{{tag>rogue harengon player reton}} ====== Maple ====== [[user:sam|{{:wiki:media:back.png?65 |}}]] [[character:lucky:gallery|{{character:media:gallery_icon.png?65 |}}]] **[[resource:books|Content]] Used** // \\ [1] Player's Handbook \\ [2] Xanatha's Guide to Everything \\ [3] Tasha's Cauldron of Everything \\ *Text // \\ {{ :character:media:maple_icon.png?250 |}} ;;# //[[user:sam:maple|Secrets]]// ;;# [[character:lucky:stats|{{:wiki:media:backpack.png?75 |}}]] [[character:lucky:spells|{{ :wiki:media:spells.png?75|}}]] \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ^ Name / Titles: | | ^[[character:lucky:class|Class]]:| Inquisitive Rogue \\ Eloquence Bard \\ Divination Wizard | ^[[character:lucky:species|Species]]:| Harengon (Fey) | ^ Nationality: | {{:faction:flag-retonemp.png?25 }}[[faction:reton|Retonite]] | ^ Home:| [[location:ray_farm|Ray's Apple Farm]] | === Character Information === ^Background:| Gambler | ^Born:| 2nd Sunday, Harvest | ^Alignment:| Chaotic Good | ^[[culture:Languages]]:| Common \\ Dwarvish | ^Tools:| Thieves Tools | ^Gear:| Simple & Martial Weapons \\ Light Armor | ^Saves:| Dexterity \\ Charisma| ^Profession:| Mercenary | ^Affiliation: | [[location:ray_farm|Ray's Apple Farm]] \\ [[faction:blinding_spear|Blinding Spear]] \\ [[faction:remon_academy|Remond Academy]] | ^[[religion:start|Faith]]: | - | === Physical Description === ^Type:| Fey | ^Height:| 149cm / 4.9ft | ^Weight:| | ^Size:| Medium (1x1) | ^Fur:| Tan Brown | ^Fur Details:| Silvery White | ^Eyes:| Golden | ^Hair:| Silvery White | ^Gender:| Female \\ //She/Her// | === Family === ^Partner:| [[character:ray|Ray Moonloaf]] | ^Family:| - | === Other Quirks === ^Favorite Food:| - | ^Favorite Drink:| - | ^Games:| - | ^Hobbies:| - | ^Sexuality:| - | ^Music:| - | === Stories & Champaings === ^Gift Thief One-Shot:| Player | ^blank:| | === Stats === ^Level| 5 | **Base Total** \\ 84 of 108 | ^Init^Speed ^Prof^ |+0|++ 40ft| \\ Base:\\ Race:\\ Feat:\\ Item: ++ |+3| ^Health ^Armor Class^P.Perception^ |++ 00| \\ Base:\\ Level:\\ Extra: ++ |++ 00| \\ Base: 10\\ Race:\\ Feat:\\ Item: ++|++ 00| \\ Base: 10\\ Wis: +0\\ Prof: +0\\ Feat: +0 ++ | ^STR^DEX^CON^ |++ 11(+0)| \\ Base: 11\\ Race:\\ Feat:\\ Item: ++|++ 20(+5)| \\ Base: 18\\ Race: +2\\ Feat:\\ Item: ++|++ 13(+1)| \\ Base: 13\\ Race:\\ Feat:\\ Item: ++| ^INT^WIS^CHA^ |++ 8(-1)| \\ Base: 8\\ Race:\\ Feat:\\ Item: ++|++ 17(+3)| \\ Base: 17 \\ Race:\\ Feat:\\ Item: ++|++ 18(+4)| \\ Base: 17\\ Race: +1\\ Feat:\\ Item: ++| //Bold Stat = Proficency in Stat// ^ Acrobatics \\ (Dex) | +8 | Medicine \\ (Wis) | +3 | | Animal Handling \\ (Wis) | +3 | Nature \\ (Int) | -1 | | Arcana \\ (Int) | -1 ^ Perception \\ (Wis) | +6 | | Athletics \\ (Str) | +1 | Performance \\ (Cha) | +4 | ^ Deception \\ (Cha) | +7 ^ Persuasion \\ (Cha) | +7 | | History \\ (Int) | -1 | Religion \\ (Int) | -1 | | Insight \\ (Wis) | +3 ^ Sleight of Hand \\ (Dex) | +8 | | Intimidation \\ (Cha) | +4 | Stealth \\ (Dex) | +5 | | Investigation \\ (Int) | -1 | Survival \\ (Wis) | +3 | //Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill// === Spell/Ability Modifier === ^Ability:| | ^ Save DC ^ Modifier ^ |++ 00| \\ Base: 8\\ Prof: +0\\ Stat: +0 ++|++ 00 | \\ Prof: +0\\ Stat: +0 ++| ====Introduction==== Maple is a skilled rogue mercenary for hire. Willing to work for any decent amount of gold for almost any type of job. Bodyguard to lady of the night as long as the job is entertaining and pays Maple is ready for work. Known as a //Hareegon//, Maple is a short round animalistic lady resembling an anthropomorphic rodent or Possum. soft fur, large mouse like ears, whiskers on her face and large long tail with a brush of fur on its tip. short full volume hair and large golden eyes. \\ She is as slightly shorter than most dwarves but taller than most halflings. rounder than all. A combination of genetics, lack of activity and addiction to sweet treats leaves Maple very large and soft. Her weight has proven problematic on occasion. \\ Her fur is decorated in simple patterns due to her proximity to the Fey-Wilds when growing up. Lucky is merely a nickname. The nickname was given as a sarcastic reference, being one of the most ill fortunate person most have met. Also partly from her insatiable desire to spend or gamble any coin she earns. Terrible with money. When she has it its as good as gone, Mostly on gambling and food. never able to save for something worthwhile. Always broke, because of this Maple is always in need for work, taking on anything that pays well and always priorities the highest paying job. \\ You would think this makes her a good worker, but she is very lazy. Looking for the highest paying job with the least amount of effort. that's not to say she is incapable, just unwilling. Hoping to one day marry a very rich man like a Guild master or a King to make it big in life or win the lottery. She has learned and mastered many types of weapons from maces to crossbows. Not intentionally, Maple has commitment issues, Either getting bored of a weapon or seeing something more interesting. Always debating with herself and random people on the street which weapon suites her best. Despite this, There is one weapon Maple will never change out, Being her scissor blades. Often just wearing them as an accessory, Always too scared to use them, Fearing wear, Tear and damaged. \\ Her wavering weapon preference means she has quite the collection. some displayed most buried in storage. Maple lives on a small Apple farm owned by a warrior by the name of [[character:ray|Ray]]. She is both farm hand and protection for the apples. Keeping thieves, bandits and general pests away. Its a healthy job for Maple as she is paid very little coin, Rather food and accommodation covers most of her labor. \\ It does mean Maple will occasionally journey up to the nearby towns and cities looking for more traditional mercenary work. **Study at Magic School** \\ (Seedmoot 12336 to Frostwane 12336) \\ After //Blinding Spear's// Exile and after her physical alterations, Maple worked at [[faction:remon_academy|Remond Academy]] as a Grounds-Keeper and teacher aid for a full semester. During her time she picked up a few magic tricks. ====Background: Gambler==== Between adventures Maple tends to waste her time in games of chance. everything from back alley memory games to lavish casinos. **Making Money** \\ **Time with Greyhawk** \\ **Working With Apples** \\ **My Favorite Weapon** \\ ==== Buried Past: Military Soldier ====