Moonlight Theory

With the official introduction of other entier systems/ dimensions into the cannon lore it had me thinking about an idea,
Alternative versions of characters .

Inspired by Epic7, These Moonloght characters are designed with the regular character as a base. Then those themes or ideas are flipped or remixed to be something new but familiar.
What If Scenarios, Origins and plot relevant to their home dimension. The dubbed ‘Moonlight’ is no real reason aside from it sounding nice.

These characters will be meant for other systems/worlds including Ganynum and Vasloria. However while there are here they are still just ideas in the planning stage and are subject to change or being completely scrapped.

Moonlight variants of characters share little in terms of lore, they may have similar personality traits and maybe share a name with the tag ‘ML’ (Moonlight) but family, lovers and other major or minor lore the regular characters may have had in Felwind will either be heavily altered with similar theming or changed completely to suite a new world depending on the situation.

These alternate are seperate characters, so in theory they could physically interact with their regular counterparts with no time space issues. Such as a parallel version may interact

It should be noted non of these are cannon, there are all ideas that i am just writing down out of my head for reference.

Gorephell the Bedlam Beast

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Orphell the Oblex

Shkellan, Dream Serpent, Felisia

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Elisia Kindread

Magalieen Crystalin, Forgotten Queen

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Sharphina

Zigfried, Soul Smith

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Teo Hazzak

Davilok, Perfumer Hag

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Lidica

Auronna, Dragon Bride

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Raishin Uvasteen

Elanor, The Indulgent Minotaur

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Ravi Decota

Moonlight Alternate

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Cinder Stem

Moonlight Alternate

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Annabell Welington


Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Iblee Lonestar

Moonlight Alternate

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Livion

Moonlight Alternate

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Base Character: Maple

Filabean, Gunslinger

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Ozrellia Lockheart

Folgo Yonari

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Honoshin Yonari

Zemnie Lonestar

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Galatea Decota

Brigznier, Gambeler

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: -
Occupation: -

Character Base: Rozelena Placiaurix

Moonlight Alternate

Moonlight Alternate

Quick Overview