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culture:species [2024/12/08 16:53] Cinderculture:species [2025/03/12 16:07] (current) Cinder
Line 4: Line 4:
 Here is a list of D&D 5th Edition PLayable Races and the lore relating to Felwind Here is a list of D&D 5th Edition PLayable Races and the lore relating to Felwind
-PHB((Player's Handbook)) \\ +=== History === 
-MTF((Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes)) \\ +**[[culture:outlawed|Outlawed]]**\\ 
-VGM((Volo's Guide to Monsters)) \\ +From 12286 to 12335 Tieflings, Dragonborn, Aasimar, and Changelings were outlawed within [[region:mor-thir|Mor-Thir]] as a result of the [[time:ashlem_war|Ashlem War]], in 12335 this was changed to only Tieflings being outlawed as [[faction:blinding_spear|Blinding Spear]] took the blame, making the remaining members outlawed however were unable to clear Tieflings because of their demonic heritage.\\
-SCAG((Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide)) \\ +
-S&F((Strongholds & Followers)) \\ +
-GMGR((Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica)) \\ +
- +
-  *Exceedingly Common +
-  *Common +
-  *Un-Common +
-  *Fairly Rare +
-  *Rare +
-  *Exceedingly Rare +
-  *Exotic +
-  *Legendary +
-  *Mythical +
-  *Unknown+
 ---- ----
Line 32: Line 18:
 ==== Human ==== ==== Human ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:human|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 38: Line 24:
 ^ Source:| PHB((Player's Handbook)) p.29 \\ [[homebrew:race:human|Homebrew]]  | ^ Source:| PHB((Player's Handbook)) p.29 \\ [[homebrew:race:human|Homebrew]]  |
 ^ Population:| Exceedingly Common | ^ Population:| Exceedingly Common |
-^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// |+^ Homeland:| //[[planes:cosmology|Various]]// |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
 Humans are by far the most common and the most maluible race in Felwind. You can find them pretty much anywhere. Though their biology is standard its very susceptible to change and so many hybrid races have spawned from humans communing with non-humans. \\ Humans are by far the most common and the most maluible race in Felwind. You can find them pretty much anywhere. Though their biology is standard its very susceptible to change and so many hybrid races have spawned from humans communing with non-humans. \\
Line 50: Line 36:
 ==== Elf ==== ==== Elf ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :culture:generic_elf.jpg?500 |}}+[[culture:elf|{{ :culture:generic_elf.jpg?500 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 56: Line 42:
 ^ Source:| PHB((Player's Handbook)) p.23 \\ MTF((Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes)) p.62 | ^ Source:| PHB((Player's Handbook)) p.23 \\ MTF((Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes)) p.62 |
 ^ Population:| Common | ^ Population:| Common |
-^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// |+^ Homeland:| //[[planes:cosmology|Various]]// |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text+Elves almost as Common as Humans in Felwind. With their wide variety of Subspecies the Elven Kin have adapted to a wide variety of different habitats.
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 66: Line 52:
 ==== Dwarf ==== ==== Dwarf ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:dwarf|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 72: Line 58:
 ^ Source:| PHB((Player's Handbook)) p.20 | ^ Source:| PHB((Player's Handbook)) p.20 |
 ^ Population:| Common | ^ Population:| Common |
-^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// |+^ Homeland:| //[[planes:cosmology|Various]]// |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text+A Healthy population of Dwarves call Felwind home. Though they are uncommonly seen outside their great underground cities.
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 82: Line 68:
 ==== Halfling ==== ==== Halfling ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:halfling|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 88: Line 74:
 ^ Source:| PHB((Player's Handbook)) p.29 \\ SCAG((Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide))p.110 | ^ Source:| PHB((Player's Handbook)) p.29 \\ SCAG((Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide))p.110 |
 ^ Population:| Un-Common | ^ Population:| Un-Common |
-^ Homeland://Realm, Nation// |+^ Homeland:[[planes:Felwind]] |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
 This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text
Line 101: Line 87:
 ==== Half-Elf ==== ==== Half-Elf ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:halfelf|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 107: Line 93:
 ^ Source:| PHB((Player's Handbook))p.38 | ^ Source:| PHB((Player's Handbook))p.38 |
 ^ Population:| Exceedingly Common | ^ Population:| Exceedingly Common |
-^ Homeland://Realm, Nation// |+^ Homeland:[[planes:Felwind]] |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text+With the high population of Humans and Elves in Felwind its no wonder that Half-Elves are seen just as commonly
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 117: Line 103:
 ==== Half-Orc ==== ==== Half-Orc ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:halforc|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 123: Line 109:
 ^ Source:| PHB((Player's Handbook))p.40 | ^ Source:| PHB((Player's Handbook))p.40 |
 ^ Population:| Un-Common | ^ Population:| Un-Common |
-^ Homeland://Realm, Nation// |+^ Homeland:[[planes:Felwind]] |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text+Its an Un-common sight to see a Half-Orc in Felwind. There tend to be a few handfuls guaranteed in every settlement. there is still a sense of Tension around them with most commoners.
