Status|Alive||| 
-^Age|21^Birth|4th Monday of Rainmoon    ||||| 
-^HP (Shared)  |80^AC     |17^SPD |40ft ^Init |(Match Host) -1    | 
-^Bonus|+4^Passive|17^Sneak Dice|5^Hit Dice| 00 | 
-^   Skills   |||||||| 
-^STR|16(+3)|    |Athletics||||| 
-^DEX|16(+3)|Save|Stealth (Adv when in darkness)||||| 
-^CON|16(+3)|    | ||||| 
-^INT|3(-4)|    |  ||||| 
-^WIS|16(+3)|Save|Perception (Adv)||||| 
-^CHA|7(-2)|    | ||||| 
-^Languages|Understands Infernal completely but cannot speak (Communicates with Teo via nips, yelps and growls)||||||| 
-^Proficiencies| ||||||| 
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 You have a +5 bonus to your passive (Perception) that relies on hearing. You have a +5 bonus to your passive (Perception) that relies on hearing.
-**Assassin** \\ Gains proficiency in Dexterity (Stealth). Gains Sneak Attack with number of d6 equal to the monster’s proficiency bonus+**Amorphous** \\ The ooze can move through space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. 
 +**Amphibious** \\ The ooze Dosent need to breath. \\ 
 +**Spider Climb** \\ The ooze can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. 
-**Day and Night** \\ Unless planned for beforehand Gaze starts combat in Teo's Shadow in places that trigger sunlight sensitivity and starts outside of the shadows for all other situations. 
 ====Skills==== ====Skills====
 ---- ----
-**Shadow Claw** \\ At Level 1 Gaze can swipe with his claws dealing 1 D6 + Strength + Sneak Dice(5 D6 Once per Turn) **OR** Total sneak dice slashing Damage. \\ At level 9 Gaze can use this attack twice when taking the attack action and 3 times at level 15 
-**Shadow Stalker** \\ At Level 1 Gaze can take a Bonus Action to hide when in dim light or darknessgains advantage on stealth checks when in dim light or darkness+Shadow Claw \\ 
 +Gaze can swipe with his claws dealing 1 D10 + Strength, You can do this as an action and/or bonus action.
-**Shadow Walk** \\  +Shadow Stalker \\ 
-At Level 2 Gaze is able to melt into shadows and become one with them for hiding or combat purposes\\  +Gaze can take a Bonus Action to hide when in dim light or darkness. gains advantage on stealth checks when in dim light or darkness
-During Combat Gaze can take an action to possess one creature’s Shadow, if it is a foe of Teo the creature looses 10ft of moment speed and Teo gains advantage on attacks made against it **IF** Teo is currently hidden from the target. \\ If Gaze possesses Teo’s Shadow during combat he gains AC equal to half Gaze's total number of Sneak dice (rounded down)\\ During a possession Gaze can only use an action to leave the shadow or perform a grapple. \\ At level 13 Gaze can shadow walk up to 2 creatures at one time.+
-While Shadow-walking Gaze dose not take damage from attacks, If a creature is unaware of Gaze's presence they won't notice Gaze in their shadow unless their passive perception alerts them (Gaze stealth check against creatures passive perception) Gaze is classified as heavily obscured when shadow walking. \\ A sudden bright light such as an explosion or a blinding flash will force gaze out of the shadow walk. +Leaching Bite \\ 
- +Gaze is able to bite with a deadly ferocity.  
-**Leaching Bite** \\ At Level 3 Gaze is able to bite with a deadly ferocity. \\ 1 D6 Necrotic + Strength + total amount of sneak dice. \\ The bonus damage from total sneak dice is double at level 13 \\ Heals Gaze for total damage done. \\+1 D6 Necrotic + Strength 
 +Heals Gaze for total damage done. 
 HP is not restored when attacking a bloodless creature (Skeleton, Construct etc) can be used an amount of times equal to half your total sneak attack dice (rounded up) +1 before needing a long rest. HP is not restored when attacking a bloodless creature (Skeleton, Construct etc) can be used an amount of times equal to half your total sneak attack dice (rounded up) +1 before needing a long rest.
-**Nightmarish Scream** \\  
-At level 8 Gaze Gaze can alter his form and let out a blood curtailing scream of agony. All creatures other then Teo that can see or hear Gaze make a Wisdom saving throw of DC 13 + Sneak dice. on a fail creatures are frightened of Gaze. on a success nothing happens. \\ On a Fail the creature is frightened of Gaze, the creature can take an action to re roll their wisdom save on their turn but not on the first turn after they were frightened. \\ Gaze cannot perform this skill if incapacitated or in bright light. can only be used once before needing a short or long rest. 
-**Improved Natural Armor** \\ 
-Prerequisites: \\ 
-Natural armor, Con 13 \\ 
-At Level 8 Gaze's natural armor bonus increases by 1. \\ 
-Increase Natural Armour by 1 again at level 13 \\ 
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  • Last modified: 5 years ago
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