{{tag>firbolg druid reton c1 player alicorn}} ====== Drusilia ====== If you're looking to create a character or NPC see these forms [[wiki:char_form|Character form]] or [[wiki:npc_form|NPC form]], otherwise continue manual creation below. For a secrets page use [[user:sam:drusilia]] ===== Name ===== {{ wiki:media:template.png?200 |}} ^Name| Drusilis | ^Race| Firbolg | ^Gender| Female | ^Nationality| ? | === Character Information === ^Class| Druid | ^Born| 4th Monday of Rainmoon 2335 (Age 15) | ^Alignment| Lawful Good | ^Languages|Common\\ Infernal\\ Thief's Can't\\ | ^Family|(Father)\\ (Mother)\\ | ^Affiliations| | ^Faith|???\\ | ^Profession|Adventurer (???-???)\\ | === Physical Description === ^Height| ? | ^Weight| ? | ^Skin| ? | ^Eyes| ? | ^Hair| ? | === Stats === ^Level|10\\ (Druid)\\ || ^Init^Speed^Prof^ |+0|30ft|+4| ^HP^AC^TempHP^ |69|18(00)|00| ^ Ability Scores ^^^ ^STR^DEX^CON^ |16(0)|10(0)|13(0)| ^INT^WIS^CHA^ ^12(0)^18(0)|11(0)| ^ Saving Throws ^^^ ^STR^DEX^CON^ |+0|+0|+0| ^INT^WIS^CHA^ |+0|+0|+0| | Acrobatics (Dex) | +0 | Medicine (Wis) | +0 | | Animal Handling (Wis) | +0 | Nature (Int) | +0 | ^ Arcana (Int) | +0 ^ Perception (Wis) | +0 | | Athletics (Str) | +0 | Performance (Cha) | +0 | | Deception (Cha) | +0 | Persuasion (Cha) | +0 | | History (Int) | +0 | Religion (Int) | +0 | | Insight (Wis) | +0 ^ Sleight of Hand (Dex) ((Expertise)) | +0 | | Intimidation (Cha) | +0 ^ Stealth (Dex) ((Expertise)) | +0 | | Investigation (Int) | +0 | Survival (Wis) | +0 | === Spells === ^Ability|Wisdom/Intelligence/Charisma| ^Save DC^Modifier^ |00|+0| ^Cantrips|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | ^1st lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | ^2nd lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | ^3rd lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | ^4th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | ^5th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | ^6th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | ^7th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | ^8th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | ^9th lvl Spells|Spell 1\\ Spell 2\\ | === Spell Slots === ^1st lvl^2nd lvl^3rd lvl^ |0|0|0| ^4th lvl^5th lvl^6th lvl^ |0|0|0| ^7th lvl^8th lvl^9th lvl^ |0|0|0| =====History===== ===== Languages and Proficiencies ===== ^ Languages | Thieves Cant, Common, Infernal | ^ Feats | Sharp Shooter | ^ Proficiencies | Light Armour, Simple Weapons | ^ Expertise | Slight of Hand, Stealth | ^ Tool Proficiencies | Thieves Tools | ====Pre-Campaign==== Text ====Campaign==== Join, C1-S08 Leave, C1-S34 ====Post-Campaign==== Text /* Remove slashes, asterixs, and this line if you want a secrets page, otherwise remove both lines */ /* [[user:sam:drusilia|Secrets]] */