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 133: Line 119:
 ==== Dragon-Born ==== ==== Dragon-Born ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:dragonborn|{{ :culture:dragonborn_generic.jpg?230 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 139: Line 125:
 ^ Source:| PHB((Player's Handbook))p.32 \\ S&F((Strongholds & Followers))p.224 | ^ Source:| PHB((Player's Handbook))p.32 \\ S&F((Strongholds & Followers))p.224 |
 ^ Population:| Common | ^ Population:| Common |
-^ Homeland://Realm, Nation// |+^ Homeland:[[planes:Felwind]] \\ [[planes:cosmology|Elemental Planes]] |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text+The High amount of Dragon-Born in Felwind is a testimate to the high population of true Dragons that live all around the world. Primal urges and curiosity are fallen for far more commonly when a Dragon is involved. 
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 149: Line 135:
 ==== Lizard-Folk ==== ==== Lizard-Folk ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:lizardfolk|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
 ^  [[culture:lizardfolk| Read More]]  ^^ ^  [[culture:lizardfolk| Read More]]  ^^
 ^ Source:| VGM((Volo's Guide to Monsters))p.111 | ^ Source:| VGM((Volo's Guide to Monsters))p.111 |
-^ Population://Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// +^ Population:| Rare | 
-^ Homeland://Realm, Nation// |+^ Homeland:[[region:eroded_archipelago|Eroded Archipelago]] \\ [[faction:Promise]] |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Texttexting Text that is testing the text+Much like GoliathLizard-Folk are an Islander based species. Their culture and traditions have not evolved much despite the world around moving forward. This doesn't make them savage or slow by any streach of the imagination. Their stubbornness has kept their people strong and sturdy. Any Lizard-Folk encountered should be treated with care and respect.
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 169: Line 155:
 ==== Tiefling ==== ==== Tiefling ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:tiefling|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 175: Line 161:
 ^ Source:| PHB((Player's Handbook))p.42 \\ SCAG((Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide))p.118 \\ MTF((Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes))p.22 | ^ Source:| PHB((Player's Handbook))p.42 \\ SCAG((Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide))p.118 \\ MTF((Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes))p.22 |
 ^ Population:| Rare | ^ Population:| Rare |
-^ Homeland://Realm, Nation// |+^ Homeland:[[planes:Felwind]] \\ [[planes:the_nine_hells|Nine Hells]] |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text+Tieflings being a Half-Breed of Devil or Demonic heritage with something more mortal such as an Elf or Human means their population is much more scarce. Those that are around tend to make tight-nit communities. Especial being one of the [[culture:Outlawed]] Species.
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 186: Line 172:
 ==== Aasimar ==== ==== Aasimar ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:aasimar|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 192: Line 178:
 ^ Source:| //Content Book// | ^ Source:| //Content Book// |
 ^ Population:| Fairly Rare | ^ Population:| Fairly Rare |
-^ Homeland://Realm, Nation// |+^ Homeland:[[planes:mount_celestia|Celestia]] |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text+Aasimar are very Rarely found in Felwind. Either the Half-Breed child of a Celestial and a Mortal or a Celestial who has lost its grace and called 'Fallen'
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 202: Line 188:
 ==== Triton ==== ==== Triton ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :culture:generic_triton.jpg?400 |}}+[[culture:triton|{{ :culture:generic_triton.jpg?400 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 210: Line 196:
 ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// | ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Texttexting Text that is testing the text+This race consists of a Varity of aquatic based peopleSea-Elves, Mermaids and some other more exotic specimens. Triton have one main settlement in Felwind, A Grand underwater city off the north-east coast of Promise that's bigger than some of the capital cities in Mor-Thir. Almost all Triton call this underwater city home. You will find many Triton in costal positions as ship crew, harbor hands or simple fishers.
