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item:golder_s_paint_set [2024/09/18 07:36] Cinderitem:golder_s_paint_set [2024/09/25 15:47] (current) Cinder
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 A creature using this set of paints will have advantage on the performance check for the resulting product.  A creature using this set of paints will have advantage on the performance check for the resulting product. 
 +**Soul Painting** \\
 +You can dedicate 10 empty pigment bottles to collecting the pigments of a single creature. \\
 +Once you have done that you can spend 8 hours painting an animated portrait as normal, Once finished the creature can make a charisma save (DC00) or have their soul sucked into the painting (A creature with a Charisma score of 22 or higher is immune to this effect), becoming sealed in it. \\
 +A creature who's soul is trapped in a painting can see and hear the world around them so long as the painting is facing it. They can speak but they cannot cast spells or take any actions. \\
 +Inside the painting is a small pocket dimension, a 20ft cube that takes the appearance of the background that was painting by the artist, such as grassland, beach, indoors, etc.
 +The creature trapped cannot escape without outside assistance. If the Painting is badly damaged then the trap is broken and the soul is freed. if the body is still on the same plane of existence then the soul returns to the body. If not then the Soul becomes a spectre.
 +**Canvas Sanctuary** 
 +Spending a long time and a lot of work the painter can paint a whole demi plane. 
  • item/golder_s_paint_set.1726610803.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 6 months ago
  • by Cinder