Darwin's List of effective Alternative / Variant Rules for D&D 5th Edition

Here is an easy to understand list of the alternative rules i am running in my games as Dungeon Master.

1) Brutal Critical

Brutal Critical:
When a critical hit is made, rather than rolling double the dice you instead maximize the possible damage done by the damage dice THEN roll damage dice as normal, adding the two together.
Both Friends and Foes have this rule in effect

Why this rule?

2) Critical Failure Safety

When rolling a D20 for a skill check friend or foe a critical failure (result of 1 on the D20) DOESN'T guarantee failure.
When rolling a D20 for a skill check friend or foe a critical success (result of 20 on the D20) DOESN'T guarantee success.

Why this rule?

3) Better Potions

Better Potions:
ACTION: Potions may be used as an Action to receive the maximum possible healing.
BONUS ACTION: Potions can be used as a bonus Action to receive the standard D&D 5th Edition Healing amount.
THROWN: Potions can be thrown at a creature for healing requiring a successful attack roll.

Why this rule?

4) System Shock (Massive Damage)

System Shock:
When a creatures takes more than half their maximum health as damage in a single turn they must make a Constitution saving throw DC 15. on a failed save the player rolls a D10 to determine the result as their body goes into 'System Shock.“

5) Critical Attack Failure +

When a creature rolls a D20 that results in a 1 on an attack roll they will suffer a negative effect based on the situation such as dropping their weapon, tripping prone or taking damage.

Why this rule?

Spell Abuse Clause

A list of specific spells that require their specific material components and cannot be ignored with a spell focus like normal, Materials with a gold cost still need to be paid.

Hero Points

Different to Inspiration points
Characters may revive Hero points at the end of a session based on Role play and actions performed.

Taking a 20

Taken from Viva Dirt League's NPC D&D cause its a cool idea.

If players fail a skill check they can choose (If Dungeon Master Allows) to 'Take 20'
Depending on the skill check as dictated by the Dungeon Master they can allow the players 20 Un-interrupted Minuets in game time to automatically succeed on a skill check.
This may not be possible due to the nature of the task or environment it is up to the Dungeon master as each situations arises.

Why this rule?

Gold = Materials

If a spell requires a specific component with a gold value players can instead use the raw gold amount rather than the specific material if they don’t have the specific material.

Why this rule?

D&D 2024, Bonus Feat

Your characters gain a bonus feat as part of your background, this replaces the Background feature you would normally get. It cannot be an Abilities Score improvement and should relate to your background in someway.

Maximum Encumbrance

Using Foundry VTT means its easy to track the weight of items on party members. Meaning if players hit thier maximum load teir speed is reduced to 0 as they have “Reached their Limit”

Tie Goes to the Player Favorably

Taken from Viva Dirt League's NPC D&D cause its a cool idea.
When a skill, attack, save or otherwise results in a tie (example: Attack roll matching the Armor class) the result will always ac positively in the players favor.