{{tag>covania nation noble}}
====== Kingdom of Covania ======
{{ faction:flag-covania.png?300 |}}
{{url>https://map.nightcall.net/#-120,305,2z 300,300}}
^ Captial | [[town:Sunwood]] |
^ Largest City | [[town:Sunwood]] |
^ National Languages | Common (Colvillian)\\ Elvish\\ |
^ Religion | ++ Various | \\ 45% Waukeen\\ 30% Tyr\\ 15% Bane\\ 10% Other/None ++ |
^ Demonym(s) | Covanian |
^ Government | **Monarchy**\\ [[faction:hayton|King Jonas Hayton II]] |
^ Formation | **Date** Event |
^ Population | Total 450,000 ++More|\\ 0% Human\\ 0% Elf\\ 0% Dwarf\\ 0% Gnome\\ ++ |
^ Alliances | {{:faction:flag-royalcon.png?30 }}[[faction:conglomerate|Royal Conglomerate]] \\ {{:faction:flag-retonemp.png?30 }}[[faction:reton|Reton Empire]] \\ {{:faction:flag-oxtrad.png?30 }}[[faction:oxtrad|Crown of Oxtrad]] \\ |
Covania is on the South East coast of [[region:mor-thir|Mor-Thir]] and shares borders with [[faction:reton]] to the West and [[faction:oxtrad]] to the North. Covania is ruled by the Kingdom of Covania and established a large alliance called the [[faction:conglomerate|Royal Conglomerate]] with the [[faction:oxtrad|Crown of Oxtrad]] during war between each other a large rift to [[planes:The Nine Hells]] was opened near the border causing mass casualties on both sides, shortly after the rift was opened the Royal Conglomerate was formed and managed to close the rift and establish new laws around demonic and corrupted races.
Covania was formed during the [[time:dragon_crisis|Dragon Crisis]] when the first King of Covania, Reginald Hayton, rallied the nation against the draconic rule of the [[faction:usermaatre|Usermaatre]], the crisis spanned 200 years with Reginald naming his new nation after the grand city of Covania which was razed by the dragons.
===== Regions =====
*[[region:cunning_expanse|Cunning Expanse]]
*[[region:Golden Coast]]
*[[region:Narod Desert]]
*[[region:Ashlem Rise]]
*[[region:Harburns Woods]]
*[[region:Gatiby Jungle]]
=====12337 Hierarchy=====
| | | | | | | | | KNG |~| QUN | | | | |KNG=King Jonas Hayton II|QUN=Queen Nikita Hayton
| | | |,|-|-|-|-|-|+|-|-|-|-|-|.| | | |
| | | PCH | | | | PEH | | | | PMH | | |PCH=Prince Clarence Hayton|PEH=Princess Eleanor Hayton|PMH=Princess Mavis Hayton
| |,|-|^|-|.| | | |!| | | |,|-|^|-|.| |
| GLD | | NRD | | CUN | | HRB | | GTB |GLD=Prince Edward Hayton|NRD=Duchess Maisie|CUN=Duke Dryton|HRB=Duke Caspian|GTB=Duchess Helena
King Jonas Hayton II \\
Queen Nikita Hayton\\
Prince Clarence Hayton (Narod Desert & Golden Coast)\\
Princess Eleanor Hayton (Ashlem Rise & Cunning Expanse)\\
Princess Mavis Hayton (Harburns Woods & Gatiby Jungle)\\
Prince Edward Hayton (Golden Coast)\\
Duchess Maisie (Narod Desert)\\
Duke Bryton (Cunning Expanse)\\
Duke Caspian (Harburns Woods)\\
Duchess Helena (Gatiby Jungle)\\
N/A (Ashlem Rise)\\
King/Queen - Nation\\
Prince/Princess - Multiple regions\\
Duke/Duchess - Region\\
Lord/Lady - Town
The Sunguard is split into three distinct sections, King's Council, King's Army, and Sunwood Cityguard.
====King's Council====
The King's Council is a very select and small group of members that meet to resolve both national and international situations, members are selected on a personal and familiar basis amongst both current members and their public standing. Current members are:
**King Jonas Hayton II**, no introduction needed, a King's Council requires a King
**Advisor: Master Eless**, is the primary advisor to the council in matters of both political and arcane. Eless currently holds the position of Master of Illusion & Transmutation at [[faction:remon_academy|Remon's Academy]]
**Captain: Nikolas**, also the Commander for the Paladins of [[religion:tyr|Tyr]] at the local temple, Nikolas helps with the management and training of the King's Army and to lesser extent to the Sunwood Cityguard.
**Resources: Renfry V**, Chief Operations Officer for the [[faction:gold_alliance|Gold Alliance]], Renfry V manages and tracks the Sunguard's resources and their availabilty. Name something the council requires Renfry will know where it is or who to talk to for it.
**Spy: Marcus**, little is known about Marcus and the council likes it that way, only calling for his services in desperate times if they are unable to achieve their goal themselves
====King's Army====
The King's Army is the King's personal forces typically not apart of the greater Covanian Army, these troops are the elite of the elite, highly trained and diverse collection of individuals. In times of need task forces are created under the King's Army banner either being selected from existing forces or hiring of highly skilled mercenaries such as [[faction:blinding_spear|Task Force: Blinding Spear]], or a mixture of both.
====Sunwood Cityguard====
The Cityguard's training is very similar to the Covanian Army's but with a much larger and deeper focus or urban combat and tactics, one of their first tasks is to memorise every street, park, feature, and district within the Sunwood.
Burnt Orange with black triangles in top left and bottom right.