^ The Well Of Souls |||||||| ^Name|The Well Of Souls^Player|NPC^Race|^Level|00| ^Alignment|Chaotic Evil^Class|N/A^Status|Alive||| ^Age|Unkown^Birth|N/A ||||| |||||||| ^HP |00^AC |14^SPD |00ft ^Init |+0 | ^Bonus|+0^Passive|00^ N/A| - | - | |||||||| ^ Skills |||||||| ^STR|4 (-3)| | ||||| ^DEX|6 (-2)| | ||||| ^CON|10 (+0)| | ||||| ^INT|00(+0)| | ||||| ^WIS|00(+0)| | ||||| ^CHA|00(+0)| | ||||| ^Languages| Abyssal ||||||| ^Proficiencies| Resistance to Non-Magical Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning, Resistance Necrotic \\ Weakness Radiant, Fire ||||||| **Copy Spell** \\ As an Action you can copy and use one Spell of Level 3 or lower from the Host \\ You can only use this feature and equal number of times to your level halved. Multiattack: \\ If you attack with one of the melee attacks you can attack again with the other. **Bite** \\ 3 D6 + strength **Devour** \\ 5 D6 + Charisma **Envelope** \\ 3 D10 + Charisma **Skewer** \\ 6 D8 + Inteligance