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The alliance between, the Kingdom of Covania, the Crown of Oxtrad, and the Reton Empire formed after during and after the Ashlem War in 12264.

The Reton Empire reigns over the land of Reton.

The Kingdom of Covania, leads the largest army of the three nations on Mor-Thir.

The Crown of Oxtrad.

The Greyhawk Rangers are the protectors of Greyhawk Forest in Reton, often sent on diplomatic missions to protect or to destroy threats to the land.
Members include: Caelynn, Victoria, and Varis

A Cult devoted to bringing Narkul a powerful lich back from his banishment so he can reclaim his lost throne and restore the land he once ruled.

Black list is a massive underground thief and Assassin guild that spans across Reton and Covania. Read more...

A small group of bandits based in South Reton near the Greyhawk forrest.

A group of Outlawed Dragonborn and Tieflings in the Mulburg Marsh.

Vien is a Moment of Blood Hunters. Most officials deny their existence and you may find yourself in hot water if you push further.
Vien is what is left of the dishonored practice, during the great war thier were hired by Oxtrad as Hunters of some of the most vile and monstrous of Demons to come out of the portal.
However after the Portal was closed the Hunters were tricked into hunting down the now outlawed races being told that these creatures were part of the demonic plague.
The leaders only learned too late and the Conglogermant moved to purge the hunters. Those that survived fled into the deepest parts of Harburs Forrest, Dishonored and broken they were thought to have withered away into madness. Read more...

A small super elite group of Soldiers under the command of Zyllis during the Ashlem war and the post war duties. Haling from the land of Exilis this group held abilities and magic not yet seen in Mor-thir. After the war most members returned to Exilis disbanding the group after learning of the corrupt nature of their leaders in Corvania. however its rumored that some stayed behind. Read more...

A large diverse family with origins rooted in the Nine Hells. They spread through race and generations with some members being as old as Time. Followers of the Outer Old God Nyala that watches over the family members. The family spans a wide variety of races but they eyes of a Decota are always the same.
Weather you are a direct blood link or brought in with marriage or adoption all members of the family are treated equally.

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  • Last modified: 5 years ago
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