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character:decota:valefor:inventory [2020/06/23 10:21] – [Equipment] Cindercharacter:decota:valefor:inventory [2020/08/07 12:09] (current) – removed Cinder
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-=====Zyllis's Inventory===== 
-[[character:decota:valefor|Return to Zyllis's Page]] 
-==== Currency ==== 
-^ Location ^  Platinum  ^  Gold  ^  Silver  ^  Copper  ^ 
-|Bag-o-Holding|  0  |  10,000  |  0  |  0  | 
-|Coin Pouch|  0  |  2184  |  7  |  0  | 
-**Transaction History: Bag-O-Holding** \\ 
-Initial money supply: +6700 Gold \\ 
-Magic item purchase: -900 Gold \\ 
-Soldier Hire: -425 Gold \\ 
-Fight ring winnings: +478 Gold \\ 
-Bank Withdrawal: +5432 Gold \\ 
-Dalla’s Earnings: +900 Gold \\ 
-Personal pouch: -2185 Gold \\ 
-**Personal Pouch** \\ 
--3 Silver for Inn in Naporia \\ 
-==== Equipment ==== 
-^              Item                                     Stats             ^ 
-^ Head        |  |                           | 
-^ Amulet      |  |                           | 
-^ Cloak       | Military Grade white Cloak |                           | 
-^ Armour      |  |                           | 
-^ Clothes     | Military body suite, White with Purple details | 
-^ Arms/Hands  | Bracers of Defense |                           | 
-^ Ring/     |  |                           | 
-^ Belt        |  |                           | 
-^ Boots        |                           | 
-^ Misc        |                                                             | 
-^ Weapon      |Pact Dragon's Nail| 1D10 Magic Slashing. \\ 10ft Reach. \\ 2 Handed Glaive \\ Heavy \\ +7 Damage \\ +11 Hit \\                         | 
- -[[item:cloak:protection|Cloak of protection]] \\ 
- -Common Clothes \\ 
- -[[item:bracers:bracers_of_defence|Bracers of Defence]] \\ 
--[[item:item:Lantern_Of_Illusions|Lantern Of Illusions]] \\ 
-- 2 full lantern oil jars \\ 
-- 4 loose small pouches \\ 
-- 50ft of rope \\ 
-- 10 pieces of parchment \\ 
-- Writing Quills \\ 
-====Trade in Items==== 
-====Special Items==== 
--Alchemist's Tools (1) \\ 
--Zyllis's Notebook \\ 
--piece of the Necro Golem \\ 
--Naporia Letter (Taken) \\ 
-=====Note Book===== 
-**Mique's Out of Line** \\ 
-We...I attempted and interception of what seemed to be a messenger party headed to Naporia, but as I was in the middle of gaining information and forming some even ground between the soldier the rest of my companions all jumped them. it was a mess to say the least and unprofessional at worst. I have little hope for our rebellion if we can't even take hostages without turning them into fish or traumatizing them. \\ 
-During this event I did see a side of Maiqu that throws his loyalty and thoughts into question. What is he here for? \\ 
-I intend to ask him a few things during our trip to Naporia. \\ 
-I wonder if he has ever killed someone? \\ 
-**Journey back to Grewhawk** \\ 
-It seems that Oddo Rand's note book was destroyed by the foolishness of Hope. but I have no time. \\ My own selfish desire is to track down the duke and his men to bring them all a swift judgment. however my efforts are needed elsewhere. 
-I now ride by the wind heading back to greyhawk keep however there are a few stops in my way. 
-Three spies have been ordered back to Old tree, I have been tasked to intercept them. \\ 
-There is a shipment of gold headed to our enimes. I am to intercept it and take the contents without harming any of the escorts. \\ 
-I must also turn in the bounty for the necrotic beast we slayed. \\ 
-**Visions** \\ 
-I...it happened again....bodies as far as I could see under a starless sky. I could here myself, mocking my choices. and on the horizon. I saw it. that thing. it was twitching uncontrollably. \\ blood covered the marsh floor as I fell to my knees. all I wanted to do was close my eyes. but I couldn't, it wouldn't let me. The moons and sky turned red as I felt it. towering over me. the same great crushing presence. I felt it burrowing into my mind but I dare not look. the reflection in the blood was more then enough to drown my soul. \\ I was there what felt like days, maybe even a week. on my knees, unable to close my eyes. I just started at the reflection of the great stretched maw reflected in the blood. \\ Then as if from a dream I felt the warmth of the sunrise. I blinked and the nightmare vanished instantly. \\ My steed still by myside seeming confused. after collecting myself I mounted and headed back to return to my group. 
-====Party Members==== 
-**Dallas** \\ The old fool still seems to be as spry as ever even after going into retirement. Something seems off though, I am not sure what. 
