{{tag>family covania}}
{{ faction:flag-covania.png?300 |}} /*Flag*/
^Motto| |
^Current Location|[[faction:covania|Covania]]|
^Place of Origin|[[faction:covania|Covania]]|
^Estate(s)|[[town:sunwood|Hayton Castle, Sunwood]]|
====== Hayton Family ======
| | REG | |REG=Reginald Hayton
| | |:| | |
| | YRS | |YRS=//~3,500 years//
| | |:| | |
| | JON |y| NIK |JON=Jonas Hayton II|NIK=Nikita Hayton
| | |,|-|^|-|v|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|.| |
| | CLA | | ELE | | MAV | | EDW |CLA=Clarence Hayton|ELE=Eleanor Hayton|MAV=Mavis Hayton|EDW=Edward Hayton
**Reginald Hayton** 8670~8970 (~300)\\
The first King of Covania as he formed the nation during the [[time:dragon_crisis|Dragon Crisis]].
**Jonas Hayton II** born 12243 (94)\\
The current King of Covania, Jonas was named after his grand-father was 19 when he became King, and 21 when the [[time:ashlem_war|Ashlem War]] broke out.
**Nikita Hayton** born 12250 (87)\\
The current Queen of Covania,
**Clarence Hayton** born 12280 (57)\\
**Eleanor Hayton** born 12283 (54)\\
**Mavis Hayton** born 12287 (50)\\
**Edward Hayton** born 12291 (46)\\