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character:tami [2025/03/02 12:41] – [Introduction] Lukecharacter:tami [2025/03/02 14:51] (current) – [Table] Luke
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-^ Name / Titles: | //Full Name and other things character may be called. References to class titles and other things can be found here [[resource:Reference]]// +^ Name:                       Tamira "Tami" - The Matriarch of Twilight  
-^ [[culture:classes|Class]]:EXAPLECLASS (SUBCLASS//Class Character is, Subclass in brackets. See [[resource:Guides]] for a list of Classes and [[culture:classes|Class Lore]] for lore on the classes in Felwind.//  +^ [[culture:classes|Class]]:  15th Level Cleric (Twilight Domain       
-^ [[culture:Species]]://Species/Race your character is. see [[resource:Guides]] for a list of races you can choose from and [[culture:Species|Species Lore]] for lore details on all available races in Felwind// +^ [[culture:Species]]:        Harengon (Rabbigon)                        
-^ Nationality:- //what nation character considers home. The Normal mortal world and all is nations can be found here [[planes:Felwind]] If your looking for something outside the normal a list of all known planes outside and including the mortal worlds can be found here [[planes:Cosmology]]. // +^ Nationality:                Thron Throne                               
-^ Home: | - //Where character’s actual building home is if they have one.// |+^ Home:                       Nomadic, No Physical Home                  |
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 === Character Information === === Character Information ===
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-^Background:- //Mechanical Background, Normally what the Character was/is outside of an adventure or something tied to an origin story. Mostly for flavor but allows some starting gear and a Feat (If Allowed by the DM). // +^ Background:                Soldier of the Thorn Throne                           
-^Born:- (AGE) //Day-Month-YearCan exclude year. The Age of your character is mostly for Role Play but some mechanics do relate to ageing your character.//+^ Born:                      12265exact date is unknown                          
-^Alignment:- //Alignment character tends to gravitate towards. Chaotic, LawfulGood, Evil, Neutral. Mostly ignored in modern games of D&D but it may still come up depending on the DM.// +^ Alignment:                 | Lawful Good                                           
-^[[culture:Languages]]://Languages your characters speaks/Readsdictated by race, Background and Class but most start with 'Common'.// +^ [[culture:Languages]]:     CommonFey                                           
-^Tools:- //tools character is proficient with, Dictated by Race, Background and Class. Handy items to have tools often allow a character to carry out tasks they normally couldn't or grant a boost to skill checks.// +^ Tools:                                                                           
-^Gear:- //Gear character is proficient with, weapons, armor etc. This is dictated by Race, Background and Class. It determines what weapons and gear your character has knowledge In using. Trying to use something your not familiar with often ends in tragedy.// +^ Gear:                                                                            
-^Saves:- //Main Stat Saves character is proficient withThis is dictated by your class. All classes start with two main stat saves of the six available and they will help you in avoiding danger giving you a boost to those particular stat saving throws.// +^ Saves:                     WisdomCharisma                                      
-^Profession:- //How character earns money. Mostly for Role Play Purpose, may tie in with your background what your character does for coin. everything from baker to thief, Noble to prostitute or even if your only income is being an adventurer.// +^ Profession:                Cleric                                                
-^Affiliation:- //Organizations or groups character has relations with. More Role play stuff. its good to think about your character in the world. there are many established groups on the wiki that you character could join. Or if none of them fit quite right you can make a whole new one. Creating a group that works well in an established world can seem challenging but give it a go. You can find a list of Factions here [[faction:start|Factions]]// +^ Affiliation:               Twilight Cleric, Solder of the Thorn Throne (Former)  
-^[[religion:start|Faith]]:- //Gods character follows or no gods at all, There are many Gods or godlike beings that a character can relate too, Clerics and Paladins gain their power from faith, Warlocks from their servitude and sometimes its just ice to know you have a big goodly being to give you support. The list of faith can be found here [[religion:start|Faith]].// |+^ [[religion:start|Faith]]:                                                        |
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 ++++ View | ++++ View |
-^Level|0\\ (Class A 0)\\ (Class B 0)\\ | **Base Total** \\ 00 ||| +^ Level            15\\ (Cleric 15)\\  | **Base Total** \\ 00        ||| 
