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item:mirror_of_conversation [2024/01/27 11:30] Cinderitem:mirror_of_conversation [2025/03/13 13:30] (current) – [Mirror of Conversation] Cinder
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 ^  Where is the 2nd Mirror?  ^^^ ^  Where is the 2nd Mirror?  ^^^
 ^ d8 ^ Location ^ Possessor ^ ^ d8 ^ Location ^ Possessor ^
-| 1 | [[region:Mor-Thir]] | A High Ranking Noble who uses it as a normal mirror |+| 1 | [[region:Mor-Thir]] | A High Ranking Noble who uses it as a normal mirror, Unaware of its true nature. |
 | 2 | [[region:Ostrov]] | The mirror is in an empty dungeon as Loot | | 2 | [[region:Ostrov]] | The mirror is in an empty dungeon as Loot |
-| 3 | [[faction:Promise]] | Set up in a private dressing room |+| 3 | [[faction:Promise]] | Set up in a private dressing room, Its true nature unknown to the owner. |
 | 4 | [[faction:Perditsula]] | Stored away in a Dragon's Hoard belonging too [[character:dyndryd|Dyndryd the Eternal]] | | 4 | [[faction:Perditsula]] | Stored away in a Dragon's Hoard belonging too [[character:dyndryd|Dyndryd the Eternal]] |
 | 5 | [[planes:Feywild]] | **Master Movrag** One of [[faction:remon_academy|Remon Academy's]] Masters | | 5 | [[planes:Feywild]] | **Master Movrag** One of [[faction:remon_academy|Remon Academy's]] Masters |
 | 6 | [[planes:Underdark]] | In a shop waiting to be sold | | 6 | [[planes:Underdark]] | In a shop waiting to be sold |
-| 7 | [[planes:the_nine_hells| 9 Hells]] | Held as a trinket by a monster in a dungeon |+| 7 | [[planes:the_nine_hells| 9 Hells]] | Held as a trinket by a roaming monster |
 | 8 | [[planes:mount_celestia|Mount Celestia]] | [[character:heleste| Heleste Toumond]] Member of 'The Fellowship of the Alicorn' | | 8 | [[planes:mount_celestia|Mount Celestia]] | [[character:heleste| Heleste Toumond]] Member of 'The Fellowship of the Alicorn' |
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 **Folgo's Hideout** \\ **Folgo's Hideout** \\
 +A recent gift from a Genie of the //Feywild//. Linked to a Mirror located in [[location:house_xelor|House Xelor]] this mirror is primarily used by Folgo to journey to and from his partner [[character:luanier]]. Being in his hideout the Mirror is imbedded on the 2nd floor of the tower.
 **Sea Spire & Palance of Vrugbaar** \\ **Sea Spire & Palance of Vrugbaar** \\
-(Recently moved)+(Recently moved) \\ 
 +Was once located in Professor Stem's personal study however since the closure of the [[location:sea_spire|Sea Spire]] it has been put into storage awaiting a new permanent location. Its pair was located in the Feywild but has also been moved to LOCATION
  • item/mirror_of_conversation.1706320849.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 14 months ago
  • by Cinder