-**Hope** \\ The cleric is oddly suspicious of me, it will be her downfall looking for problems where there are none. She is naive and has yet to experience a proper war. \\ Even after having a personal talk with Hope she refuses to trust me it seems even after she said she would. if this continues I will have to prove myself with blade rather then words. 
-**Riza** \\ Her primitive nature and loud mouth are quite iratating, so why can't I keep my eyes off her? Could this be....Desire? \\ Despite her somewhat strange habbits she has proven reliable at not doing anything out of line. which is more to say then a few other members. 
-**Merric** \\ He seems far to passive for the situation he is in however he dose seem to have a grasp on it and himself at least. I trust him above the rest for sure. \\ Merric has proven himself once again, although turrningone of our hostages into a fish given his circumstances it was the correct thing to do. He also seems to trust me far more then our other members even helping me acquire the bag og gold that Maiqu refused to return and that trust should be returned. 
-**Miaqu** \\ At first the tabaxi seemed well informed, although not suited for war I could see his reasoning, however after the incident on the road to Naporia my trust for him wavers heavily. I do not belive he is here for the good of the nation anymore, perhaps a more selfish desire? more malice filled, this was strengthened by his refusal to return the bag of gold I had acquired going as far as to threaten violence before giving it up. after last night and this I do not trust him, he must have an alter motive. 
-He seems to think of our situation as a stage to perform on. I find it highly uncooth to say the least. However misguided his good intentions are they are still good intentions it seems. 
-====Blinding Spear==== 
-Kilvar: Buried in the cemetery at Ferrabreeze. 
-Rozie: Buried in the cemetery at Ferrabreeze 
-Bryn: Buried in the Cemetery at Ferrabreeze 
-Grit: Buried in the Cemetery at Ferrabreeze.  
-Seril: Unknown, last time I saw her was during the invasion of Nabilhime. I have been back a few times to try and find her body but no luck. It might have been completely destroyed. \\ There is an empty grave with her name next to the other members in the cemetery at Ferrabreeze. 
-Parker: Good ridinace  
-Lucky: Unknown, last thing I herd was she went to live and work near the royal city of Reton. I haven't seen or spoken to her in many years. 
-Alister: Last I herd of Alister he was in prison. Not for anything drastic it sounds. More expolsive accidents. I am not sure exactly where he is but it sounds like he is in Oxtrad somewhere. 
-Jin: Jin told me she was heading to the south of Breton to do her best and help people. That was some years ago. 
-Red: Red Stayed behind at blinding spear's base. It seems like he wanntef to research and compile evidence. I have only spoken to him once after we dispanded 
-====Beholder Trio==== 
-====Never Forgotten==== 
-I thought I could handle it, it has been so long I thought that the memories may be buried deep by the other wrongs I had done. How wrong I was. \\ as soon as I saw the prison cells something deep inside me started to curdle. \\ I tried my best to ignore it, constantly asking questions with the warden, trying desperately to keep my mind off what was rising. I naturally asked the warden’s name to make him seem more human to me, but all he said “you may call me quartermaster” \\ my mind snapped to a sight from the hellish pit of dispair, the same thing my old wardens said, and almost as naturally as people breath I repeated what I said in the depth of Stowjaw “I guess I am called prisoner? 
-My mind started its desent as I looked around seeing the red stained metal of Stowjaw. Chained to the cross the red hot lashes melting my body as they slashed. I kept asking the warden questions trying to show myself that I was no longer there. I was in a normal prison cell for a simple crime and would be out in a day or two. I even asked multiple times to play my favourite game to keep my mind off the horrors flooding my mind. \\ Eventually the warden stopped responding all together, the silence was deafening as I swear I herd those familiar mind shattering screams from that great maw in the distance. I picked up a bucket nearby and started dragging it across the bars to make some sort of noise, to drown out my own screaming memories. 
-How I wished I could sleep, drift off and let those memories fad into black, even for a moment, maybe it would spare my suffering. But alone, I sat in that cell. The nights are long indeed. 
-Sunrise came and I almost cried out in praise to the gods, However I highly doubt any God would listen to my praise. I found myself shaking quite badly as I looked around, all I saw was Stowjaw, the red stained bards, the stench of death and misery. Me sitting in the same cell I was in for 631 days. I saw the warden get up from his chair, but he looked as the wardens do in Stowjaw, faceless creatures of flesh and iron. All I could mutter was “am I free to go?” \\ I don’t actually remember the response, everything from there is a blur, I don’t know if it was real or replays of my memories, I broke down the bars and cleaved the warden in two. The next thing I knew was real was Maique graving me by the arm as his voice faded into existence. Standing over the body, the first mortal I had killed since I put Grit down all those years ago, covered in blood I did as Maique requested. 
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