-^Init^Speed^Prof^ +^ Init             ^ Speed               ^ Prof                      | 
-|+0|30ft|+0+| +4               | 30ft                | +5                    |     
-^HP^AC^TempHP^ +^ HP               ^ AC                  ^ TempHP                    | 
-|00|00(00)|00| +98               | 00(00)              | 00                        
-^  Ability Scores  ^^^ +^  Ability Scores                                              |||     | 
-^STR^DEX^CON^ +^ STR              ^ DEX                 ^ CON                   |     | 
-|10(0)|10(0)|10(0)| +14(+2          | 10(0)               12(+1                   
-^ INT ^ WIS ^ CHA ^ +^ INT              ^ WIS                 ^ CHA                   |     | 
-| 10(0) | 10(0) | 10(0) | +| 10(0)            16(+3             14(+2                   
-^  Saving Throws  ^^^ +^  Saving Throws                                               |||     | 
-^STR^DEX^CON^ +^ STR              ^ DEX                 ^ CON                   |     | 
-|+0|+0|+0+| +2               | +1d4                | +1                    |     
-^INT^WIS^CHA^ +^ INT              ^ WIS                 ^ CHA                   |     | 
-|+0|+0|+0|+| +0               | +8                  | +7                    |     |
 //Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat// //Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat//
-| Acrobatics \\ (Dex)       | +0  | Medicine \\ (Wis)         | + | +| Acrobatics \\ (Dex)        | +0  | **Medicine \\ (Wis)**     | + | 
-| Animal Handling \\ (Wis)  | + | Nature \\ (Int)           | +0  | +| Animal Handling \\ (Wis)   | + | Nature \\ (Int)           | +0  | 
-| Arcana \\ (Int)           | +0  | Perception \\ (Wis)       | + | +| Arcana \\ (Int)            | +0  | **Perception \\ (Wis)**   | + | 
-| Athletics \\ (Str)        | + | Performance \\ (Cha)      | + | +**Athletics \\ (Str)**     | + | Performance \\ (Cha)      | + | 
-| Deception \\ (Cha)        | + | Persuasion \\ (Cha)       | + | +| Deception \\ (Cha)         | + | Persuasion \\ (Cha)       | + | 
-| History \\ (Int)          | +0  | Religion \\ (Int)         | +0  | +| History \\ (Int)           | +0  | Religion \\ (Int)         | +0  | 
-| Insight \\ (Wis)          | + | Sleight of Hand \\ (Dex)  | +0  | +**Insight \\ (Wis)**       | + | Sleight of Hand \\ (Dex)  | +0  | 
-| Intimidation \\ (Cha)     | + | Stealth \\ (Dex)          | +0  | +**Intimidation \\ (Cha)**  | + | Stealth \\ (Dex)          | +0  | 
-| Investigation \\ (Int)    | +0  | Survival \\ (Wis)         | + |+| Investigation \\ (Int)     | +0  | Survival \\ (Wis)         | + |
 //Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill// //Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill//
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 ===== History ===== ===== History =====
-Here you can stick that reaallly long Backstory you haveIf your introduction has hooked then they will continue reading here. However for any Dungeon master you may be trying to convince to let you play. everything they need to know should be put in the introduction.+==== Birth ====  
 +Tamera was born in 12265 after her parents immigrated to the Thorn Throne in 12264. Little is known about Tamera's parents, except that both parents passed away shortly after Tamera was born and only a bracelet bearing a symbol was left of their belongingsAfter their deaths Tamera was taken into a local orphanage run by a very patriotic woman, a Caretaker who instilled a fierce sense of loyalty and patriotism in her charges.\\ 
-This is also a good place to post updates to campaigns your character may have played in. If you are like me you may want to take the same character through multiple campaigns and having log of their adventures can go a long way to making them feel special.+==== Childhood ==== 
 +Tamera and the other orphans were looked down upon in the Thorn Throne, often getting bullied by other children or ignored by adults. This lead Tamera to becoming protective of her fellow orphans and fighting off bullies, and convincing the other orphans to help around the community in order to become more accepted in the glorious nation their Caretaker told them about. \\ 
 +Tamera also began investigating the bracelet her parents left for her but she was not able to find any meaning behind it. \\ 
 +==== Early Adulthood ==== 
 +As she grew from teenager to an adult, Tamera would begin chasing after thieves and shoplifters to return stolen items, creating a reputation as a minor folk hero in the areaAs she received thanks from the locals, Tamera and the other orphans aimed to join the City Watch to continue to make things better; but as tensions between Jardin and the Thorn Throne rose this dream changed to become soldiers and protect their home.\\ 
 +After finishing Bootcamp, Tamera would rise through the ranks and begin to lead her own squad, earning minor reputation as one of the Thorn Throne's Protectors.
-If you feel like making a full on story about your character you can create one here [[story:start|Stories]] or simply stick it here under a new header. 
  • character/tami.1740885082.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 11 days ago
  • by Luke