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 218: Line 204:
 ==== Goliath ==== ==== Goliath ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:goliath|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 226: Line 212:
 ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// | ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Texttexting Text that is testing the text+A Species of people decedent from the procreation of mortal and Giant. a Cross-breed as suchGoliath are fairly rare in Felwind possible due to the disappearance of almost all giants from its lands. Those Goliath that are around make many tribes among the cold lands of Oxtrad and Aithein, Hight in mountains where they practice their culture heavily. very rare do Goliath interact with species outside their tribes.
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 238: Line 224:
 ==== Kenku ==== ==== Kenku ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:kenku|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 246: Line 232:
 ^ Homeland:| - | ^ Homeland:| - |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Texttexting Text that is testing the text+A Race of bird-folk brought about many millennia ago by a broken promise by one of the oldest New Gods. Robbed of the boon of flight and speech as punishment they have evolved to be rather sneaky and tricky creatures. Unlike Aaracockra most Kenku fall into a Corvian likeness of Crows or ravens. It is unheard-of to find a Kenku of anything differentThough their patterns and shapes do vary they are almost always akin to corvians.
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 254: Line 240:
 ==== Aarakocra ==== ==== Aarakocra ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:aarakocra|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 262: Line 248:
 ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// | ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Texttexting Text that is testing the text+A Race of Bird-FolkSubdivided based on their heritage of Owls, Birds of Prey, Forager birds, General and Mystical. These species are all capable of full flight and come in a massive variety of colours, shapes and sizes.
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 270: Line 256:
 ==== Tabaxi ==== ==== Tabaxi ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:tabaxi|{{ :culture:tabaxi_generic.jpg?200 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
 ^  [[culture:tabaxi| Read More]]  ^^ ^  [[culture:tabaxi| Read More]]  ^^
-^ Source://Content Book// +^ Source:VGM((Volo's Guide to Monsters)) p.113 
-^ Population:Un-Common |+^ Population:Rare-ish |
 ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// | ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Texttexting Text that is testing the text+Tabaxi in Felwind are a species of Anthropomorphic hominoids resembling felines and more rarely canines. Like their likeness they come in a very wide variety of colors and sizes resembling all manor of their less intelligent kinTigers, House cats, Jaguar, Hounds, Dogs and even some of the more magical versions of these creatures.
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 286: Line 272:
 ==== Leonin ==== ==== Leonin ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:leonin|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 306: Line 292:
 ==== Orc ==== ==== Orc ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:orc|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 322: Line 308:
 ==== Bugbear ==== ==== Bugbear ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:bugbear|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 338: Line 324:
 ==== Firbolg ==== ==== Firbolg ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:firbolg|{{ :culture:firbolg_1.jpg?500 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
 ^  [[culture:firbolg| Read More]]  ^^ ^  [[culture:firbolg| Read More]]  ^^
-^ Source://Content Book// |+^ Source:VGM((Volo's Guide to Monsters)) p.106 \\ MOTM((Monsters of the Multiverse)) p.000 |
 ^ Population:| Rare | ^ Population:| Rare |
-^ Homeland://Realm, Nation// |+^ Homeland:[[planes:Feywild]] {{faction:flag-arcadia.png?35|}} |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
 This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text
Line 354: Line 340:
 ==== Minotaur ==== ==== Minotaur ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:minotaur|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 377: Line 363:
 ==== Gnome ==== ==== Gnome ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:gnome|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 393: Line 379:
 ==== Goblin ==== ==== Goblin ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:goblin|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 407: Line 393:
 <WRAP box quarter column>  <WRAP box quarter column> 
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
-==== Hobgoblin ====+==== Loclath ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:loclath|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
-^  [[culture:hobgoblin| Read More]]  ^^+^  [[culture:loclath| Read More]]  ^^
 ^ Source:| //Content Book// | ^ Source:| //Content Book// |
 ^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// | ^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// |
 ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// | ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text+Includes frogs & Toads
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 425: Line 411:
 ==== Kobold ==== ==== Kobold ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:kobold|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 444: Line 430:
 ==== Changeling ==== ==== Changeling ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:changeling|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 460: Line 446:
 ==== Kalashtar ==== ==== Kalashtar ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:kalashtar|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 476: Line 462:
 ==== Genasi ==== ==== Genasi ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:genasi|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 484: Line 470:
 ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// | ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Texttexting Text that is testing the text+A Race of people born of Genie DecentPeople of High Elemental attunement usually relating to Fire, Air, Water or Earth
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 492: Line 478:
 ==== Yuan-Ti ==== ==== Yuan-Ti ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:yuanti|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 500: Line 486:
 ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// | ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Texttexting Text that is testing the text+NagaLamia and other snake based races
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 512: Line 498:
 ==== Tortle ==== ==== Tortle ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:tortle|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
 ^  [[culture:tortle| Read More]]  ^^ ^  [[culture:tortle| Read More]]  ^^
 ^ Source:| //Content Book// | ^ Source:| //Content Book// |
-^ Population://Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// |+^ Population:Exceedingly Rare |
 ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// | ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
Line 528: Line 514:
 ==== Warforged ==== ==== Warforged ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:warforged|{{ :culture:warforged_generic.jpg?200 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
 ^  [[culture:warforged| Read More]]  ^^ ^  [[culture:warforged| Read More]]  ^^
 ^ Source:| //Content Book// | ^ Source:| //Content Book// |
-^ Population://Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// |+^ Population:Rather Rare |
 ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// | ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
Line 544: Line 530:
 ==== Shifter ==== ==== Shifter ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:shifter|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 560: Line 546:
 ==== Simic Hybrid ==== ==== Simic Hybrid ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:simichybrid|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 568: Line 554:
 ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// | ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Texttexting Text that is testing the text+KrakenCrab, Lobster and other Aquatic species
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 580: Line 566:
 ==== Centaur ==== ==== Centaur ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:centaur|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 596: Line 582:
 ==== Harengon ==== ==== Harengon ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:harengon|{{ :culture:generic_harengon.jpg?200 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
 ^  [[culture:harengon| Read More]]  ^^ ^  [[culture:harengon| Read More]]  ^^
-^ Source://Content Book// +^ Source:MTF((Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes)) p.00 \\ WBW((Wild Beyond the Witchlight)) p.00 
-^ Population://Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// +^ Population:| Rare | 
-^ Homeland://Realm, Nation// |+^ Homeland:[[planes:Feywild]] |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-This is Test Texttexting Text that is testing the text+HarengonAlso known as //Rabbit-Folk// or //Rodent-Folk// are a species of Fey-Beast native to the //Feywild// \\ 
 +Thier origins are shrouded in mystery but histor shows they have been around in the //Feywild// for thousands and thousands of years. \\ 
 +Only in the past few hundred years have there been recorded sightings in //Felwind// \\
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 612: Line 600:
 ==== Loxodon ==== ==== Loxodon ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :culture:loxodon_generic.jpg?400 |}}+[[culture:loxodon|{{ :culture:loxodon_generic.jpg?400 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 628: Line 616:
 ==== Thri-Kreen ==== ==== Thri-Kreen ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:thrikreen|{{ :culture:thrikreen_1.jpg?500 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
-^  [[culture:trikreen| Read More]]  ^^+^  [[culture:thrikreen| Read More]]  ^^
 ^ Source:| //Content Book// | ^ Source:| //Content Book// |
 ^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// | ^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// |
Line 648: Line 636:
 ==== Gith ==== ==== Gith ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:gith|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 664: Line 652:
 ==== Plasmoid ==== ==== Plasmoid ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:plasmoid|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 678: Line 666:
 <WRAP box quarter column>  <WRAP box quarter column> 
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
-==== Undead ====+==== Fairy ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:fairy|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
-^  [[culture:undead| Read More]]  ^^+^  [[culture:fairy| Read More]]  ^^
 ^ Source:| //Content Book// | ^ Source:| //Content Book// |
 ^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// | ^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// |
Line 696: Line 684:
 ==== Folklora ==== ==== Folklora ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:folklora|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 710: Line 698:
 <WRAP clear /> <WRAP clear />
 +<WRAP clear />
 +<WRAP centeralign>
 +===== Unique / Monstrous =====
 <WRAP box quarter column>  <WRAP box quarter column> 
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
-==== Loclath ====+==== Dreamkin ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:dreamkin|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
-^  [[culture:loclath| Read More]]  ^^+^  [[culture:dreamkin| Read More]]  ^^
 ^ Source:| //Content Book// | ^ Source:| //Content Book// |
 ^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// | ^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// |
 ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// | ^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// |
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
-Includes frogs & Toads+This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text 
 +<WRAP box quarter column>  
 +<WRAP centeralign> 
 +==== Fey Corgi ==== 
 +[[culture:feycorgi|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]] 
 +<sup>Artist Credit</sup> 
 +^  [[culture:feycorgi| Read More]]  ^^ 
 +^ Source:| //Content Book// | 
 +^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// | 
 +^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// | 
 +++++ Race Blurb | 
 +This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text 
 +<WRAP box quarter column>  
 +<WRAP centeralign> 
 +==== Dragon ==== 
 +[[culture:dragon|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]] 
 +<sup>Artist Credit</sup> 
 +^  [[culture:dragon| Read More]]  ^^ 
 +^ Source:| //Content Book// | 
 +^ Population:| - | 
 +^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// | 
 +++++ Race Blurb | 
 +This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text 
 +<WRAP box quarter column>  
 +<WRAP centeralign> 
 +==== Giant ==== 
 +[[culture:giant|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]] 
 +<sup>Artist Credit</sup> 
 +^  [[culture:giant| Read More]]  ^^ 
 +^ Source:| //Content Book// | 
 +^ Population:| - | 
 +^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// | 
 +++++ Race Blurb | 
 +This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 729: Line 773:
 <WRAP clear /> <WRAP clear />
 +<WRAP box quarter column> 
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
-===== Unique =====+==== Hag ==== 
 +[[culture:hag|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]] 
 +<sup>Artist Credit</sup> 
 +^  [[culture:hag| Read More]]  ^^ 
 +^ Source:| //Content Book// | 
 +^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// | 
 +^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// | 
 +++++ Race Blurb | 
 +This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text 
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP box quarter column>  <WRAP box quarter column> 
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
-==== Dreamkin ====+==== Beholder ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:beholder|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
-^  [[culture:dreamkin| Read More]]  ^^+^  [[culture:beholder| Read More]]  ^^
 ^ Source:| //Content Book// | ^ Source:| //Content Book// |
 ^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// | ^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// |
Line 751: Line 807:
 <WRAP box quarter column>  <WRAP box quarter column> 
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
-==== Fey Corgi ====+==== Ilithid ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:ilithid|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
-^  [[culture:feycorgi| Read More]]  ^^+^  [[culture:ilithid| Read More]]  ^^
 ^ Source:| //Content Book// | ^ Source:| //Content Book// |
 ^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// | ^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// |
Line 767: Line 823:
 <WRAP box quarter column>  <WRAP box quarter column> 
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
-==== RACE NAME ====+==== Undead ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:undead|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
-^  [[culture:race| Read More]]  ^^+^  [[culture:undead| Read More]]  ^^
 ^ Source:| //Content Book// | ^ Source:| //Content Book// |
 ^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// | ^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// |
Line 778: Line 834:
 ++++ Race Blurb | ++++ Race Blurb |
 This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text
 +<WRAP clear />
 +<WRAP box quarter column> 
 +<WRAP centeralign>
 +==== Vampire ====
 +[[culture:vampire|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 +<sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 +^  [[culture:vampire| Read More]]  ^^
 +^ Source:| //Content Book// |
 +^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// |
 +^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// |
 +++++ Race Blurb |
 +This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text
 +<WRAP box quarter column> 
 +<WRAP centeralign>
 +==== WereBeast ====
 +[[culture:werebeast|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 +<sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 +^  [[culture:werebeast| Read More]]  ^^
 +^ Source:| //Content Book// |
 +^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// |
 +^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// |
 +++++ Race Blurb |
 +This is Test Text, texting Text that is testing the text
 +<WRAP box quarter column> 
 +<WRAP centeralign>
 +==== Amalgamation ====
 +{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}
 +<sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 +^  [[culture:amalgamation| Read More]]  ^^
 +^ Source:| //Content Book// |
 +^ Population:| //Common, Rare, Exotic, Unknown// |
 +^ Homeland:| //Realm, Nation// |
 +++++ Race Blurb |
 +A Classification for creatures such as Chimera or hybrid/crossbreeds that fall outside of other classifications
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
Line 796: Line 902:
 ++++ ++++
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +<WRAP clear />
 <WRAP centeralign> <WRAP centeralign>
Line 805: Line 913:
 ==== Suchus ==== ==== Suchus ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:suchus|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 821: Line 929:
 ==== Daialis ==== ==== Daialis ====
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}+[[culture:daialis|{{ :wiki:media:template.png?100 |}}]]
 <sup>Artist Credit</sup> <sup>Artist Credit</sup>
 \\ \\
Line 869: Line 977:
 +PHB((Player's Handbook)) \\
 +MTF((Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes)) \\
 +VGM((Volo's Guide to Monsters)) \\
 +SCAG((Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide)) \\
 +S&F((Strongholds & Followers)) \\
 +GMGR((Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica)) \\
 +MOTM((Monsters of the Multiverse)) \\
 +  *Exceedingly Common
 +  *Common
 +  *Un-Common
 +  *Fairly Rare
 +  *Rare
 +  *Exceedingly Rare
 +  *Exotic
 +  *Legendary
 +  *Mythical
 +  *Unknown
  • culture/species.1733642583.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 3 months ago
  • by Cinder